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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight3,098 BTS
Lifetime fees paid15.12 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 3,102 0
CNY 78.3 0.0007
USD 0.0199 0
RISKER 514 310
IOU.XFQ 10 0
BADCOIN 10,000 0
SEED 158 0
XBTSX.STH 0.083 0
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
3ff35571 paid 7.19 BTS for 0.479 RISKER
9d193105 sent 0.0722 OPEN.BTC to
10e2a7e4 wants 615 BTS for 41 RISKER
virtual paid 41 RISKER for 615 BTS
virtual paid 615 BTS for 41 RISKER
68fa0b4d paid 0.00001 PEERPLAYS for 0.00000018 OPEN.BTC
c18c7888 wants 0.0132 OPEN.BTC for 0.73 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 0.0805 PEERPLAYS for 0.001457 OPEN.BTC
852ab966 paid 0.649 PEERPLAYS for 0.01175 OPEN.BTC
fd6da312 wants 0.00705 OPEN.BTC for 0.00705 BTC
virtual paid 0.00705 BTC for 0.00705 OPEN.BTC
9edf2631 cancel order
59dd72ac wants 0.00729 OPEN.BTC for 0.00705 BTC
a6b1b74d cancel order
7a135dd4 wants 0.00718 OPEN.BTC for 0.00705 BTC
4defcc45 wants 0.0491 OPEN.BTC for 32.3 USD
virtual paid 32.3 USD for 0.0491 OPEN.BTC
3660bc24 cancel order
4ca01565 paid 1.475 USD for 0.002245 OPEN.BTC
e00648e0 paid 0.061 USD for 0.0000929 OPEN.BTC
98331e74 wants 0.0522 OPEN.BTC for 34.3 USD
virtual paid 0.408 USD for 0.00062 OPEN.BTC
f7d72104 cancel order
774633f3 wants 0.0528 OPEN.BTC for 34.3 USD
17769f2f paid 2,378 BTS for 158.5 RISKER
cad4f590 paid 905 BTS for 45.2 RISKER
5ce0fd71 wants 200 RISKER for 3,000 BTS
bcd37393 wants 233 BTS for 3.33 RISKER
b97dec53 wants 400 BTS for 5 RISKER
ed80ff08 wants 500 BTS for 5 RISKER
e36c31af cancel order
307a5922 cancel order
abf2f0f5 wants 8,964 BTS for 74.7 RISKER
22fb37f5 wants 748 BTS for 74.8 RISKER
virtual paid 20 RISKER for 600 BTS
virtual paid 600 BTS for 20 RISKER
virtual paid 54.8 RISKER for 1,095 BTS
virtual paid 1,095 BTS for 54.8 RISKER
2330b27c wants 20 RISKER for 600 BTS
2c2d1819 wants 100 RISKER for 2,000 BTS
392a1af3 sent 0.1098 OPEN.BTC to
0eb458be paid 0.00517 OPEN.BTC for 10.34 RISKER
96dd7c8c paid 0.00761 OPEN.BTC for 7.61 RISKER
5ee57b91 paid 0.0000181 OPEN.BTC for 0.0181 RISKER
80e898ce paid 0.0000501 OPEN.BTC for 0.0501 RISKER
595b9163 paid 3.41 RISKER for 4.09 USD
5acadba3 paid 3 RISKER for 21 CNY
virtual paid 3 RISKER for 24 CNY
50cf7687 paid 28.94 RISKER for 0.06 OPEN.BTC
511ebc12 paid 12.84 RISKER for 0.02663 OPEN.BTC
7ff39019 wants 0.0205 BTC for 10 RISKER
40ecaa79 wants 0.025 BTC for 10 RISKER
f9997c83 wants 0.023 BTC for 10 RISKER
c8deb36e wants 0.022 BTC for 10 RISKER
a062201f wants 0.0105 BTC for 5 RISKER
e8331d5f wants 77 CNY for 7 RISKER
c1a5324e cancel order
d94d06e3 wants 0.0677 RISKER for 24.23 BTS
virtual paid 24.23 BTS for 0.0677 RISKER
6b7894bb wants 18 CNY for 3 RISKER
b17a7dd1 paid 3 RISKER for 18 CNY
490fad24 wants 21 CNY for 3 RISKER
d370bc70 wants 24 CNY for 3 RISKER
e5882ef7 wants 27 CNY for 3 RISKER
30d6b89a wants 30 CNY for 3 RISKER
82ef0bba wants 7 USD for 5 RISKER
5a2352f6 wants 6 USD for 5 RISKER
67dec261 wants 0.1 OPEN.ETH for 1 RISKER
caf6b9cd wants 12.5 ICOO for 5 RISKER
72c33871 wants 12 ICOO for 3 RISKER
5e82f009 wants 9 ICOO for 3 RISKER
ef7b02e6 cancel order
15fffa21 wants 0.0866 OPEN.BTC for 41.8 RISKER
6ba54b5d wants 0.182 RISKER for 65.1 BTS
4d71c899 paid 65.1 BTS for 0.182 RISKER
eab41cf1 cancel order
3eb58bf4 wants 0.1 RISKER for 35.8 BTS
d213b357 paid 35.8 BTS for 0.0999 RISKER
16bee390 wants 4,863 BTS for 27 RISKER
virtual paid 27 RISKER for 4,863 BTS
69765ae1 paid 5.55 RISKER for 0.01312 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 4.25 RISKER for 0.01028 OPEN.BTC
b62b16d0 wants 5,330 BTS for 4.89 RISKER
1b02d279 wants 7,196 BTS for 8.44 RISKER
464d331c wants 2,671 BTS for 5.9 RISKER
f2772d67 wants 5,023 BTS for 10 RISKER
28b69d28 cancel order
2b7ccd2f cancel order
0bd792d0 cancel order
eda420af cancel order
6b3daacb cancel order
c6362aa9 cancel order
1d7219b5 cancel order
244ae79b cancel order
b614590c paid 0.2303 RISKER for 0.00038 BTC
51a8806c paid 5.79 RISKER for 1,177 BTS
virtual paid 2.347 RISKER for 481 BTS
ba52efad paid 0.88 RISKER for 0.001453 BTC
944cd692 paid 0.0145 RISKER for 0.0145 USD
70a05eaf paid 1.11 RISKER for 0.001778 BTC
6a9a7bba wants 0.01028 OPEN.BTC for 4.25 RISKER
8f5e1aff wants 0.01312 OPEN.BTC for 5.55 RISKER
f0c28270 wants 32.2 RISKER for 6,547 BTS
virtual paid 6,547 BTS for 32.2 RISKER
efbe3606 wants 25.6 RISKER for 0.0571 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0571 OPEN.BTC for 25.6 RISKER
64d0361f paid 2.895 RISKER for 0.00663 OPEN.BTC
b8b6520b paid 6.3 RISKER for 1,281 BTS
0194d601 wants 0.001778 BTC for 1.11 RISKER
81372e17 wants 0.001833 BTC for 1.11 RISKER
78ffe3b6 paid 22.1 RISKER for 0.0506 OPEN.BTC
23107f6b paid 1.245 RISKER for 252.6 BTS
virtual paid 2.347 RISKER for 477 BTS
virtual paid 22.3 RISKER for 4,537 BTS
651d82aa wants 0.0572 OPEN.BTC for 25 RISKER
abba6a9c cancel order
36814249 wants 6,996 BTS for 34.4 RISKER
e4b98ee5 wants 252.6 BTS for 1.245 RISKER
eec25eae wants 477 BTS for 2.347 RISKER
affea0a4 wants 481 BTS for 2.347 RISKER
49fb437b cancel order
73d8305d cancel order
df5f4796 cancel order
b0cc8317 wants 0.0145 USD for 0.0145 RISKER
4096bad2 wants 0.062 OPEN.BTC for 21.03 RISKER
bd08f763 wants 0.107 OPEN.BTC for 20.43 RISKER
a2c9e24e wants 0.251 OPEN.BTC for 80.3 RISKER
edc04170 wants 0.0794 OPEN.BTC for 30.43 RISKER
b0aa8fd2 wants 0.0798 OPEN.BTC for 31.36 RISKER
7d03b8ca wants 0.0708 OPEN.BTC for 28.3 RISKER
baf2fc3c wants 27.54 RISKER for 0.0651 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0651 OPEN.BTC for 27.54 RISKER
048010e3 paid 195 BTS for 1 RISKER
virtual paid 191 BTS for 1 RISKER
0aaea067 wants 27.94 RISKER for 5,542 BTS
virtual paid 5,542 BTS for 27.94 RISKER
ca1e7cb2 wants 1 RISKER for 195 BTS
8c08df2f wants 1 RISKER for 191 BTS
27cf3659 cancel order
1337be82 wants 7,843 BTS for 0.0651 OPEN.BTC
505a70b1 wants 8.62 RISKER for 1,709 BTS
virtual paid 19.5 BTS for 0.1 RISKER
virtual paid 1,689 BTS for 8.53 RISKER
c608da91 cancel order
38d79023 cancel order
291dac53 cancel order
c200bf12 paid 2.15 RISKER for 0.00344 BTC
abcd8e33 paid 2 RISKER for 12.82 CNY
a6ff467e wants 2.434 RISKER for 482 BTS
virtual paid 482 BTS for 2.434 RISKER
dbd92dbd wants 7.48 RISKER for 1,481 BTS
virtual paid 1,481 BTS for 7.48 RISKER
3d72e340 paid 4.85 CNY for 0.966 RISKER
582012b2 paid 0.27 CNY for 0.0538 RISKER
e2ae56ca paid 50.1 CNY for 9.99 RISKER
d71b7799 paid 45.1 CNY for 8.99 RISKER
90496562 wants 10.34 RISKER for 0.00517 OPEN.BTC
d3d1d77b wants 0.01672 OPEN.BTC for 6.43 RISKER
virtual paid 0.0001 RISKER for 0.00000026 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000026 OPEN.BTC for 0.0001 RISKER
cd53d55d wants 3.69 RISKER for 0.00959 OPEN.BTC
4f3b1055 paid 1 RISKER for 191 BTS
4f3b1055 paid 0.00934 OPEN.BTC for 3.59 RISKER
6524d470 paid 0.0002504 OPEN.BTC for 0.0963 RISKER
34e629df wants 7.68 RISKER for 0.00768 OPEN.BTC
40c063dd wants 0.014 OPEN.BTC for 5 RISKER
5c1c23a1 wants 0.0123 OPEN.BTC for 4.1 RISKER
1bcea28a wants 0.00761 OPEN.BTC for 2.454 RISKER
e66ba9e0 cancel order
522599b0 wants 191 BTS for 1 RISKER
124d4995 cancel order
7891bf4f cancel order
e8a35f45 wants 12.82 CNY for 2 RISKER