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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid71.4 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -
5447dbcb sent 29.55 BTS to
dba4eb18 sent 30 BTS to
f4969c7b sent 0.944 BTS to
6a28ae7e sent 2,005 COMPUCEEDS to
1c21978a burn 9.9995 CRYPTOCEEDS
a6cd266a cancel order
a2f3365a wants 0.995 BTS for 50 CRYPTOCEEDS
virtual paid 0.0005 CRYPTOCEEDS for 0.00001 BTS
df35e044 wants 0.0365 BTS for 0.1 DEEX
virtual paid 0.1 DEEX for 0.0365 BTS
f6b38f26 sent 1.152 BTS to
db6b4b8e update account/votes
dd7ce5ed wants 1.61 BTS for 10,000 BADCOIN
virtual paid 10,000 BADCOIN for 1.61 BTS
d27d6625 sent 20.1 BTCCORE to
5163a96e wants 20 BTCCORE for 8.98 BTS
virtual paid 8.98 BTS for 20.1 BTCCORE
19d4f1f4 sent 9.78 BTS to
9df3cd3c sent 3.31 BTS to
5d6870e3 cancel order
77010820 sent 364 BTCPLUS to
c526aa12 cancel order
cca385b3 cancel order
c9472916 wants 30,000,000 BTS for 50 CRYPTOCEEDS
eba24b1a sent 10.64 CRYPTOCEEDS to
5bad6587 sent 23.7 BTS to
c22415ae paid 10.56 BTS for 60.6 CRYPTOCEEDS
65503165 wants 60.6 CRYPTOCEEDS for 10.56 BTS
0fa3ffe1 wants 1,089,499 USD for 364 BTCPLUS
898cc16f sent 5,415 COMPUCEEDS to
fc02d647 sent 7,587 BTCPLUS to
da300706 cancel order
29ef7f28 wants 403 BTCPLUS for 0.008 OPEN.BTC
773598b4 paid 0.00658 OPEN.BTC for 332 BTCPLUS
a2e14b7e paid 0.001113 OPEN.BTC for 56.1 BTCPLUS
0cd5717a paid 0.0003084 OPEN.BTC for 15.54 BTCPLUS
c80ebc78 wants 62.6 BTS for 0.001403 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.001403 OPEN.BTC for 62.6 BTS
0feaa953 wants 11,342,565 USD for 7,587 BTCPLUS
f4c48f34 wants 1 BTS for 2.3 BTCPLUS
virtual paid 2.3 BTCPLUS for 1.13 BTS
f6db9dd8 paid 3,346 BTS for 7,690 BTCPLUS
bd053abf wants 7,690 BTCPLUS for 3,346 BTS
2877da87 update account/votes
d3e46439 cancel order
8577ca42 wants 5,415 COMPUCEEDS for 0.46 BTS
virtual paid 0.46 BTS for 5,415 COMPUCEEDS
cea61819 sent 840,000 COMPUCEEDS to
059f2f67 wants 3.25 BTS for 40,000 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 40,000 COMPUCEEDS for 3.25 BTS
59401125 wants 1,310 COMPUCEEDS for 0.1064 BTS
ea363b3c wants 2.71 BTS for 40,000 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 40,000 COMPUCEEDS for 2.71 BTS
cf4e41ab sent 5,659,536 COMPUCEEDS to
7a78d2f8 wants 0.808 BTS for 13,465 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 13,465 COMPUCEEDS for 0.845 BTS
eb1a4a64 cancel order
690504f9 wants 0.0002 CRYPTOCEEDS for 0.0579 BTS
virtual paid 0.0579 BTS for 0.0002 CRYPTOCEEDS
ca19b742 wants 1,545 BTS for 5 CRYPTOCEEDS
a666ba3d sent 2.64 COMPUCEEDS to
a33fc565 sent 152.6 COMPUCEEDS to
340f5de7 wants 623,155 COMPUCEEDS for 42.1 BTS
virtual paid 42.1 BTS for 623,155 COMPUCEEDS
36b291f8 sent 6,000 BTS to
c70dfccc sent 30,000 COMPUCEEDS to
66c1c72f wants 6,027 BTS for 0.02617 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.02617 OPEN.BTC for 6,027 BTS
81058943 sent 0.012 COMPUCEEDS to
2bc6fe2c wants 3,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 599 BTS
virtual paid 599 BTS for 3,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
4eb29854 wants 30 CRYPTOCEEDS for 11,001 BTS
virtual paid 1,091 BTS for 2.976 CRYPTOCEEDS
3e57c1e7 paid 2,852 BTS for 7.78 CRYPTOCEEDS
2ab53f6d paid 6,994 BTS for 19.07 CRYPTOCEEDS
2fc66e4f paid 63.4 BTS for 0.173 CRYPTOCEEDS
virtual cancel order
c3d734cc paid 0.02213 OPEN.BTC for 4,580 BTS
1e772da5 paid 0.001016 OPEN.BTC for 210.3 BTS
16cd7781 paid 0.00936 OPEN.BTC for 1,937 BTS
05197bb3 wants 11,624 BTS for 0.0562 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00935 OPEN.BTC for 1,936 BTS
515fda9d paid 0.00711 OPEN.BTC for 1,472 BTS
1f25ebba paid 0.00186 OPEN.BTC for 385 BTS
1df02819 paid 0.00533 OPEN.BTC for 1,104 BTS
28cbd75b sent 156.6 COMPUCEEDS to
eaddf4f1 sent 3,077,000 COMPUCEEDS to
b2326a32 paid 2,226 BTS for 562,768 COMPUCEEDS
b2326a32 paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.0025 COMPUCEEDS
be25d328 wants 3,201,936 COMPUCEEDS for 12,667 BTS
virtual paid 10,441 BTS for 2,639,168 COMPUCEEDS
384a8f06 paid 0.0626 OPEN.BTC for 11,321 BTS
3ce8061f paid 0.0055 OPEN.BTC for 994 BTS
feef691e wants 12,660 BTS for 0.07 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.001904 OPEN.BTC for 344 BTS
6f49f999 wants 2,875,021 COMPUCEEDS for 7,880 BTS
virtual paid 7,880 BTS for 2,875,021 COMPUCEEDS
50d58606 wants 7,887 BTS for 0.0438 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0438 OPEN.BTC for 7,887 BTS
79890fbf sent 204.3 COMPUCEEDS to
cc85921a sent 893 BTS to
b56b4ff7 wants 859 BTS for 0.005 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.005 OPEN.BTC for 859 BTS
0aa4e084 sent 250 BTS to
00934280 sent 5,000 COMPUCEEDS to
d8c5c36e sent 1,000 BTS to
badfe25c wants 945 BTS for 0.006 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.006 OPEN.BTC for 945 BTS
e2109f05 sent 266 QBITS to
fdef9b21 sent 349 BTS to
2f15856f sent 6,000 COMPUCEEDS to
cdeb5364 sent 1,200 BTS to
b84b1447 wants 1,363 BTS for 0.011 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.011 OPEN.BTC for 1,363 BTS
225a000d paid 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC for 0.00114 BTS
71d98674 sent 1,000 BTS to
f481a4a7 sent 5,000 COMPUCEEDS to
5ee29637 paid 0.00419 OPEN.BTC for 480 BTS
6ed32370 paid 0.00415 OPEN.BTC for 475 BTS
08bea63f paid 0.000803 OPEN.BTC for 92 BTS
deb94a57 wants 1,200 BTS for 0.01048 OPEN.BTC
28da7e4e paid 0.00134 OPEN.BTC for 153.6 BTS
74a27771 update account/votes