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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight23.65 BTS
Lifetime fees paid9.6 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 21.8
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
CISCOCOM 0.00001
ca7abe3e sent 3,982,521 COMPUCEEDS to
f5ac7334 sent 8,298 BTCPLUS to
virtual cancel order
59a6c2b0 sent 5 BTS to
256c4339 sent 5 BTS to
7c381f7e update account/votes
13bc1262 sent 0.1 DEEX to
fc5c1249 wants 167,992,000 USD for 8,000 BTCPLUS
265770a9 wants 8,200 BTCPLUS for 604 BTS
virtual paid 604 BTS for 8,200 BTCPLUS
1900b8df sent 4,660 BTCPLUS to
b97db608 wants 5,000 BTCPLUS for 369 BTS
virtual paid 6 BTS for 81.2 BTCPLUS
db03d15c paid 238 BTS for 3,218 BTCPLUS
a7184084 paid 125.7 BTS for 1,701 BTCPLUS
3da48915 sent 4,600 BTCPLUS to
f10cc359 cancel order
2139a84e sent 5,300 BTCPLUS to
cd68a469 cancel order
6871b919 sent 6,763 BTCPLUS to
7249375e cancel order
893ddc3c sent 5,200 BTCPLUS to
dba996d6 cancel order
98d8d100 sent 14 BTS to
999d353d wants 34,945,340 USD for 4,660 BTCPLUS
98512e7f wants 4,744 BTCPLUS for 700 BTS
virtual paid 700 BTS for 4,744 BTCPLUS
d8694f91 wants 31,794,700 USD for 5,300 BTCPLUS
936ef072 wants 5,422 BTCPLUS for 800 BTS
virtual paid 800 BTS for 5,422 BTCPLUS
198cbada wants 30,426,737 USD for 6,763 BTCPLUS
c8c843a0 cancel order
75cce167 wants 23,394,800 USD for 5,200 BTCPLUS
485d8925 cancel order
befa2b2d wants 4,182 BTCPLUS for 790 BTS
virtual paid 790 BTS for 4,182 BTCPLUS
824620f5 wants 20,897,855 USD for 4,645 BTCPLUS
ebb91c52 wants 4,746 BTCPLUS for 600 BTS
virtual paid 600 BTS for 4,746 BTCPLUS
107867b0 wants 14,558,764 USD for 3,236 BTCPLUS
3a9873bd cancel order
6744aece sent 1,139 BTCPLUS to
ab71d79e cancel order
81dce949 wants 12,475,000 USD for 2,500 BTCPLUS
645ed251 wants 3,336 BTCPLUS for 1,589 BTS
virtual paid 1,589 BTS for 3,336 BTCPLUS
63950eb7 sent 55,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
d866ea5a wants 3,411,305 USD for 1,139 BTCPLUS
4442304a cancel order
80a681f6 wants 535 BTCPLUS for 123 BTS
virtual paid 123 BTS for 535 BTCPLUS
f027edf9 wants 47,074,172 COMPUCEEDS for 100 BTS
virtual paid 100 BTS for 47,074,172 COMPUCEEDS
93dd8c6b wants 4,898,850 COMPUCEEDS for 10.36 BTS
virtual paid 10.36 BTS for 4,898,850 COMPUCEEDS
77a97c07 wants 7,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 14.73 BTS
virtual paid 14.73 BTS for 7,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
157c1466 wants 25 CRYPTOCEEDS for 5.33 BTS
virtual paid 5.33 BTS for 25 CRYPTOCEEDS
ee0cb101 wants 1,967,715 USD for 657 BTCPLUS
61e0e178 wants 730 BTCPLUS for 138 BTS
virtual paid 138 BTS for 731 BTCPLUS
683ff0d3 update account/votes
9ab30319 sent 500 COMPUCEEDS to
8ba88a4b sent 100 BTS to
164fc9d9 update account/votes