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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight11.63 BTS
Lifetime fees paid80.2 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 8 10.4
BEARS 100 0
WEKUCOIN 3,975 0
OPTIONS.19AU025P 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19NO025C 0.01 0
virtual cancel order
d25d864b wants 43.7 BTS for 3,975 WEKUCOIN
d748502a cancel order
9530c0d2 wants 47.7 BTS for 3,975 WEKUCOIN
db7cb66b sent 24,500 WEKUCOIN to
86ca90b7 sent 500 WEKUCOIN to
d5fabb3b paid 79.5 BTS for 10,597 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 71 BTS for 10,145 WEKUCOIN
f7b7345c cancel order
c101dd63 wants 16,000 BEARS for 8 BTS
f6049a66 wants 100 BEARS for 1 BTS
virtual paid 1 BTS for 100 BEARS
a83f19c3 wants 9 BTS for 0.1934 REVEUR
virtual paid 0.1934 REVEUR for 9 BTS
bc8102cb paid 20.5 BTS for 2,736 WEKUCOIN
0af2d922 wants 13,333 WEKUCOIN for 100 BTS
e45ae132 cancel order
af790489 wants 10,145 WEKUCOIN for 71 BTS
54ce4789 cancel order
c338c8d9 wants 12,737 WEKUCOIN for 101.9 BTS
virtual paid 30.8 BTS for 3,853 WEKUCOIN
17152108 cancel order
63abb140 wants 15,922 WEKUCOIN for 102 BTS
38e0eabd cancel order
3e668817 wants 14,558 WEKUCOIN for 102 BTS
8658938a wants 15,685 WEKUCOIN for 102 BTS
b80dd626 sent 50,000 WEKUCOIN to
32f35dff paid 32 BTS for 4,000 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 16 BTS for 2,000 WEKUCOIN
d9973bc0 cancel order
2627dcc1 cancel order
c34ea95d wants 2,000 WEKUCOIN for 16 BTS
66909d9b paid 80 BTS for 10,000 WEKUCOIN
0bdeaa81 sent 100 WEKUCOIN to
858db291 cancel order
ef388595 wants 14,000 WEKUCOIN for 112 BTS
472a0024 wants 1,207 WEKUCOIN for 15.7 BTS
virtual paid 15.7 BTS for 1,207 WEKUCOIN
51218337 wants 15,000 WEKUCOIN for 195 BTS
virtual paid 15.7 BTS for 1,570 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 179.3 BTS for 13,792 WEKUCOIN
6f9e1b92 wants 15,000 WEKUCOIN for 150 BTS
virtual paid 15.04 BTS for 2,149 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 2,149 WEKUCOIN for 15.04 BTS
virtual paid 47.5 BTS for 4,746 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 87.5 BTS for 8,749 WEKUCOIN
01c5f782 cancel order
0363f725 wants 32,640 WEKUCOIN for 157 BTS
6076b4bf wants 10,417 WEKUCOIN for 50 BTS
d26f442d wants 14,894 WEKUCOIN for 70 BTS
c0c3972e wants 22,222 WEKUCOIN for 100 BTS
acb1daa6 cancel order
68333f1e cancel order
6360eb70 cancel order
066d400f wants 15.04 BTS for 2,149 WEKUCOIN
0db92913 wants 16,327 WEKUCOIN for 80 BTS
01f3ade7 wants 9,804 WEKUCOIN for 50 BTS
3fab2f0d cancel order
81b0b7a9 cancel order
6b40fc4b cancel order
244fec80 wants 22,400 WEKUCOIN for 112 BTS
d547b637 cancel order
54f94882 wants 39.4 BTS for 2,315 WEKUCOIN
3480bdb7 cancel order
b4637f38 wants 1,070 WHALESHARE for 53.7 BTS
21bd20ef wants 35.9 BTS for 1,983 WEKUCOIN
629729da paid 3,559 WEKUCOIN for 51.2 BTS
9be41427 wants 51.2 BTS for 3,559 WEKUCOIN
6b7e25ab paid 1.546 BTS for 678 WEKUCOIN
40cbeb6f paid 6.58 BTS for 2,886 WEKUCOIN
3d62d2f6 wants 30,263 WEKUCOIN for 69 BTS
77150a0f cancel order
0acf3357 wants 30,531 WEKUCOIN for 69 BTS
0b9cd04c paid 100 WEKUCOIN for 1.7 BTS
cd9b8aff paid 4,000 WEKUCOIN for 68 BTS
a5dcbcfe wants 22,523 WEKUCOIN for 50 BTS
248e4d7c cancel order
c6e4005e wants 69.7 BTS for 4,100 WEKUCOIN
0d0534e8 paid 6.05 BTS for 2,355 WEKUCOIN
0477bd03 paid 4.17 BTS for 1,623 WEKUCOIN
5cbfaa39 sent 5,500 WEKUCOIN to
526c1780 paid 0.00002 BTS for 0.0078 WEKUCOIN
4c50f32e paid 7.11 BTS for 2,768 WEKUCOIN
6193e79d paid 3.84 BTS for 1,493 WEKUCOIN
73837485 wants 28,079 WEKUCOIN for 72.2 BTS
676dee95 cancel order
ee182676 wants 28,800 WEKUCOIN for 72 BTS
c6ecacf9 cancel order
2ed7e4ce wants 31,304 WEKUCOIN for 72 BTS
50796765 cancel order
c2cd7167 sent 12,500 WEKUCOIN to
f1a1df7e wants 34,328 WEKUCOIN for 72.1 BTS
e1a21c0c cancel order
d5747d49 wants 232.3 BTS for 12,765 WEKUCOIN
7ee11c48 cancel order
7f93df59 paid 16 BTS for 7,619 WEKUCOIN
44108324 wants 7,619 WEKUCOIN for 16 BTS
740b7e46 cancel order
4bd125d4 wants 123.6 BTS for 5,149 WEKUCOIN
93718696 wants 31,691 WEKUCOIN for 15.85 BTS
07d165fc sent 24,000 WEKUCOIN to
6b6c5712 sent 1,000 WEKUCOIN to
26fcff07 sent 500 WEKUCOIN to
7f30b85e cancel order
f173a7df paid 1 BTS for 893 WEKUCOIN
b7282560 paid 2.345 BTS for 2,094 WEKUCOIN
a2a018f2 paid 1.747 BTS for 1,560 WEKUCOIN
14d7b90a paid 12.75 BTS for 11,384 WEKUCOIN
15f8c143 paid 5.8 BTS for 5,182 WEKUCOIN
f240a3a9 sent 50,000 WEKUCOIN to
33a1c382 sent 500 WEKUCOIN to
9d1ea39f paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.009 WEKUCOIN
a313cf63 wants 39,286 WEKUCOIN for 44 BTS
35941d8d wants 11,380 WEKUCOIN for 18.2 BTS
virtual paid 18.2 BTS for 11,380 WEKUCOIN
4e2958f7 cancel order
3dd0a229 paid 1.085 BTS for 968 WEKUCOIN
9c36b331 wants 56,250 WEKUCOIN for 63 BTS
e33c073a cancel order
aec18e28 paid 0.654 BTS for 594 WEKUCOIN
12ce65ab paid 0.5 BTS for 455 WEKUCOIN
aec3d4fb wants 58,182 WEKUCOIN for 64 BTS
b3da6193 cancel order
88e325ac paid 1.56 BTS for 1,559 WEKUCOIN
e1ea6744 paid 3.65 BTS for 3,655 WEKUCOIN
ede588c1 paid 2.966 BTS for 2,966 WEKUCOIN
db6f601e paid 0.457 BTS for 457 WEKUCOIN
4bee8e55 wants 0.04 BTS for 40 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 40 WEKUCOIN for 0.04 BTS
virtual paid 0.04 BTS for 40 WEKUCOIN
65f88058 wants 73,000 WEKUCOIN for 73 BTS
0c83f2d3 cancel order
c17f386e wants 63,333 WEKUCOIN for 133 BTS
virtual paid 59.9 BTS for 28,522 WEKUCOIN
01ea6403 sent 43,000 WEKUCOIN to
5905cef5 sent 500 WEKUCOIN to
99ca6439 wants 3.11 BTS for 1,000 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 1,000 WEKUCOIN for 3.11 BTS
86fa38b6 wants 10 WEKUCOIN for 0.058 BTS
virtual paid 0.058 BTS for 10 WEKUCOIN
fda375ba sent 27,300 WEKUCOIN to
e103baac sent 18,000 WEKUCOIN to
bc629e30 sent 20,000 WEKUCOIN to
e6f38a1d wants 3.1 BTS for 1,000 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 1,000 WEKUCOIN for 3.1 BTS
01d07719 sent 100,000 WEKUCOIN to
e6bc39a7 sent 1,000 WEKUCOIN to
93c90787 paid 203 BTS for 57,022 WEKUCOIN
4bebc958 paid 4 BTS for 1,124 WEKUCOIN
838bd1d3 wants 58,146 WEKUCOIN for 207 BTS
06100399 cancel order
ae71aea7 wants 59,143 WEKUCOIN for 207 BTS
1a24d532 paid 61.8 BTS for 7,613 WEKUCOIN
9d2a65bb paid 134.6 BTS for 16,571 WEKUCOIN
10e50f4b paid 2.593 BTS for 319 WEKUCOIN
53c4a6df paid 0.02775 BTS for 3.42 WEKUCOIN
6f0551f1 wants 24,507 WEKUCOIN for 199 BTS
67d85d91 cancel order
6094749c wants 24,667 WEKUCOIN for 200.3 BTS
d346f41e sent 1,095 BTS to
e71cc514 cancel order
ef652413 cancel order
f868248d cancel order
f06dae98 cancel order
1a0c3f93 cancel order
5b025835 paid 127 BTS for 15,556 WEKUCOIN
ea4e8210 wants 53,186 WEKUCOIN for 434 BTS
dd7fe0d5 cancel order
76b9ceb9 wants 53,316 WEKUCOIN for 435 BTS
9a6c4026 cancel order
f7247662 cancel order
d0929976 wants 28,400 WEKUCOIN for 213 BTS
d9040a1e cancel order
ddaaf880 wants 27,500 WEKUCOIN for 220 BTS
893fb598 cancel order
7b7913fa paid 3.45 BTS for 493 WEKUCOIN
567ab466 paid 140 BTS for 20,000 WEKUCOIN
1b7be6c0 wants 30,000 WEKUCOIN for 210 BTS
4b5d47fd cancel order
024ec1e3 wants 8,200 WEKUCOIN for 104.7 BTS
51c6e8d3 cancel order
fdab4be7 wants 10,781 WEKUCOIN for 138 BTS
virtual paid 21.2 BTS for 1,658 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 65.2 BTS for 5,100 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 51.7 BTS for 4,043 WEKUCOIN
2d017caa cancel order
442e86ae wants 6,000 WEKUCOIN for 60 BTS
virtual paid 9.81 BTS for 981 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 50 BTS for 5,000 WEKUCOIN
80f61485 cancel order
18f51209 wants 30,000 WEKUCOIN for 294 BTS
virtual paid 294 BTS for 30,000 WEKUCOIN
13ac88ea wants 20,000 WEKUCOIN for 180 BTS
virtual paid 0.00519 BTS for 0.694 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 2.195 BTS for 293.4 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 37.4 BTS for 4,996 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 4.35 BTS for 543 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 90 BTS for 10,000 WEKUCOIN
42b6e12e wants 83,333 WEKUCOIN for 500 BTS
d1cf2ff1 paid 46.8 BTS for 6,255 WEKUCOIN