立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight0.0002 BTS
Lifetime fees paid14.9 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0002
BTSUCN 0.177
4a53d108 sent 50,000 BTSUCN to
7a20c858 sent 1,955 BTSUCN to
b477c3f4 sent 71.1 BTS to
7c551c64 sent 35.5 BTS to
b57e7d04 sent 35.5 BTS to
49e81c28 sent 1,951 BTSUCN to
7217baa3 sent 2,180 BTSUCN to
ea63461c sent 69 BTS to
cca59492 sent 2,183 BTSUCN to
18665cc8 sent 34.7 BTS to
979ad93c sent 2,418 BTSUCN to
5c99fc43 sent 76 BTS to
8eb31ebe sent 32 GDEX.BKBT to
2a0910f3 sent 3,385 BTSUCN to
a28d6bac sent 0.1294 CNYRMB to
1164c1c5 sent 84 BTS to
5aba110c sent 3,330 BTSUCN to
b53478bc sent 77 BTS to
f4aa3859 sent 3,640 BTSUCN to
b59c4e25 sent 98 BTS to
7cc3ed0b paid 0.2975 CNY for 32.7 GDEX.BKBT
6a977488 wants 32.7 GDEX.BKBT for 0.2975 CNY
a9938dbe sent 3,580 BTSUCN to
435af841 sent 110 BTS to
e6e6ce7c sent 3,520 BTSUCN to
1e214671 sent 127 BTS to
807c43bf sent 2,950 BTSUCN to
87c1405c sent 134 BTS to
208bd462 sent 2,900 BTSUCN to
554d89d9 sent 71 BTS to
f2f17966 sent 939 CNYRMB to
ab0b8ca8 sent 85 BTSUCN to
a997a8e8 sent 166 BTS to
ecf51d39 sent 10 BTSUCN to
2397b934 wants 940 CNYRMB for 16,770 BTSUCN
virtual paid 16,770 BTSUCN for 941 CNYRMB
virtual cancel order
baa5ae74 sent 3,168 BTS to
56ba796e wants 3,168 BTS for 941 CNY
virtual paid 941 CNY for 3,168 BTS
29cb522c sent 3,528 BTSUCN to
294d2b61 sent 1,238 BTS to
bae57d5e paid 300 CNY for 1,155 BTS
9f68988e wants 1,155 BTS for 300 CNY
624690f4 sent 4,293 BTSUCN to
2b0d16fc sent 89 BTS to
3557f612 sent 12 CNYRMB to
9d459608 wants 11.28 CNYRMB for 204 BTSUCN
virtual paid 204 BTSUCN for 11.3 CNYRMB
virtual cancel order
e6938a4d cancel order
ef1c5698 wants 16.74 TRUMPTWEET for 0.331 BTS
virtual paid 0.0281 BTS for 1.536 TRUMPTWEET
virtual paid 0.0292 BTS for 1.536 TRUMPTWEET
virtual paid 0.0304 BTS for 1.536 TRUMPTWEET
8a21b37b sent 596 CNYRMB to
f8ae9dbd sent 29,793 BTSUCN to
f92f48c3 cancel order
e07eecc4 sent 2,121 BTS to
f28775ea wants 1,505 BTS for 301 CNY
7fb075d3 paid 200 CNY for 910 BTS
527ab004 wants 910 BTS for 200 CNY
cf4987d6 paid 47.7 CNY for 214 BTS
3f5bed1d paid 222.3 CNY for 997 BTS
66a5fcda wants 1,211 BTS for 270 CNY
c721a851 cancel order
3bb2d258 sent 1,760 BTS to
d42aaa71 wants 1,182 BTS for 260 CNY
1e3e8140 paid 230 CNY for 1,000 BTS
c8d4fab8 wants 1,000 BTS for 230 CNY
b4d11b43 cancel order
6e5867eb wants 1,200 CNYRMB for 21,480 BTSUCN
virtual paid 0.868 BTSUCN for 0.0486 CNYRMB
257d7b96 wants 598 CNYRMB for 10,676 BTSUCN
virtual paid 10,676 BTSUCN for 598 CNYRMB
virtual cancel order
01f5cf77 sent 1 BTS to
2353f497 sent 1 BTS to
63280166 sent 10,000 BTSUCN to
77d9c200 sent 10,000 BTSUCN to
62d570b9 paid 110 CNY for 436 BTS
d02cbda5 wants 436 BTS for 110 CNY
046ec309 sent 15,560 BTSUCN to
c71d9913 sent 380 BTS to
4e51d2ef sent 2 BTS to
249bd244 sent 16,066 BTSUCN to
44b18051 sent 6,570 BTS to
dc48a95a wants 84 BTS for 18.44 CNY
virtual paid 18.44 CNY for 84 BTS
b7d1282f wants 93 BTS for 20.43 CNY
virtual paid 20.43 CNY for 93 BTS
e7ed22c8 cancel order
f77da0c4 wants 2,000 CNY for 35,156 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,632 BTSUCN for 150 CNY
6c430f7a sent 10,000 BTSUCN to
8fef724f cancel order
a3cdbef8 wants 850 BTS for 200 CNY
db85444f paid 300 CNY for 1,281 BTS
2225e86e wants 1,281 BTS for 300 CNY
15b96a80 paid 90 CNY for 383 BTS
2c9909bf wants 383 BTS for 90 CNY
7256c8e8 paid 500 CNY for 2,070 BTS
95123e91 wants 2,070 BTS for 500 CNY
a425254d paid 2.78 CNY for 10.02 BTS
19dd878e wants 10.02 BTS for 2.78 CNY
704cb2c1 paid 8.01 BTS for 2.23 CNY
virtual cancel order
54961768 wants 2.783 CNY for 10 BTS
virtual paid 0.966 BTS for 0.269 CNY
virtual paid 1.021 BTS for 0.284 CNY