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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.528 BTS
Lifetime fees paid17.35 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 0.528
VIRGROW 0.1376
DEEX 0.1
003befff sent 0.1 DEEX to
a7207145 sent 124.3 CRYPTOCEEDS to
77e6f94b sent 8,891,291 COMPUCEEDS to
bd7714ec sent 0.747 CRYPTOCEEDS to
ec1ee075 sent 0.966 COMPUCEEDS to
906a3076 cancel order
163699ba cancel order
d39749ba sent 17 BTS to
58c6b24e sent 30 BTCPLUS to
60e6451c cancel order
702dc78a sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
994470b3 cancel order
8aaf3a32 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
b1c986b3 sent 6.5 BTCPLUS to
2585a504 cancel order
30d80972 sent 25 BTS to
19dadeb4 sent 500 BTS to
fcf47ad2 sent 246.3 IFLTPOOL to
c2d87436 sent 0.137 ZAPPL to
c0bb8e96 sent 11 PPBITS to
bb2e3b35 sent 100.4 TASKMANAGER to
7202401c sent 59 ELOAD to
940f6e4a sent 10.93 BLOCKPAY to
e1ae0610 sent 100.5 OCEANIA to
84b351bd sent 100.6 CRYPTOCEEDS to
bde61f4b sent 0.0001 COMPUCEEDS to
96284a77 sent 0.411 OPEN.STEEM to
9840e331 sent 222 CADASTRAL to
50e53698 sent 0.0000997 BTCPLUS to
9907df50 sent 0.00001 OPEN.ETH to
e4ea98be sent 36.6 USD to
998bedb3 sent 38 CNY to
475539b6 sent 35,100,018 COMPUCEEDS to
046cceed cancel order
f1cc4a8f wants 36.5 USD for 500 CADASTRAL
6ca18565 paid 500 CADASTRAL for 36.5 USD
0f5a0868 sent 500 BTS to
523557df wants 269,970 USD for 30 BTCPLUS
f8a25c1a cancel order
60d0b3ff wants 269,970 BTS for 30 BTCPLUS
993fb0de wants 50 OCEANIA for 4.96 BTS
virtual paid 4.96 BTS for 50 OCEANIA
00a4b52b sent 50 BTCPLUS to
a77f9bb2 wants 5,999,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
c4fbb590 cancel order
687f8cf6 wants 5,999,000 BTS for 1,000 BTCPLUS
0d039c5c wants 200 BTCPLUS for 28.2 BTS
virtual paid 28.2 BTS for 200 BTCPLUS
c3915c70 wants 1,000 BTCPLUS for 141 BTS
virtual paid 141 BTS for 1,000 BTCPLUS
62e05936 paid 218.6 CADASTRAL for 525 BTS
015c43eb paid 0.112 CADASTRAL for 0.271 BTS
d33c0132 wants 1,200 BTS for 500 CADASTRAL
virtual paid 6.25 CADASTRAL for 15 BTS
5cf8466f paid 205.6 CADASTRAL for 494 BTS
406b2a36 paid 8.85 CADASTRAL for 21.23 BTS
f89251ba paid 53 CADASTRAL for 127 BTS
0bcfcd13 paid 3.22 CADASTRAL for 7.73 BTS
62f9b446 paid 3.065 CADASTRAL for 7.36 BTS
016610b1 paid 0.828 CADASTRAL for 1.988 BTS
d34517b4 paid 0.533 CADASTRAL for 1.28 BTS
4cd87380 wants 11.06 BTS for 10 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 10 BLOCKPAY for 11.06 BTS
6b1b9711 sent 2,750 BTCPLUS to
a441155d cancel order
686e0893 wants 29,244 USD for 6.5 BTCPLUS
1df46990 wants 7,920,000 USD for 2,750 BTCPLUS
8c544280 cancel order
dcfb2ab9 sent 5,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
89d2ae5a wants 100,000 COMPUCEEDS for 5 BTS
virtual paid 5 BTS for 100,000 COMPUCEEDS
d5b06b17 wants 3,125 BTS for 125 CRYPTOCEEDS
23a5cd30 wants 222,282,500 BTS for 8,891,300 COMPUCEEDS
b754faae wants 8,236,250 USD for 2,750 BTCPLUS
29be68bb cancel order
3f740a46 wants 8,097,300 USD for 2,700 BTCPLUS
71c8eae0 cancel order
87001169 cancel order
65800dfa wants 100 BTCPLUS for 26.4 BTS
virtual paid 26.4 BTS for 100 BTCPLUS
a8a93ed5 wants 2,999,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
e52c6f32 wants 500 BTCPLUS for 57.8 BTS
virtual paid 57.8 BTS for 500 BTCPLUS
13cc2ca9 wants 4,498,500 USD for 1,500 BTCPLUS
c361b41f cancel order
7f39635b wants 90 BTCPLUS for 15.3 BTS
virtual paid 15.3 BTS for 90 BTCPLUS
0fb5d986 wants 4,492,500 BTS for 1,500 BTCPLUS
90feab8b paid 8.7 BTS for 15 BTCPLUS
896e523e wants 15 BTCPLUS for 8.7 BTS
c6434f82 cancel order
79fe132b sent 50 BTCPLUS to
0cea3d44 cancel order
f2912b54 sent 500 BTCPLUS to
0a9df227 cancel order
6e72c397 sent 50 BTCPLUS to
e26aa1f7 sent 50 BTCPLUS to
fa3916ef cancel order
a23deaf5 paid 1.007 OPEN.STEEM for 1 PPBITS
e50165c1 paid 8.06 OPEN.STEEM for 8 PPBITS
71784f4a wants 749,500 USD for 500 BTCPLUS
2deff00c wants 72,500 USD for 50 BTCPLUS
082be0fc wants 75,000 USD for 50 BTCPLUS
33c4fad7 wants 74,950 USD for 50 BTCPLUS
e84693db cancel order
8e083433 wants 2,248,500 USD for 1,500 BTCPLUS
0442a3a5 paid 77 BTS for 4.2 BLOCKPAY
virtual cancel order
0611c4c9 paid 105.9 BTS for 5.77 BLOCKPAY
ca38e85b wants 10 BLOCKPAY for 183.4 BTS
virtual paid 0.55 BTS for 0.03 BLOCKPAY
707dbf20 paid 136.7 BTS for 14.73 CNY
0f72316b wants 26 CNY for 241.4 BTS
virtual paid 4.64 BTS for 0.5 CNY
690b5913 paid 100 BTS for 10.77 CNY
1db55e02 wants 10 PPBITS for 10.07 OPEN.STEEM
virtual paid 1.007 OPEN.STEEM for 1 PPBITS
fd020537 wants 10,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 359 BTS
virtual paid 359 BTS for 10,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
c796ec21 wants 10,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 490 BTS
virtual paid 490 BTS for 10,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
e2f321c9 wants 10 ELOAD for 0.043 USD
virtual paid 0.043 USD for 10 ELOAD
8289ee79 wants 10 CNY for 112 BTS
virtual paid 112 BTS for 10 CNY
26e6cb6c wants 100 CADASTRAL for 94 BTS
virtual paid 94 BTS for 100 CADASTRAL
e8d5ac39 wants 10 ELOAD for 0.043 USD
virtual paid 0.043 USD for 10 ELOAD
2507724d wants 0.1376 VIRGROW for 135.2 BTS
virtual paid 135.2 BTS for 0.1376 VIRGROW
7aeec40f wants 11.36 BLOCKPAY for 236 BTS
virtual paid 236 BTS for 11.36 BLOCKPAY
8bace4ff wants 100 CRYPTOCEEDS for 700 BTS
virtual paid 270 BTS for 38.6 CRYPTOCEEDS
34084387 paid 18.8 BTS for 2.685 CRYPTOCEEDS
c09152e7 paid 201.3 BTS for 28.76 CRYPTOCEEDS
6f3b27f1 paid 210 BTS for 30 CRYPTOCEEDS
virtual cancel order
580bf24c wants 1,000 BTCPLUS for 400 BTS
virtual paid 400 BTS for 1,000 BTCPLUS
d96f3871 sent 0.0313 OPEN.BTC to
1dc7b891 paid 1,000 COMPUCEEDS for 0.0642 BTS
0e5ea0a7 wants 0.0642 BTS for 1,000 COMPUCEEDS