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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight0.364 BTS
Lifetime fees paid4.44 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.364
OPEN.BTC 0.00000006
DEEX 0.1
EVRAZ 0.382
OPEN.RISE 0.0006
56b375d0 paid 0.01 OPEN.RISE for 0.00000006 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
183d826d wants 483 OPEN.RISE for 0.00242 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00242 OPEN.BTC for 483 OPEN.RISE
c3795560 wants 0.00241 OPEN.BTC for 402 OPEN.RISE
virtual paid 388 OPEN.RISE for 0.00233 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 13.65 OPEN.RISE for 0.0000819 OPEN.BTC
9e907cf1 wants 0.00001172 OPEN.BTC for 2.3 OPEN.RISE
virtual paid 2.3 OPEN.RISE for 0.00001172 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
7c3c5717 sent 0.0486 OPEN.BTC to
85e9202c cancel order
7d45a022 wants 12,081 OPEN.RISE for 0.0486 OPEN.BTC
af882f7b cancel order
12aa946e wants 13,837 OPEN.RISE for 0.0486 OPEN.BTC
84807de1 wants 0.0442 OPEN.BTC for 8,828 OPEN.RISE
virtual paid 8,828 OPEN.RISE for 0.0442 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
ff4ca358 cancel order
ceb1873b wants 882 OPEN.RISE for 0.00443 OPEN.BTC
5cd07d41 wants 0.0000308 OPEN.BTC for 5.55 OPEN.RISE
virtual paid 5.54 OPEN.RISE for 0.0000308 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
3864da0b wants 0.00441 OPEN.BTC for 734 OPEN.RISE
virtual paid 734 OPEN.RISE for 0.00441 OPEN.BTC
9f969f97 sent 3,503 OPEN.RISE to
04a2b39e cancel order
b2a97d3e sent 0.1445 OPEN.BTC to
dbacda52 cancel order
61b5a28b wants 0.0231 OPEN.BTC for 3,503 OPEN.RISE
544504a6 wants 111,171 OPEN.RISE for 0.1445 OPEN.BTC
33aab9b5 cancel order
73df8e14 cancel order
e45f0347 wants 32,045 OPEN.RISE for 0.1445 OPEN.BTC
0674b05d cancel order
9305317f cancel order
fec5a9ce wants 0.02277 OPEN.BTC for 3,503 OPEN.RISE
0394544c cancel order
7e0cfd64 wants 24,765 OPEN.RISE for 0.14 OPEN.BTC
adb67246 cancel order
48dcbe5f wants 818 OPEN.RISE for 0.0046 OPEN.BTC
a9ac2109 paid 688 OPEN.RISE for 0.00461 OPEN.BTC
ca864c66 wants 24,897 OPEN.RISE for 0.14 OPEN.BTC
4f5806af cancel order
a2fdaf85 cancel order
33cd5cbb wants 0.0281 OPEN.BTC for 4,191 OPEN.RISE
c42de33c cancel order
7d9c2113 wants 65,447 OPEN.RISE for 0.131 OPEN.BTC
e691ae97 cancel order
93bcb957 wants 23,291 OPEN.RISE for 0.131 OPEN.BTC
ffa8c063 cancel order
206f2d31 wants 1,597 OPEN.RISE for 0.00903 OPEN.BTC
4592896c wants 0.0306 OPEN.BTC for 4,191 OPEN.RISE
044150bc wants 0.0000056 OPEN.BTC for 1 OPEN.RISE
virtual paid 0.00162 OPEN.RISE for 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.998 OPEN.RISE for 0.0000056 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
93158f08 wants 0.00904 OPEN.BTC for 1,470 OPEN.RISE
virtual paid 1,470 OPEN.RISE for 0.00904 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
4f85fe4a cancel order
7098cab1 wants 0.0416 OPEN.BTC for 5,662 OPEN.RISE
7d42b566 cancel order
33bfc4bc wants 29,023 OPEN.RISE for 0.131 OPEN.BTC
72ab9568 cancel order
7c93ac86 wants 0.0419 OPEN.BTC for 5,662 OPEN.RISE
f32deea8 cancel order
67b140a6 paid 10.48 OPEN.RISE for 0.0000807 OPEN.BTC
317249d4 wants 21,445 OPEN.RISE for 0.1308 OPEN.BTC
99b6ce0a cancel order
bf174166 wants 23,528 OPEN.RISE for 0.1308 OPEN.BTC
7897a201 cancel order
b2df166d paid 728 OPEN.RISE for 0.0056 OPEN.BTC
53b216e0 paid 5,181 OPEN.RISE for 0.0392 OPEN.BTC
c7b66c60 wants 14,236 OPEN.RISE for 0.0861 OPEN.BTC
9e0d87e1 cancel order
3646f758 wants 16,988 OPEN.RISE for 0.0861 OPEN.BTC
9d6142d0 cancel order
87a9402d sent 0.1793 OPEN.BTC to
fc933bbc cancel order
ed5a793c cancel order
5076a8f0 wants 0.0493 OPEN.BTC for 6,400 OPEN.RISE
66361999 wants 0.0392 OPEN.BTC for 5,181 OPEN.RISE
0c4dfdcf cancel order
fbb0ae24 wants 0.091 OPEN.BTC for 11,581 OPEN.RISE
3c21b423 cancel order
b8c32f7c wants 13,353 OPEN.RISE for 0.0861 OPEN.BTC
bf108b35 wants 0.0874 OPEN.BTC for 11,581 OPEN.RISE
d1686a59 cancel order
1f8df721 paid 0.000951 OPEN.BTC for 156 OPEN.RISE
1e19ad39 wants 9,785 OPEN.RISE for 0.0597 OPEN.BTC
03c7d718 cancel order
4f53f874 wants 23,787 OPEN.RISE for 0.1206 OPEN.BTC
8206b504 wants 24,182 OPEN.RISE for 0.1458 OPEN.BTC
188d2758 wants 0.0867 OPEN.BTC for 11,426 OPEN.RISE
b5c22065 cancel order
a64ab65f wants 0.00000649 OPEN.BTC for 1 OPEN.RISE
virtual paid 0.00145 OPEN.RISE for 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00153 OPEN.RISE for 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC for 0.00153 OPEN.RISE
6e1c2e78 wants 0.0597 OPEN.BTC for 8,675 OPEN.RISE
virtual paid 8,675 OPEN.RISE for 0.0597 OPEN.BTC
a138911d cancel order
4251f288 cancel order
ed6e9342 wants 100.4 OPEN.RISE for 0.000653 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.000653 OPEN.BTC for 100.4 OPEN.RISE
ab696598 cancel order
6da00659 wants 16,872 OPEN.RISE for 0.1014 OPEN.BTC
b5731a22 cancel order
9926baa9 paid 0.00000003 OPEN.BTC for 0.00461 OPEN.RISE
12a59d6d wants 17,915 OPEN.RISE for 0.1014 OPEN.BTC
10633e21 cancel order
26af232a wants 18,107 OPEN.RISE for 0.1014 OPEN.BTC
3b3a19ed cancel order
fdabed53 wants 18,237 OPEN.RISE for 0.1014 OPEN.BTC
53d352c1 wants 0.154 OPEN.BTC for 20,001 OPEN.RISE
f8a573f4 cancel order
1d669f75 wants 20,927 OPEN.RISE for 0.106 OPEN.BTC
dbd65d82 cancel order
8ee34384 wants 59,117 OPEN.RISE for 0.2075 OPEN.BTC
26d5d105 cancel order
0e1f30e5 wants 103,751 OPEN.RISE for 0.2075 OPEN.BTC
de35b6de cancel order
55fedfd9 wants 0.1574 OPEN.BTC for 20,001 OPEN.RISE
ff84ee25 sent 52,892 OPEN.RISE to
0b0097f6 cancel order
e29acaed wants 37,388 OPEN.RISE for 0.2075 OPEN.BTC
28f5c5e2 wants 12,131 OPEN.RISE for 0.0789 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000006 OPEN.BTC for 0.01045 OPEN.RISE
virtual paid 0.00655 OPEN.BTC for 1,019 OPEN.RISE
virtual paid 0.0723 OPEN.BTC for 11,123 OPEN.RISE
931b65ff paid 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC for 0.00153 OPEN.RISE
711c3e5e paid 0.0724 OPEN.BTC for 11,123 OPEN.RISE
e9bebf08 paid 0.141 OPEN.BTC for 21,649 OPEN.RISE
09ed36ab paid 0.00892 OPEN.BTC for 1,351 OPEN.RISE
34f63bbf wants 0.211 OPEN.BTC for 26,720 OPEN.RISE
ec35a79b cancel order
ba7de77a wants 0.2124 OPEN.BTC for 26,720 OPEN.RISE
f6ec739a cancel order
12b884f9 wants 1,351 OPEN.RISE for 0.00892 OPEN.BTC
86344e9e paid 1,117 OPEN.RISE for 0.00894 OPEN.BTC
f57e8e3e wants 0.2227 OPEN.BTC for 27,837 OPEN.RISE
e2122e64 wants 32,772 OPEN.RISE for 0.2133 OPEN.BTC
8aadb396 cancel order
7d3abd01 wants 38,720 OPEN.RISE for 0.2133 OPEN.BTC
ef073e19 cancel order
8cee265e sent 28,525 OPEN.RISE to
8c8df40d cancel order
dabf28da wants 47,410 OPEN.RISE for 0.2133 OPEN.BTC
d69777bf cancel order
26c1038e wants 78,613 OPEN.RISE for 0.513 OPEN.BTC
110748be wants 0.228 OPEN.BTC for 28,525 OPEN.RISE
cb559430 cancel order
dc7b25eb cancel order
6666498f wants 0.0375 OPEN.BTC for 5,000 OPEN.RISE
virtual paid 5,000 OPEN.RISE for 0.0375 OPEN.BTC
e3630903 cancel order
89109324 paid 0.02854 OPEN.BTC for 4,178 OPEN.RISE
1b00ff09 wants 23,859 OPEN.RISE for 0.163 OPEN.BTC
3b590b5f cancel order
f40b371f cancel order
ce130ea5 wants 30,218 OPEN.RISE for 0.21 OPEN.BTC
031e1377 cancel order
5be13715 wants 0.2844 OPEN.BTC for 29,354 OPEN.RISE
4206d81e cancel order
7bc9c409 wants 42,673 OPEN.RISE for 0.2944 OPEN.BTC
c9c72ad7 cancel order
b08b5f66 paid 0.000753 OPEN.BTC for 110.8 OPEN.RISE
a85aa3e2 wants 0.263 OPEN.BTC for 29,244 OPEN.RISE
c4a222ea cancel order
1ab001fc wants 38,116 OPEN.RISE for 0.21 OPEN.BTC
60d652fd cancel order
267bd3e0 wants 43,411 OPEN.RISE for 0.295 OPEN.BTC
c8a08383 cancel order
f7251024 wants 32,311 OPEN.RISE for 0.21 OPEN.BTC
da30b8ce cancel order
3dc7cc8c cancel order
e2c6ffe2 wants 19,980 OPEN.RISE for 0.13 OPEN.BTC
8deaa065 cancel order
20696d72 wants 19,099 OPEN.RISE for 0.13 OPEN.BTC
bc110a7b wants 45,460 OPEN.RISE for 0.295 OPEN.BTC
a350a4a6 paid 29,905 OPEN.RISE for 0.2392 OPEN.BTC
3fdc2290 wants 12,906 OPEN.RISE for 0.0801 OPEN.BTC
269f09ec wants 0.473 OPEN.BTC for 59,149 OPEN.RISE
261a6ff4 cancel order
2765aded wants 521 OPEN.RISE for 0.00364 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00364 OPEN.BTC for 521 OPEN.RISE
cae2504d cancel order
8985a745 wants 0.586 OPEN.BTC for 58,630 OPEN.RISE
716f2a9e cancel order
70b663d2 wants 60,020 OPEN.RISE for 0.27 OPEN.BTC
db2b4824 cancel order
582cb533 wants 1.143 OPEN.BTC for 58,630 OPEN.RISE
124ce298 cancel order
9c44636b wants 0.463 OPEN.BTC for 58,630 OPEN.RISE
1a85ef9e cancel order
8f35e12b cancel order
599fd883 wants 0.057 OPEN.BTC for 7,431 OPEN.RISE