立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight9.35 BTS
Lifetime fees paid12.44 BTS
Registrar-50% -
Referrer130% -


Asset Balance
BTS 0.503
d42c6327 update account/votes
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589b576c sent 0.1 BTS to
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5f01c471 sent 0.1235 BTS to
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b18a2be5 sent 0.0211 BTS to
dd07d641 sent 1 BTS to
a7c6b442 sent 1 BTS to
5fa9309e sent 120 BTS to
39f4c162 sent 110.1 BTS to
0f407942 sent 100.1 BTS to
4179c00d sent 90.1 BTS to
92d9ae68 sent 80.1 BTS to
14d6f220 sent 130 BTS to
628dd14f sent 120.1 BTS to
73b527a6 sent 230 BTS to
f42fc2af sent 110.1 BTS to
36c402b5 sent 100.1 BTS to
2a7a05b8 sent 90.1 BTS to
d5b8709c sent 80.1 BTS to
67997930 sent 1 BTS to
a350f0c0 sent 600 BTS to
7634cd47 sent 1 BTS to
69dfca30 sent 645 BTS to
938475a2 sent 20 BTS to
ea179e55 sent 1 BTS to
63bdb8a3 sent 5 BTS to
5794538a sent 1.123 BTS to
e1346855 sent 1 BTS to
ba0649df sent 0.4 BTS to
f35ad8d3 sent 0.1235 BTS to