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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight1.457 BTS
Lifetime fees paid200.3 BTS
Cashback/vesting4.06 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 1.457
OPEN.BTC 0.00000166
BADCOIN 10,000
CNCAEX 0.0001
15d7c836 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
a069d6bd sent 0.0001 CNCAEX to
9f9685dd sent 3,300 BTS to
b4828118 sent 3,301 BTS to
a8d03ad5 sent 19 BTS to
922136f5 paid 42.7 BTS for 50 CNY
d4a28be8 adjust collateral by 16.67 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
b9dd0087 wants 13.9 BTS for 50 CNY
virtual paid 50 CNY for 13.9 BTS
1065b42c adjust collateral by 44.5 BTS, debt by 50 CNY
79481219 sent 50 BTS to
6f30cee4 register haydon
78252c27 upgrade account
cbd6ab4d sent 1.99 OPEN.EOS to
7803f210 sent 1,356 YOYOW to
b4122b68 sent 99.1 WWW.EOS to
678a0566 wants 27.3 WWW.EOS for 1,637 CNY
virtual paid 1,637 CNY for 27.3 WWW.EOS
75a85dce wants 1,637 CNY for 28.6 GDEX.EOS
virtual paid 0.637 GDEX.EOS for 36.6 CNY
virtual paid 28 GDEX.EOS for 1,601 CNY
522d90ef wants 1.263 WWW.EOS for 74.5 CNY
virtual paid 74.5 CNY for 1.263 WWW.EOS
0e914f83 wants 38.5 CNY for 15 BTS
virtual paid 15 BTS for 38.5 CNY
0478334b adjust collateral by -19.1 BTS, debt by -15 CNY
70e15619 wants 50.9 CNY for 19.82 BTS
virtual paid 19.82 BTS for 50.9 CNY
b9c4f82c adjust collateral by -18.9 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
2e08fd63 wants 1.992 OPEN.EOS for 6.09 USD
virtual paid 6.09 USD for 1.992 OPEN.EOS
b0f345ed wants 6.09 USD for 24.35 OPEN.MUSEOL
virtual paid 24.35 OPEN.MUSEOL for 6.09 USD
6b86ac91 adjust collateral by 3.88 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
3e736d18 wants 4.77 BTS for 5 CNY
virtual paid 5 CNY for 4.77 BTS
c8ccd5f8 adjust collateral by 11.37 BTS, debt by 5 CNY
80ff0c86 wants 9.54 BTS for 10 CNY
virtual paid 10 CNY for 9.54 BTS
443e41eb adjust collateral by 22.74 BTS, debt by 10 CNY
78b8861f cancel order
79cd49a6 wants 18.5 BTS for 185 STRANGE
virtual paid 185 STRANGE for 18.5 BTS
55d8e8b3 wants 13.4 USD for 24.35 OPEN.MUSEOL
55a4308e wants 6.23 BTS for 3.04 CNY
virtual paid 3.04 CNY for 6.23 BTS
3e306de5 sent 1,471 IOU.ABC to
2150d9dd sent 1,266 CNY to
935cbe85 wants 1,266 CNY for 667 BTS
virtual paid 667 BTS for 1,266 CNY
a92e78e4 sent 496 BTS to
4dc04dc9 paid 0.00035 BTS for 0.0005 CNY
19e39bb5 paid 664 CNY for 443 BTS
09fb24c7 paid 1,080 CNY for 720 BTS
3314ea9b paid 0.0005 BTS for 0.0008 CNY
05c27d5d wants 1,163 BTS for 1,744 CNY
cca3be84 paid 40.3 BTS for 63.5 CNY
a0224663 wants 1,744 CNY for 1,107 BTS
b97b76c6 paid 191 BTS for 301 CNY
2391b436 paid 250.5 BTS for 395 CNY
af7f78e4 paid 625 BTS for 985 CNY
d4f6ea1a wants 1,107 BTS for 1,700 CNY
virtual paid 1,700 CNY for 1,107 BTS
a47208e0 wants 2,440 OPEN.MUSE for 0.00854 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00854 OPEN.BTC for 2,440 OPEN.MUSE
49626363 wants 0.00857 OPEN.BTC for 158.5 CNY
virtual paid 158.5 CNY for 0.00857 OPEN.BTC
024bef4e cancel order
3d12be77 wants 22.6 OBITS for 158.5 CNY
bbb4c83b cancel order
ba102934 wants 18.4 OBITS for 128.9 CNY
8c5766a2 wants 158.5 CNY for 19.84 EUR
virtual paid 19.84 EUR for 158.5 CNY
6aa18f8a wants 19.84 EUR for 157.6 CNY
virtual paid 157.6 CNY for 19.84 EUR
21353287 paid 52 ZENGOLD for 135.2 CNY
c407155e wants 22.4 CNY for 94.5 YOYOW
virtual paid 94.5 YOYOW for 22.4 CNY
a56b3a75 cancel order
49c57f67 wants 245.7 CNY for 94.5 YOYOW
1abf7de2 wants 135.2 CNY for 52 ZENGOLD
2051fe5c wants 94.6 YOYOW for 17.03 IOU.CNY
virtual paid 17.03 IOU.CNY for 94.6 YOYOW
d366077a wants 17.04 IOU.CNY for 0.0121 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.0121 OPEN.ETH for 17.04 IOU.CNY
b2062028 wants 0.01211 OPEN.ETH for 15.4 CNY
virtual paid 15.4 CNY for 0.01211 OPEN.ETH
2b51fc28 paid 22 BTS for 15.4 CNY
0442dca1 wants 15.4 CNY for 22 BTS
ac65916b sent 213,150 BTS to
7596ae8f wants 2,471 BTS for 67.6 CNY
virtual paid 67.6 CNY for 2,471 BTS
2f7dd77f cancel order
4f1eb510 wants 5,484 BTS for 149.7 CNY
virtual paid 82 CNY for 3,006 BTS
7b12f80e cancel order
bc017221 wants 18,707 BTS for 510 CNY
virtual paid 89.9 CNY for 3,297 BTS
18d57b5a paid 40.4 CNY for 1,483 BTS
7b4354a8 paid 40.6 CNY for 1,489 BTS
fd512adf paid 7.87 CNY for 288.6 BTS
5461a010 paid 40.8 CNY for 1,496 BTS
ba9a5b23 paid 17.34 CNY for 636 BTS
964c380b paid 41 CNY for 1,503 BTS
c1348563 paid 41.1 CNY for 1,509 BTS
de7f1925 paid 41.3 CNY for 1,516 BTS
28650bba cancel order
f3ceabd8 cancel order
f3ceabd8 wants 510 CNY for 18,414 BTS
b6705f2f cancel order
b6705f2f wants 510 CNY for 18,401 BTS
ff32c51c cancel order
ff32c51c wants 510 CNY for 18,388 BTS
7aa29a1e cancel order
7aa29a1e wants 510 CNY for 18,444 BTS
aff47897 cancel order
aff47897 wants 510 CNY for 18,417 BTS
7a18f8ea cancel order
7a18f8ea wants 510 CNY for 18,408 BTS
ce8cc8f9 cancel order
ce8cc8f9 wants 510 CNY for 18,388 BTS
8e9f2089 cancel order
8e9f2089 wants 510 CNY for 18,331 BTS
a72bd0a5 cancel order
95582ca8 cancel order
95582ca8 wants 3,665 BTS for 100 CNY
c0a41404 cancel order
c0a41404 wants 510 CNY for 18,267 BTS
f078b929 cancel order
f078b929 wants 3,676 BTS for 100 CNY
b5d5b084 cancel order
b5d5b084 wants 3,688 BTS for 100 CNY
52fada0b cancel order
52fada0b wants 3,676 BTS for 100 CNY
2141a48d cancel order
2141a48d wants 510 CNY for 18,328 BTS
32dae98a cancel order
32dae98a wants 3,686 BTS for 100 CNY
ae86f56a cancel order
ae86f56a wants 3,690 BTS for 100 CNY
ebc0edf4 cancel order
ebc0edf4 wants 3,692 BTS for 100 CNY
5c6d5600 cancel order
5c6d5600 wants 3,693 BTS for 100 CNY
afe8d158 cancel order
afe8d158 wants 3,695 BTS for 100 CNY
b874b0ed cancel order
dd1105ff wants 510 CNY for 18,384 BTS
2c8329cb cancel order
2c8329cb wants 510 CNY for 18,384 BTS
f754c06b cancel order
f754c06b wants 3,697 BTS for 100 CNY
e0e66a54 cancel order
e0e66a54 wants 3,699 BTS for 100 CNY
0fa08440 cancel order
0fa08440 wants 3,701 BTS for 100 CNY
8cb2234e cancel order
8cb2234e wants 3,703 BTS for 100 CNY
f68ca366 cancel order
f68ca366 wants 3,704 BTS for 100 CNY
764375e9 cancel order
764375e9 wants 3,705 BTS for 100 CNY
667a9076 cancel order
667a9076 wants 3,707 BTS for 100 CNY
cfff8670 cancel order
5065e4d4 wants 510 CNY for 18,448 BTS
513d03bc cancel orders (2)
513d03bc wants 510 CNY for 18,448 BTS
513d03bc wants 3,708 BTS for 100 CNY
7583190e cancel order
7583190e wants 3,712 BTS for 100 CNY
8531fcee cancel order
8531fcee wants 3,724 BTS for 100 CNY
246a2258 cancel order
246a2258 wants 3,725 BTS for 100 CNY
7fdd4a71 cancel order
7fdd4a71 wants 3,725 BTS for 100 CNY
6852e1da cancel order
6852e1da wants 510 CNY for 18,510 BTS
7d470006 cancel order
7d470006 wants 510 CNY for 18,502 BTS
7b8cc6eb cancel order
7b8cc6eb wants 510 CNY for 18,486 BTS
7399117a cancel order
7399117a wants 510 CNY for 18,479 BTS
7f79d9e0 cancel order
9f1207e2 wants 510 CNY for 18,475 BTS
effdd8f3 cancel orders (2)
effdd8f3 wants 510 CNY for 18,475 BTS
effdd8f3 wants 3,713 BTS for 100 CNY
4ef6c0ec cancel order
4ef6c0ec wants 510 CNY for 18,461 BTS
643dea21 cancel order
643dea21 wants 510 CNY for 18,449 BTS
d0354670 cancel order
d0354670 wants 3,701 BTS for 100 CNY
69c9b3f1 cancel orders (2)
69c9b3f1 wants 510 CNY for 18,428 BTS
69c9b3f1 wants 3,704 BTS for 100 CNY
32405d52 wants 3,715 BTS for 100 CNY