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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight0.01118 BTS
Lifetime fees paid2.36 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 0.01118
QBITS 143.7
OPEN.BTC 0.0001
DEEX 0.1
db914760 update account/votes
52070e61 sent 0.1 DEEX to
e6989391 sent 0.25 BTS to
ad4d0e86 update account/votes
96be7ce9 sent 0.3 BTS to
8ba4c0c5 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
c345dfa7 sent 711,099 COMPUCEEDS to
497e7d83 sent 50.4 BTCCORE to
60cd2950 sent 1 BTS to
a32a4a5b sent 0.39 BTCCORE to
1b3908bc sent 50 COMPUCEEDS to
68ca2272 sent 1 BTS to
f92561a9 sent 1,421 BTCPLUS to
f4e83744 sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
178300ab cancel order
05fefe72 cancel order
a454b034 wants 0.828 BTS for 500,000 COMPUCEEDS
460e0945 cancel order
90c0a168 wants 0.000075 OPEN.BTC for 1.6 BTS
e0902d56 cancel order
b91b4c77 wants 15.43 BTCPLUS for 1.705 BTS
7a803a5c cancel order
83f5fef9 wants 0.00063 BTS for 501 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 7.95 COMPUCEEDS for 0.00001 BTS
10fd8b9b cancel order
a245ca66 wants 0.66 BTS for 500,000 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 234,507 COMPUCEEDS for 0.31 BTS
cd35b295 wants 4,257,294 USD for 1,421 BTCPLUS
b86ba55a cancel order
463f7af7 cancel order
12334c4c cancel order
e83d3d29 cancel order
a0b33114 cancel order
82206a24 cancel order
44c8e97f cancel order
a8406510 cancel order
297ab753 cancel order
741e023e cancel order
10137a1f cancel order
d8fe3176 cancel order
1ba21788 cancel order
81149083 cancel order
064283d7 cancel order
0af0c92c cancel order
0a472ff2 cancel order
ba023bf3 cancel order
e0b53f27 sent 4,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
7686773c sent 100 COMPUCEEDS to
2de441fa cancel order
5eb2c3ca wants 79,120,000 BTS for 4,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
a7f256f0 cancel order
4ae27894 cancel order
8b3b6cd0 wants 19,780,000 BTS for 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
1fbdf1a7 wants 9,890,000 BTS for 500,000 COMPUCEEDS
aabfae7c wants 36,000 COMPUCEEDS for 1.8 BTS
virtual paid 1.8 BTS for 36,001 COMPUCEEDS
ca21c019 wants 671,400 COMPUCEEDS for 20 BTS
virtual paid 20 BTS for 671,400 COMPUCEEDS
f1523edd cancel order
50479f13 wants 100 BTS for 3,357,000 COMPUCEEDS
18262871 cancel order
42119e0f wants 180 BTS for 3,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
ae067569 paid 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC for 0.000974 BTCPLUS
0cd5717a paid 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC for 0.00193 BTCPLUS
d54f45e2 wants 524,125 USD for 175 BTCPLUS
94a9b64b wants 298,500 USD for 100 BTCPLUS
ed51e8d8 wants 298,500 USD for 100 BTCPLUS
9e981c63 paid 0.000851 OPEN.BTC for 82.9 BTCPLUS
163eb085 paid 0.001585 OPEN.BTC for 154.4 BTCPLUS
900aef0e paid 0.00042 OPEN.BTC for 40.9 BTCPLUS
563c844c paid 0.0000012 OPEN.BTC for 0.1168 BTCPLUS
38ac4e19 paid 0.001424 OPEN.BTC for 138.6 BTCPLUS
ccab4097 wants 365,390 USD for 122 BTCPLUS
7c81af1e wants 298,500 USD for 100 BTCPLUS
884401ed wants 298,500 USD for 100 BTCPLUS
d6d2034f wants 299,500 USD for 100 BTCPLUS
1c7a10c2 wants 299,500 USD for 100 BTCPLUS
9656d9b5 wants 298,500 USD for 100 BTCPLUS
df159a60 paid 488 BTS for 493 BTCPLUS
ca98aad8 wants 493 BTCPLUS for 488 BTS
d5c7fade paid 0.0002163 OPEN.BTC for 21.06 BTCPLUS
496f1855 cancel order
c3c887dd wants 853 BTCPLUS for 488 BTS
597465bf paid 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC for 0.00009 BTCPLUS
9a39d837 paid 100.6 BTS for 176.8 BTCPLUS
ed913afe wants 418 USD for 0.14 BTCPLUS
1f32f980 wants 340,290 USD for 114 BTCPLUS
9a8324f0 wants 298,500 USD for 100 BTCPLUS
980c9bda wants 298,500 USD for 100 BTCPLUS
04c0b46b cancel order
eb1b9cee wants 299,500 USD for 100 BTCPLUS
4c570834 paid 0.000895 OPEN.BTC for 8.05 BTCPLUS
525c0958 paid 0.00000506 OPEN.BTC for 0.0456 BTCPLUS
889c84fd wants 8.1 BTCPLUS for 0.0009 OPEN.BTC
cb00f071 wants 779 BTCPLUS for 0.008 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0035 OPEN.BTC for 341 BTCPLUS
6475cf5a wants 176.8 BTCPLUS for 100.6 BTS
8c10ecf8 update account/votes
943a58b9 wants 59,760 USD for 20 BTCPLUS
64d1320c wants 89,400 USD for 30 BTCPLUS
488847b9 wants 89,550 USD for 30 BTCPLUS
a8648bfd wants 59,800 USD for 20 BTCPLUS
9434620a wants 30,000 USD for 10 BTCPLUS
f92be817 update account/votes