立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer


Voting Slate


1 50%
BTS7MxMnd4C4KNys79X5FTgZ7S3HXHjTpptpD4NG43xVi5kLJP1Vu 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Lifetime fees paid25.5 BTS
Cashback/vesting0 BRIDGE.BCO


Asset Balance
BRIDGE.BCO 0.02373
BRIDGE.BTC 0.001047
BADCOIN 10,000
ZEPH 237
DEEX 0.1
PROTON 0.0005
SEED 158
OPEN.NEO 1.894
TESLACOM 0.00001
FORDCOM 0.00001
CUBED.CNY 0.000002
CUBED.USD 0.000002
GOOGL 0.00001
BRIDGE.ETH 0.000088
bda272a3 sent 109.8 BTS to
dd554276 sent 0.00000026 BRIDGE.BTC to
0d2c8f41 sent 0.00000014 BRIDGE.BTC to
a20baefa sent 0.00000014 BRIDGE.BTC to
43eebbc7 sent 0.00000014 BRIDGE.BTC to
ccfe89fd sent 0.00000054 BRIDGE.BTC to
7c7421cd sent 0.00000077 BRIDGE.BTC to
a7b5710c sent 0.00000115 BRIDGE.BTC to
6fc620ca sent 0.00000112 BRIDGE.BTC to
a87c9335 withdraw 97.5 BRIDGE.BCO from vesting
e3a0c47d wants 7.14 BRIDGE.BCO for 99.2 BTS
virtual paid 15.8 BTS for 1.137 BRIDGE.BCO
virtual paid 83.4 BTS for 6 BRIDGE.BCO
5823b444 cancel order
ee5e26f6 sent 400 BTS to
af51224b paid 1.9 OPEN.NEO for 465 BTS
20825860 paid 0.001 OPEN.NEO for 0.245 BTS
e37a3784 wants 465 BTS for 1.9 OPEN.NEO
9a4d0728 cancel order
bf23c9f9 wants 2 OPEN.NEO for 120 BTS
a392b9b7 wants 532 BTS for 1.9 OPEN.NEO
40d6b62f cancel order
4114082c wants 544 BTS for 1.89 OPEN.NEO
2ebad2b6 cancel order
16d4981e cancel order
9199d311 wants 535 BTS for 1.897 OPEN.NEO
f8616850 wants 0.341 OPEN.NEO for 72.3 BTS
96154ae3 cancel orders (2)
c55bcf62 wants 534 BTS for 1.897 OPEN.NEO
289f0879 wants 0.342 OPEN.NEO for 72.3 BTS
15c7d893 cancel order
9fd01364 paid 7.42 BTS for 0.0345 OPEN.NEO
52ae1512 sent 300 BTS to
ccdfa207 wants 437 BTS for 9.37 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 9.37 OPEN.EOS for 437 BTS
8c5a47f0 cancel order
41df6aee wants 538 BTS for 1.88 OPEN.NEO
995dcf21 cancel order
79c67afb wants 0.0345 OPEN.NEO for 7.42 BTS
b52dbf9b paid 14.84 BTS for 0.0689 OPEN.NEO
84dd4917 wants 529 BTS for 1.845 OPEN.NEO
be7cc512 wants 0.0689 OPEN.NEO for 14.84 BTS
af27f648 cancel order
9c04a365 paid 375 BTS for 1.74 OPEN.NEO
c669393e sent 700 BTS to
5bc25c46 wants 450 BTS for 9.37 OPEN.EOS
5cafec6b sent 2,000 BTS to
f91ae468 paid 0.000002 OPEN.EOS for 0.00009 BTS
8193aa99 wants 2,344 BTS for 49.8 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 0.209 OPEN.EOS for 10 BTS
virtual paid 0.2102 OPEN.EOS for 10 BTS
virtual paid 11.88 OPEN.EOS for 565 BTS
virtual paid 1.005 OPEN.EOS for 47.7 BTS
virtual paid 1.005 OPEN.EOS for 47.7 BTS
virtual paid 0.784 OPEN.EOS for 37.2 BTS
virtual paid 0.396 OPEN.EOS for 18.8 BTS
virtual paid 0.1039 OPEN.EOS for 4.92 BTS
virtual paid 0.78 OPEN.EOS for 37 BTS
virtual paid 1.005 OPEN.EOS for 47.6 BTS
virtual paid 1.005 OPEN.EOS for 47.6 BTS
virtual paid 3.29 OPEN.EOS for 155.7 BTS
virtual paid 0.2113 OPEN.EOS for 10 BTS
virtual paid 1.005 OPEN.EOS for 47.5 BTS
virtual paid 1.005 OPEN.EOS for 47.5 BTS
virtual paid 1.005 OPEN.EOS for 47.4 BTS
virtual paid 1.005 OPEN.EOS for 47.4 BTS
virtual paid 1.005 OPEN.EOS for 47.3 BTS
virtual paid 0.2123 OPEN.EOS for 10 BTS
virtual paid 1.005 OPEN.EOS for 47.3 BTS
virtual paid 21.7 OPEN.EOS for 1,021 BTS
e61dcd80 cancel order
ca369ef6 cancel order
78908a16 cancel order
74196584 cancel order
caefcfcf wants 280.5 BTS for 0.978 OPEN.NEO
7092c1e6 wants 1.74 OPEN.NEO for 375 BTS
03cbc6fe cancel orders (2)
a82f6d53 wants 282.6 BTS for 0.978 OPEN.NEO
eb9fd668 wants 1.752 OPEN.NEO for 375 BTS
02fa7ea4 cancel orders (2)
5f2bfd42 wants 288 BTS for 0.978 OPEN.NEO
9fecf3b9 wants 1.785 OPEN.NEO for 375 BTS
5e18c832 paid 0.000001 OPEN.EOS for 0.00004 BTS
a28b8a59 wants 710 BTS for 14.2 OPEN.EOS
a310b924 wants 733 BTS for 15 OPEN.EOS
149379f9 wants 731 BTS for 15 OPEN.EOS
6b03f515 wants 730 BTS for 15 OPEN.EOS
f85f4671 wants 548 BTS for 11.53 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 1.005 OPEN.EOS for 47.8 BTS
virtual paid 10.52 OPEN.EOS for 500 BTS
9d58800b cancel order
8ef7eff9 cancel order
51d84346 wants 1,463 BTS for 30 OPEN.EOS
5603b67b cancel orders (2)
f6915913 wants 1,034 BTS for 21.2 OPEN.EOS
67f1fab1 wants 1.269 OPEN.EOS for 60.9 BTS
da7ea8df cancel order
b5888311 paid 39 BTS for 0.812 OPEN.EOS
18115838 paid 13.42 BTS for 0.279 OPEN.EOS
9df2f2ab paid 34.5 BTS for 0.718 OPEN.EOS
40f23b8d wants 1,010 BTS for 20.68 OPEN.EOS
4e30c956 wants 1.81 OPEN.EOS for 87 BTS
345d557c cancel order
5af689c4 paid 120.4 BTS for 2.5 OPEN.EOS
3435a26c paid 3.86 BTS for 0.0801 OPEN.EOS
68415f06 wants 973 BTS for 19.9 OPEN.EOS
30b89731 wants 2.58 OPEN.EOS for 124.3 BTS
573c59c6 cancel order
17919ee2 paid 50.1 BTS for 1.04 OPEN.EOS
ff67281a paid 18.7 BTS for 0.388 OPEN.EOS
e48e696a paid 108.7 BTS for 2.256 OPEN.EOS
d04f2bd1 wants 920 BTS for 18.8 OPEN.EOS
69fe850f wants 3.68 OPEN.EOS for 177.5 BTS
8d116557 cancel order
e72d6266 paid 253.6 BTS for 5.24 OPEN.EOS
90ea978d wants 848 BTS for 17.23 OPEN.EOS
d3463ffb wants 5.24 OPEN.EOS for 253.6 BTS
b0d7941f cancel order
9d6a1fa9 paid 362 BTS for 7.42 OPEN.EOS
a82dc654 wants 744 BTS for 15 OPEN.EOS
63a47574 wants 7.42 OPEN.EOS for 362 BTS
6cdef875 cancel order
9702dee2 wants 588 BTS for 11.84 OPEN.EOS
bec23276 wants 10.58 OPEN.EOS for 518 BTS
ea33473e paid 51 BTS for 1.043 OPEN.EOS
a82a2a23 paid 135.8 BTS for 2.776 OPEN.EOS
a639d144 paid 135.8 BTS for 2.776 OPEN.EOS
334ac9cb paid 135.8 BTS for 2.776 OPEN.EOS
7edb3caa paid 59.2 BTS for 1.21 OPEN.EOS
ccfe631f cancel order
9f1bfc81 paid 243 BTS for 4.95 OPEN.EOS
30d6993d paid 89 BTS for 1.815 OPEN.EOS
02a42881 paid 7.83 BTS for 0.1596 OPEN.EOS
01412a94 paid 74.6 BTS for 1.52 OPEN.EOS
eda968df paid 133.6 BTS for 2.72 OPEN.EOS
cc125111 paid 18.3 BTS for 0.373 OPEN.EOS
4f5c264b paid 17.52 BTS for 0.357 OPEN.EOS
c7445686 paid 57.8 BTS for 1.18 OPEN.EOS
3d508bf1 paid 0.56 BTS for 0.0114 OPEN.EOS
1e1de234 paid 0.1605 OPEN.EOS for 8 BTS
027a536e paid 4.39 OPEN.EOS for 218.5 BTS
ec15b0e5 wants 1,173 BTS for 1.955 OPEN.NEO
2ee5834b update account/votes
2daccd6e wants 463 BTS for 9.29 OPEN.EOS
a2a5e1ef wants 13.1 OPEN.EOS for 642 BTS
3c193d6a cancel order
7981d049 paid 8.82 OPEN.EOS for 435 BTS
d22aca4b paid 3 OPEN.EOS for 147.8 BTS
2a8e4627 paid 0.0643 OPEN.EOS for 3.17 BTS
e722e035 paid 1.38 OPEN.EOS for 68 BTS
08ad091f wants 654 BTS for 13.27 OPEN.EOS
dc3c3e6c wants 9.2 OPEN.EOS for 446 BTS
b4502456 cancel orders (2)
1e4d88f8 wants 653 BTS for 13.27 OPEN.EOS
715941ce wants 9.22 OPEN.EOS for 446 BTS
9ad6d2d1 cancel orders (2)
f45da0ce wants 435 BTS for 8.84 OPEN.EOS
1f938a64 wants 6.14 OPEN.EOS for 297.5 BTS
3d25d1a3 cancel orders (2)
6394db75 sent 500 BTS to
e68b0cb0 wants 436 BTS for 8.84 OPEN.EOS
c5193440 wants 8.2 OPEN.EOS for 397 BTS
0aceb7c8 cancel order
2eb5db2c paid 497 BTS for 9.88 OPEN.EOS
ff5d70a6 wants 351 BTS for 6.87 OPEN.EOS
bf7a90fa wants 9.88 OPEN.EOS for 497 BTS
3176dcc2 sent 2,500 BTS to
6044cb8b cancel orders (2)
62b1ceb2 paid 177.2 BTS for 3.55 OPEN.EOS
cf5f6dbe paid 53.4 BTS for 1.068 OPEN.EOS
b081b221 paid 0.453 OPEN.EOS for 23 BTS
285e3611 wants 307 BTS for 6.04 OPEN.EOS
615cda00 cancel order
1b3bef18 wants 20.77 OPEN.EOS for 1,038 BTS
5387cc1a paid 0.0344 OPEN.EOS for 1.74 BTS
33e59d8f paid 6.18 OPEN.EOS for 312.5 BTS
47cdd5ae paid 0.905 OPEN.EOS for 45.7 BTS
b278f87e paid 0.427 OPEN.EOS for 21.6 BTS
4a8cfba8 wants 382 BTS for 7.55 OPEN.EOS
63848423 wants 19.35 OPEN.EOS for 962 BTS
3e268cfe cancel order
69787a9a paid 0.0581 OPEN.EOS for 2.92 BTS
8ab971a7 paid 9.38 OPEN.EOS for 471 BTS
404e5a4b wants 474 BTS for 9.44 OPEN.EOS
6db67ff1 cancel order
3bc92c41 wants 17.55 OPEN.EOS for 867 BTS
e9fc311f paid 3.3 OPEN.EOS for 165 BTS
06342ea9 paid 0.0385 OPEN.EOS for 1.925 BTS
1b350252 paid 0.0385 OPEN.EOS for 1.925 BTS
11afabef paid 0.0385 OPEN.EOS for 1.925 BTS
b4b9606d paid 0.0385 OPEN.EOS for 1.925 BTS
aacc396e paid 0.0385 OPEN.EOS for 1.925 BTS
68a10853 paid 0.0742 OPEN.EOS for 3.71 BTS
96fa10ba paid 5.04 OPEN.EOS for 252 BTS
fb679f61 paid 2.16 OPEN.EOS for 108 BTS
51d5e1cb paid 1.03 OPEN.EOS for 51.5 BTS
5047a538 wants 590 BTS for 11.8 OPEN.EOS
611248b0 wants 15.22 OPEN.EOS for 750 BTS
61163a16 cancel orders (2)