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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight6.68 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1,471 BTS
Cashback/vesting4.59 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 21.9
GOOGL 0.00001
17c85b1c withdraw 20.04 BTS from vesting
f6ae8483 sent 50 BTS to
394a872e sent 1,800 BTS to
166b65c6 paid 4,323 BTS for 980 CNY
3c880bb0 adjust collateral by 197.8 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
17da4db1 sent 200 BTS to
e7e6a5bc sent 0.00001 BTS to
ac184a34 adjust collateral by 514 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
a0c1cbed wants 476 BTS for 140 CNY
virtual paid 0.292 CNY for 1 BTS
virtual paid 139.7 CNY for 478 BTS
252178c5 adjust collateral by 781 BTS, debt by 140 CNY
04c2d9c5 adjust collateral by -760 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
235337be adjust collateral by 317 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
600fbe3b wants 76 BTS for 20 CNY
virtual paid 20 CNY for 76 BTS
6c9a94d4 adjust collateral by 122 BTS, debt by 20 CNY
847d2b70 wants 114 BTS for 30 CNY
virtual paid 30 CNY for 114 BTS
d930ff0a adjust collateral by 182 BTS, debt by 30 CNY
b8b6f149 wants 152 BTS for 40 CNY
virtual paid 40 CNY for 152 BTS
ca66f257 adjust collateral by 51.2 BTS, debt by 40 CNY
c49b9dc7 wants 40.1 BTS for 10 CNY
virtual paid 10 CNY for 40.1 BTS
4edfbb53 adjust collateral by 63.5 BTS, debt by 10 CNY
1ab351dc wants 80.2 BTS for 20 CNY
virtual paid 20 CNY for 80.2 BTS
e14613a8 adjust collateral by 127 BTS, debt by 20 CNY
b1627e91 wants 160.4 BTS for 40 CNY
virtual paid 40 CNY for 160.4 BTS
d9b45000 adjust collateral by 254 BTS, debt by 40 CNY
1deffdbb adjust collateral by -196.8 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
ef2c66fd paid 0.0002 CNY for 0.00079 BTS
eefc85c0 paid 0.6 CNY for 2.383 BTS
a6d3af7b wants 39.7 BTS for 10 CNY
6b32f720 paid 9.4 CNY for 37.3 BTS
a51f9b0b adjust collateral by 66.4 BTS, debt by 10 CNY
b335d735 wants 59.6 BTS for 15 CNY
virtual paid 15 CNY for 59.6 BTS
c7b92d8d adjust collateral by 99.6 BTS, debt by 15 CNY
b2e8c451 wants 99.2 BTS for 25 CNY
virtual paid 25 CNY for 99.2 BTS
64ce76d4 adjust collateral by 48.6 BTS, debt by 25 CNY
98c35e87 wants 40.9 BTS for 10 CNY
virtual paid 10 CNY for 40.9 BTS
de1cac87 adjust collateral by 68.3 BTS, debt by 10 CNY
b3843f26 wants 61.4 BTS for 15 CNY
virtual paid 15 CNY for 61.4 BTS
9e351b03 adjust collateral by 102.4 BTS, debt by 15 CNY
85ee59b6 paid 30 CNY for 122.8 BTS
08606fa7 wants 122.8 BTS for 30 CNY
aa69145f adjust collateral by 205 BTS, debt by 30 CNY
72df2a66 adjust collateral by -197.3 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
d47a6fa2 adjust collateral by 436 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
8cfc0338 sent 230 BTS to
c59f721e adjust collateral by -82.3 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
2b3d8b64 sent 0.02214 OPEN.BTC to
da5e8780 paid 0.0000932 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.00001 BTS
084233c1 wants 140.3 BTS for 35 CNY
virtual paid 35 CNY for 140.3 BTS
9c214636 adjust collateral by 229.5 BTS, debt by 35 CNY
8f2087ab wants 240.4 BTS for 60 CNY
virtual paid 60 CNY for 240.4 BTS
6f9080dd adjust collateral by 393 BTS, debt by 60 CNY
28c898bf wants 361 BTS for 90 CNY
virtual paid 90 CNY for 361 BTS
4f14f8e6 adjust collateral by 590 BTS, debt by 90 CNY
a920aa71 wants 601 BTS for 150 CNY
virtual paid 150 CNY for 601 BTS
53ea237c adjust collateral by 984 BTS, debt by 150 CNY
dac12367 wants 962 BTS for 240 CNY
virtual paid 182 CNY for 730 BTS
virtual paid 58 CNY for 232.4 BTS
ee7a0b6c adjust collateral by 1,574 BTS, debt by 240 CNY
89bee2d2 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.0000932 BRIDGE.XMCC
8b7ed8d2 wants 0.00002 BTS for 0.000747 BRIDGE.XMCC
virtual paid 0.000654 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.00002 BTS
virtual cancel order
d2670b2e cancel order
bb7292e0 wants 6,165 BTS for 0.000747 BRIDGE.XMCC
26ca74c5 sent 85 BTS to
a1df805f paid 0.0000277 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.07 BTS
6a29d21f paid 0.0000141 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.054 BTS
6f83649e wants 85.9 BTS for 0.00115 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000985 BRIDGE.BTC for 73.6 BTS
125f1341 paid 0.000041 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.064 BTS
81e49623 paid 0.000041 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.064 BTS
3cfbf08f paid 0.0000413 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.084 BTS
e7cd2ab0 wants 0.001152 BRIDGE.BTC for 150.8 BRIDGE.XMCC
virtual paid 150.8 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.001152 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
ef554b37 sent 0.5 BTS to
280b1a05 sent 1 BTS to
d0ca5efb sent 1 BTS to
88b90cbb sent 2 BTS to
1439cf3a paid 0.01212 BRIDGE.BTC for 546 BRIDGE.XMCC
cad4c8f4 wants 546 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.01212 BRIDGE.BTC
067dd551 cancel order
2c974291 paid 0.000495 BRIDGE.BTC for 22.5 BRIDGE.XMCC
11b28c3d paid 0.000395 BRIDGE.BTC for 17.98 BRIDGE.XMCC
90736ba3 paid 0.000858 BRIDGE.BTC for 39 BRIDGE.XMCC
f0de598c paid 0.000788 BRIDGE.BTC for 35.8 BRIDGE.XMCC
6e2b9e59 wants 666 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.01466 BRIDGE.BTC
902639db paid 0.002286 BRIDGE.BTC for 84 BRIDGE.XMCC
902e400d wants 84 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.002286 BRIDGE.BTC
0cad007a cancel orders (2)
461dd16d wants 33.3 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.000914 BRIDGE.BTC
2e9fa358 wants 0.00491 BRIDGE.BTC for 162.8 BRIDGE.XMCC
c05889ab cancel order
b54ebeab paid 0.001524 BRIDGE.BTC for 50.1 BRIDGE.XMCC
53ad96dd wants 50.1 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.001524 BRIDGE.BTC
a5b31f03 wants 0.00478 BRIDGE.BTC for 142.8 BRIDGE.XMCC
224cb960 cancel order
2a6406d6 paid 0.00254 BRIDGE.BTC for 74.7 BRIDGE.XMCC
3e764fc3 wants 74.7 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.00254 BRIDGE.BTC
85aae4a0 wants 0.00423 BRIDGE.BTC for 113 BRIDGE.XMCC
eb805c29 cancel order
72ff26a7 paid 0.00423 BRIDGE.BTC for 116.1 BRIDGE.XMCC
9076a851 wants 116.1 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.00423 BRIDGE.BTC
89d16612 cancel order
f3f10091 wants 0.00267 BRIDGE.BTC for 66.6 BRIDGE.XMCC
92909764 paid 111 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.00425 BRIDGE.BTC
1ea932e5 wants 72.9 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.002537 BRIDGE.BTC
de83648e wants 0.00425 BRIDGE.BTC for 111 BRIDGE.XMCC
e5d2576c cancel order
7cd612b0 paid 185 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.00589 BRIDGE.BTC
46504fa6 wants 6.44 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.0001864 BRIDGE.BTC
ad30a621 wants 0.00589 BRIDGE.BTC for 185 BRIDGE.XMCC
6ad6c1d2 cancel orders (2)
c6f23c2b wants 6.44 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.0001864 BRIDGE.BTC
5e130ffe wants 0.00589 BRIDGE.BTC for 185 BRIDGE.XMCC
edae9c56 cancel orders (2)
a5112870 wants 6.46 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.0001864 BRIDGE.BTC
36e92c46 wants 0.00587 BRIDGE.BTC for 185 BRIDGE.XMCC
a117b75b cancel order
67802dc2 cancel order
db0ca76f wants 6.77 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.0001864 BRIDGE.BTC
c93200dd wants 0.0056 BRIDGE.BTC for 185 BRIDGE.XMCC
9aa50b0a cancel orders (2)
b66556c8 wants 6.77 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.0001864 BRIDGE.BTC
0a8ea84a wants 0.0056 BRIDGE.BTC for 185 BRIDGE.XMCC
5f418abc cancel order
527e1697 paid 0.000311 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.75 BRIDGE.XMCC
cee432d2 wants 10.75 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.000311 BRIDGE.BTC
ac082fe2 cancel order
fa6b8bab wants 0.00575 BRIDGE.BTC for 180.7 BRIDGE.XMCC
59e7dc8c paid 0.000518 BRIDGE.BTC for 17.87 BRIDGE.XMCC
51e654d2 wants 17.87 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.000518 BRIDGE.BTC
04cbaceb wants 0.00554 BRIDGE.BTC for 173.6 BRIDGE.XMCC
779dee36 cancel order
288befcf paid 0.000863 BRIDGE.BTC for 29.74 BRIDGE.XMCC
7d97d9e1 wants 29.74 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.000863 BRIDGE.BTC
b4b1bc12 wants 0.00516 BRIDGE.BTC for 161.7 BRIDGE.XMCC
b468016c cancel order
503232d1 cancel order
bcfe1894 wants 1.74 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.0000504 BRIDGE.BTC
9ce2bce1 cancel order
ab058d92 wants 0.003134 BRIDGE.BTC for 98.4 BRIDGE.XMCC
980ee7e4 paid 0.000084 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.9 BRIDGE.XMCC
beb20869 wants 2.9 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.000084 BRIDGE.BTC
4adeab8d cancel order
c0f4b333 wants 0.0031 BRIDGE.BTC for 97.2 BRIDGE.XMCC
3c60c033 paid 0.00014 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.83 BRIDGE.XMCC
317bd3cb wants 4.83 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.00014 BRIDGE.BTC
2642a8ac cancel order
4580a055 wants 0.00304 BRIDGE.BTC for 95.3 BRIDGE.XMCC
86ae8ade paid 0.0002333 BRIDGE.BTC for 8.05 BRIDGE.XMCC
854c6c9b wants 8.05 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.0002333 BRIDGE.BTC
db56cbb8 wants 0.002936 BRIDGE.BTC for 92.1 BRIDGE.XMCC
9b06b344 cancel order
43bc1326 paid 0.0000523 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.803 BRIDGE.XMCC
1273c2a3 paid 0.000336 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.6 BRIDGE.XMCC
be9ef359 wants 13.4 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.000389 BRIDGE.BTC
84d14c60 wants 0.00277 BRIDGE.BTC for 86.7 BRIDGE.XMCC
82bbbb71 cancel order
05f84b68 paid 0.000648 BRIDGE.BTC for 22.28 BRIDGE.XMCC
fa5d894c wants 22.28 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.000648 BRIDGE.BTC
5c0d46a0 wants 0.00249 BRIDGE.BTC for 77.9 BRIDGE.XMCC
f88c3dbb cancel order
6b0f757e paid 0.00108 BRIDGE.BTC for 36.9 BRIDGE.XMCC
55e81c10 wants 36.9 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.00108 BRIDGE.BTC
a8049725 cancel order
961907a6 wants 0.00203 BRIDGE.BTC for 63.1 BRIDGE.XMCC
25dfcf4e paid 0.0018 BRIDGE.BTC for 61 BRIDGE.XMCC
3573b6c6 wants 61 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.0018 BRIDGE.BTC
71b4cc43 cancel order
18340387 wants 0.00126 BRIDGE.BTC for 38.8 BRIDGE.XMCC
34b6e50a paid 0.003 BRIDGE.BTC for 95 BRIDGE.XMCC
58949762 wants 95 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.003 BRIDGE.BTC
5fa6f3b5 wants 0.0000307 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.884 BRIDGE.XMCC
85f363ba cancel order
b2954693 paid 1.474 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.0000471 BRIDGE.BTC
76d54436 wants 102.5 BRIDGE.XMCC for 0.00298 BRIDGE.BTC
697d3317 cancel order
06c7ce20 wants 0.0000471 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.474 BRIDGE.XMCC