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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight1.1 BTS
Lifetime fees paid3.92 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.2313
DEEX 0.1
BAIDUCOM 0.00001
TESLACOM 0.00001
FORDCOM 0.00001
e9620fa5 sent 30 BTS to
50fcb40f sent 15 BTS to
3ea44e50 sent 15 BTS to
538e29e2 sent 1.1 BTS to
5e095e36 update account/votes
45a205eb sent 0.1 DEEX to
7b1bd539 sent 0.902 BTS to
426fc219 sent 0.747 BTCCORE to
cd5a9bdc cancel orders (2)
0bf4f0c2 wants 0.1394 BTCCORE for 0.1111 BTS
145d738d wants 0.0655 BTS for 0.0747 BTCCORE
04fb18c2 cancel order
52f48fd4 paid 0.083 BTCCORE for 0.068 BTS
fae76ed1 wants 0.1408 BTCCORE for 0.105 BTS
f7eda38e wants 0.068 BTS for 0.083 BTCCORE
a2b0ec71 cancel order
00fae57c paid 0.0922 BTCCORE for 0.0665 BTS
9f0ffcb5 wants 0.151 BTCCORE for 0.099 BTS
7cb1f6fc wants 0.0665 BTS for 0.0922 BTCCORE
384cd160 cancel order
fcc2b6a9 paid 0.1024 BTCCORE for 0.0694 BTS
327e2a65 wants 0.1503 BTCCORE for 0.0927 BTS
7e16805f cancel order
3768c5c3 wants 0.0694 BTS for 0.1024 BTCCORE
3d46a46c paid 0.1037 BTS for 0.1347 BTCCORE
4b4e5189 wants 0.1347 BTCCORE for 0.1037 BTS
b6728857 wants 0.0753 BTS for 0.089 BTCCORE
2666ee28 cancel order
8a50f5e4 paid 0.1159 BTS for 0.1403 BTCCORE
cbe194b5 wants 0.1403 BTCCORE for 0.1159 BTS
806d770a wants 0.068 BTS for 0.0749 BTCCORE
219a2e18 cancel orders (2)
a9d7f573 wants 0.1488 BTCCORE for 0.116 BTS
75edf9f9 wants 0.0642 BTS for 0.0749 BTCCORE
f35631fc cancel order
cefb5410 paid 0.0832 BTCCORE for 0.066 BTS
8061c0fd wants 0.1528 BTCCORE for 0.11 BTS
412e87a2 wants 0.066 BTS for 0.0832 BTCCORE
52fa8abd cancel order
b76261dd paid 0.0925 BTCCORE for 0.0717 BTS
daa17b58 wants 0.147 BTCCORE for 0.1035 BTS
9b5f1584 wants 0.0717 BTS for 0.0925 BTCCORE
f65c10d5 cancel order
5ff8b97c paid 0.1028 BTCCORE for 0.0753 BTS
7bb0b514 wants 0.145 BTCCORE for 0.0966 BTS
c6426501 cancel order
d2381752 wants 0.0753 BTS for 0.1028 BTCCORE
76ba149d paid 0.108 BTS for 0.1376 BTCCORE
88126392 wants 0.1376 BTCCORE for 0.108 BTS
c349946c cancel order
2144e042 wants 0.0769 BTS for 0.089 BTCCORE
90b38644 paid 0.1208 BTS for 0.152 BTCCORE
fdab6b8a wants 0.152 BTCCORE for 0.1208 BTS
c24f51d4 wants 0.0644 BTS for 0.0738 BTCCORE
c8fefdb6 cancel orders (2)
770ae67c wants 0.1326 BTCCORE for 0.1209 BTS
3fab132a wants 0.074 BTS for 0.0738 BTCCORE
e8ee5991 cancel order
d493868f paid 0.082 BTCCORE for 0.079 BTS
23d471fe wants 0.1296 BTCCORE for 0.1136 BTS
5321097e wants 0.079 BTS for 0.082 BTCCORE
f0444a94 cancel order
ee3832d9 paid 0.0911 BTCCORE for 0.0853 BTS
5d5fd991 wants 0.1242 BTCCORE for 0.1057 BTS
6bfc9bdc wants 0.0853 BTS for 0.0911 BTCCORE
6db2cd3d cancel order
13cf0714 paid 0.1012 BTCCORE for 0.0916 BTS
c1cfeb10 wants 0.1182 BTCCORE for 0.0972 BTS
0f55a56a wants 0.0916 BTS for 0.1012 BTCCORE
b62d78b4 cancel order
c3701cb8 paid 0.1125 BTCCORE for 0.0977 BTS
f0d6b9bb wants 0.1115 BTCCORE for 0.088 BTS
1c63bba5 wants 0.0977 BTS for 0.1125 BTCCORE
73c161e4 cancel order
7d23849e paid 0.125 BTCCORE for 0.1054 BTS
b9f4a051 wants 0.102 BTCCORE for 0.0781 BTS
a2f49afa wants 0.1054 BTS for 0.125 BTCCORE
58a2fce4 cancel order
f9231646 paid 0.139 BTCCORE for 0.1128 BTS
a66b6c6b wants 0.0914 BTCCORE for 0.0675 BTS
cd09daa9 wants 0.1128 BTS for 0.139 BTCCORE
8693d5ad cancel order
8c8a99c7 paid 0.1543 BTCCORE for 0.1184 BTS
5b794238 wants 0.0807 BTCCORE for 0.0563 BTS
243e536d wants 0.1184 BTS for 0.1543 BTCCORE
7f216a7c cancel order
d9e97d94 paid 0.0633 BTS for 0.085 BTCCORE
c491bcaf wants 0.085 BTCCORE for 0.0633 BTS
6e26e3b4 wants 0.1193 BTS for 0.1458 BTCCORE
72a13244 cancel order
2a3d1a99 paid 0.071 BTS for 0.0869 BTCCORE
a7677952 wants 0.0869 BTCCORE for 0.071 BTS
ae2969e5 wants 0.1232 BTS for 0.137 BTCCORE
90aed2e7 cancel order
c3878c3f paid 0.0796 BTS for 0.0937 BTCCORE
8db69b29 wants 0.0937 BTCCORE for 0.0796 BTS
dc593dcd wants 0.1193 BTS for 0.1277 BTCCORE
ab3847e5 cancel order
8832f61b paid 0.0891 BTS for 0.0989 BTCCORE
103deb2f wants 0.0989 BTCCORE for 0.0891 BTS
d555920f cancel order
0b126f9b wants 0.1169 BTS for 0.1178 BTCCORE
0d7ad0e5 paid 0.0998 BTS for 0.1073 BTCCORE
73aca1e3 wants 0.1073 BTCCORE for 0.0998 BTS
692f4ab5 wants 0.1095 BTS for 0.1071 BTCCORE
55c3b84c cancel order
79142069 paid 0.1115 BTS for 0.1126 BTCCORE
6fc4f8c9 wants 0.1126 BTCCORE for 0.1115 BTS
07bd02d9 wants 0.1044 BTS for 0.0958 BTCCORE
e3f18191 cancel orders (2)
d2135802 wants 0.114 BTCCORE for 0.1117 BTS
6a329c8c wants 0.1032 BTS for 0.0958 BTCCORE
f4f9d282 cancel order
cb2fc39f paid 0.1065 BTCCORE for 0.1101 BTS
9c974bd0 wants 0.1077 BTCCORE for 0.1013 BTS
e8e35405 wants 0.1101 BTS for 0.1065 BTCCORE
4cc85e60 cancel order
647f107f paid 0.1132 BTS for 0.1182 BTCCORE
8a68f66e wants 0.1182 BTCCORE for 0.1132 BTS
80a28cc0 cancel order
ea6d9081 wants 0.0998 BTS for 0.0947 BTCCORE
5dd356bd paid 0.1052 BTCCORE for 0.1092 BTS
8245429b wants 0.1091 BTCCORE for 0.103 BTS
72c93c76 wants 0.1092 BTS for 0.1052 BTCCORE
5fd71f0a cancel order
1c127765 paid 0.115 BTS for 0.1202 BTCCORE
ee1ee59e wants 0.1202 BTCCORE for 0.115 BTS
c2b119be wants 0.0981 BTS for 0.0932 BTCCORE
686aa6d6 cancel order
5e1e3310 paid 0.1286 BTS for 0.122 BTCCORE
0404b88a wants 0.122 BTCCORE for 0.1286 BTS
65705e58 wants 0.0938 BTS for 0.081 BTCCORE
f38bd184 cancel order
0e293cfc paid 0.09 BTCCORE for 0.1002 BTS
c7eb714a wants 0.1177 BTCCORE for 0.1192 BTS
06ce998b cancel order
675015c6 wants 0.1002 BTS for 0.09 BTCCORE
3f799a84 paid 0.1 BTCCORE for 0.1038 BTS
45a2dee6 wants 0.116 BTCCORE for 0.1095 BTS
d29cde82 cancel order
0515a86e wants 0.1038 BTS for 0.1 BTCCORE
7ca1ac4f paid 0.1223 BTS for 0.1223 BTCCORE
4460c443 wants 0.1223 BTCCORE for 0.1223 BTS
4cc49f96 cancel order
3c06c35e wants 0.0965 BTS for 0.0877 BTCCORE
ad533e7c paid 0.1366 BTS for 0.134 BTCCORE
6b2a0cf6 wants 0.134 BTCCORE for 0.1366 BTS
bf61a645 wants 0.0833 BTS for 0.0743 BTCCORE
c6f1b7de cancel order
4e19a843 paid 0.0826 BTCCORE for 0.087 BTS
5accdc9d wants 0.1343 BTCCORE for 0.1286 BTS
9f703d2a wants 0.087 BTS for 0.0826 BTCCORE
862e7821 cancel order
9628db63 paid 0.1436 BTS for 0.1408 BTCCORE
81775d77 wants 0.1408 BTCCORE for 0.1436 BTS
b40f00d2 wants 0.0768 BTS for 0.0685 BTCCORE
7d7e76b8 cancel order
16f42f09 paid 0.0761 BTCCORE for 0.081 BTS
938fac6f wants 0.1407 BTCCORE for 0.136 BTS
71d78c91 wants 0.081 BTS for 0.0761 BTCCORE
cfc71737 cancel order
feb12550 paid 0.152 BTS for 0.1357 BTCCORE
2a1320e7 wants 0.1357 BTCCORE for 0.152 BTS
99ef3e66 wants 0.077 BTS for 0.0625 BTCCORE
58320445 cancel order
f59557e1 paid 0.0695 BTCCORE for 0.0732 BTS
3f0d88e0 wants 0.1517 BTCCORE for 0.1452 BTS
9b31eee8 wants 0.0732 BTS for 0.0695 BTCCORE
48c5fb3c cancel order
f20f9b81 paid 0.0772 BTCCORE for 0.0758 BTS
701b3d1c wants 0.155 BTCCORE for 0.1383 BTS
cc257dca wants 0.0758 BTS for 0.0772 BTCCORE
d1411cd4 cancel order
24b21e3d paid 0.0858 BTCCORE for 0.0793 BTS
1259df7c wants 0.156 BTCCORE for 0.131 BTS
8eb568ef wants 0.0793 BTS for 0.0858 BTCCORE
f9e00d0c cancel order
fe8a3d70 paid 0.0953 BTCCORE for 0.083 BTS
e9492f5f wants 0.1558 BTCCORE for 0.1233 BTS
6006be67 wants 0.083 BTS for 0.0953 BTCCORE
2f86092a cancel order
7dc80ac4 paid 0.106 BTCCORE for 0.088 BTS
1dd6558c wants 0.1523 BTCCORE for 0.1152 BTS
ffa5dbb4 wants 0.088 BTS for 0.106 BTCCORE
d4cb5274 cancel order
10da639f paid 0.1286 BTS for 0.1612 BTCCORE
7aa6ed0a wants 0.1612 BTCCORE for 0.1286 BTS
68f370d9 wants 0.0788 BTS for 0.0898 BTCCORE
0f722ed0 cancel orders (2)
61664856 wants 0.0788 BTS for 0.0898 BTCCORE
bd8695a8 wants 0.1613 BTCCORE for 0.1288 BTS
694e08c5 cancel orders (2)
527ea4f6 wants 0.0769 BTS for 0.0898 BTCCORE
2131bbe4 wants 0.1656 BTCCORE for 0.129 BTS
d2fa45a8 cancel order
13e2cf94 paid 0.0998 BTCCORE for 0.083 BTS
2f3e368a wants 0.083 BTS for 0.0998 BTCCORE
adfbdf36 wants 0.1602 BTCCORE for 0.1212 BTS