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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid78.9 BTS
146d8d00 sent 2 BTS to
68e94cee sent 877 BTS to
a8284d96 wants 144.4 BTS for 69.1 CNY
virtual paid 69.1 CNY for 144.8 BTS
b4447854 cancel order
ba1f65ca wants 449 BTS for 214 CNY
virtual paid 14.44 CNY for 30.3 BTS
virtual paid 130.4 CNY for 274 BTS
61f65efe wants 202.7 CNY for 3,092,803 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,130,560 BTSUCN for 79.1 CNY
virtual paid 1,637,536 BTSUCN for 113 CNY
virtual paid 324,706 BTSUCN for 22.1 CNY
virtual cancel order
158ac207 wants 19.95 BTS for 10.99 CNY
virtual paid 10.99 CNY for 19.95 BTS
a56a8a4f wants 11 CNY for 146,376 BTSUCN
virtual paid 146,375 BTSUCN for 11 CNY
virtual cancel order
65ca83df wants 17.4 BTS for 9.15 CNY
virtual paid 9.15 CNY for 17.4 BTS
2e51fbd8 wants 9.16 CNY for 121,980 BTSUCN
virtual paid 121,979 BTSUCN for 9.16 CNY
virtual cancel order
7db0cd8a wants 7.26 BTS for 3.59 CNY
virtual paid 3.59 CNY for 7.32 BTS
edcd52bf cancel order
e7943d7f wants 7.32 BTS for 3.59 CNY
944c538f wants 3.54 CNY for 48,792 BTSUCN
virtual paid 48,791 BTSUCN for 3.59 CNY
virtual cancel order
9a9a1c6a wants 21.3 BTS for 9.02 CNY
virtual paid 9.02 CNY for 22.4 BTS
ca11c367 wants 8.97 CNY for 121,979 BTSUCN
virtual paid 121,978 BTSUCN for 9.03 CNY
virtual cancel order
f4bc2b29 wants 20.63 BTS for 7.15 CNY
virtual paid 7.15 CNY for 20.64 BTS
2ffda736 wants 7.12 CNY for 97,584 BTSUCN
virtual paid 97,584 BTSUCN for 7.16 CNY
virtual cancel order
d44fe166 wants 23.1 BTS for 7.16 CNY
virtual paid 7.16 CNY for 23.2 BTS
c808bbb8 cancel order
532e0640 wants 23.2 BTS for 7.16 CNY
d639f0b5 wants 7.16 CNY for 97,585 BTSUCN
virtual paid 97,585 BTSUCN for 7.17 CNY
virtual cancel order
4be922a4 wants 20.9 BTS for 7.14 CNY
virtual paid 7.14 CNY for 21.24 BTS
1d4622ed cancel order
5c6ebf1d wants 21.3 BTS for 7.14 CNY
402fb2e7 cancel order
0533b307 wants 23.7 BTS for 7.14 CNY
e9546f35 wants 7.12 CNY for 97,585 BTSUCN
virtual paid 97,584 BTSUCN for 7.15 CNY
virtual cancel order
d73e4de7 wants 18.74 BTS for 7.21 CNY
virtual paid 7.21 CNY for 18.74 BTS
ac9d6d02 wants 7.12 CNY for 97,585 BTSUCN
virtual paid 97,584 BTSUCN for 7.22 CNY
virtual cancel order
03af4d3f wants 23.06 BTS for 8.92 CNY
8ffb9ddb paid 8.92 CNY for 23.06 BTS
e10fab76 wants 8.93 CNY for 121,980 BTSUCN
virtual paid 121,979 BTSUCN for 8.93 CNY
virtual cancel order
6756766a cancel order
22590c75 wants 18.53 BTS for 7.03 CNY
virtual paid 7.03 CNY for 18.7 BTS
596576e3 wants 0.0001 CNY for 0.719 BTSUCN
c94d0c22 cancel order
b5941dda wants 0.0001 CNY for 0.719 BTSUCN
b0c33e57 wants 3.47 CNY for 48,791 BTSUCN
virtual paid 48,790 BTSUCN for 3.56 CNY
virtual cancel order
39e0373f cancel order
7c1d41ad wants 3.56 CNY for 48,791 BTSUCN
5ee82649 wants 1.732 CNY for 24,396 BTSUCN
virtual paid 24,395 BTSUCN for 1.737 CNY
virtual cancel order
8aa4eda3 cancel order
7dc26eb0 wants 1.737 CNY for 24,396 BTSUCN
3fcb484d wants 1.732 CNY for 24,395 BTSUCN
virtual paid 24,395 BTSUCN for 1.737 CNY
virtual cancel order
25253681 cancel order
81e5bba8 wants 1.737 CNY for 24,395 BTSUCN
be2fa134 cancel order
2388e1de wants 1.737 CNY for 24,395 BTSUCN
695eea95 wants 6.15 BTS for 1.728 CNY
939470b8 paid 1.728 CNY for 6.15 BTS
853b4727 cancel order
45cb0152 wants 6.74 BTS for 1.728 CNY
5bd1c934 wants 1.73 CNY for 24,395 BTSUCN
virtual paid 24,395 BTSUCN for 1.73 CNY
virtual cancel order
74d44e12 wants 6.02 BTS for 1.72 CNY
virtual paid 1.72 CNY for 6.02 BTS
4e67f0c2 wants 1.722 CNY for 24,396 BTSUCN
virtual paid 24,395 BTSUCN for 1.722 CNY
virtual cancel order
15c30f4b wants 28.55 BTS for 8.56 CNY
virtual paid 8.56 CNY for 28.55 BTS
6a0e2645 cancel order
410d196d wants 30.44 BTS for 8.56 CNY
c5a1e1ee wants 8.57 CNY for 121,976 BTSUCN
virtual paid 121,976 BTSUCN for 8.57 CNY
virtual cancel order
8bdd40a1 paid 3.46 CNY for 14.1 BTS
01892fc1 wants 14.1 BTS for 3.46 CNY
b9453537 cancel order
82c8d5c7 wants 15.77 BTS for 3.46 CNY
e197c448 wants 3.42 CNY for 48,790 BTSUCN
virtual paid 48,789 BTSUCN for 3.47 CNY
virtual cancel order
baf6a379 cancel order
8102a4b9 wants 3.47 CNY for 48,790 BTSUCN
b3585bff cancel order
7102f040 wants 3.47 CNY for 48,790 BTSUCN
32d3661f wants 10.65 BTS for 3.12 CNY
virtual paid 3.12 CNY for 10.65 BTS
0c7d543d wants 3.12 CNY for 48,791 BTSUCN
virtual paid 48,791 BTSUCN for 3.12 CNY
virtual cancel order
6acb2855 cancel order
db8406ba wants 0.0001 CNY for 1.035 BTSUCN
9beedb74 wants 18.1 BTS for 3.17 CNY
virtual paid 3.17 CNY for 18.1 BTS
1ce49c07 wants 3.074 CNY for 48,790 BTSUCN
virtual paid 48,789 BTSUCN for 3.17 CNY
virtual cancel order
9876f790 cancel order
c506fd30 wants 3.17 CNY for 48,790 BTSUCN
c4b65087 wants 9.51 BTS for 1.68 CNY
virtual paid 1.68 CNY for 9.6 BTS
c1880ff1 wants 1.683 CNY for 24,396 BTSUCN
virtual paid 24,396 BTSUCN for 1.683 CNY
virtual cancel order
7ecf2e06 wants 9.84 BTS for 1.828 CNY
virtual paid 1.828 CNY for 9.84 BTS
14790e5e cancel order
56d5b955 wants 9.84 BTS for 1.828 CNY
09e9d9ac wants 1.732 CNY for 24,396 BTSUCN
virtual paid 24,395 BTSUCN for 1.83 CNY
virtual cancel order
9d90bad5 wants 9.4 BTS for 1.78 CNY
virtual paid 1.78 CNY for 9.58 BTS
1e8db3a1 wants 1.783 CNY for 24,396 BTSUCN
virtual paid 24,395 BTSUCN for 1.783 CNY
virtual cancel order
7d92f861 wants 9.25 BTS for 1.78 CNY
virtual paid 1.78 CNY for 9.5 BTS
1e6ba0bc wants 1.708 CNY for 24,395 BTSUCN
virtual paid 24,395 BTSUCN for 1.78 CNY
virtual cancel order
ae0dc9e5 cancel order
7a7bbf63 wants 1.78 CNY for 24,395 BTSUCN
7aac312f wants 10.4 BTS for 1.976 CNY
virtual paid 1.976 CNY for 10.75 BTS
937fe970 wants 1.98 CNY for 24,395 BTSUCN
virtual paid 24,395 BTSUCN for 1.98 CNY
virtual cancel order
0a2ce0a3 wants 10.04 BTS for 1.95 CNY
virtual paid 1.95 CNY for 10.04 BTS
c82bee96 cancel order
35ff1c94 wants 12.83 BTS for 1.95 CNY
6b94cb8b wants 1.95 CNY for 24,395 BTSUCN
virtual paid 24,395 BTSUCN for 1.95 CNY
virtual cancel order
df046b13 wants 9.96 BTS for 2 CNY
virtual paid 2 CNY for 9.98 BTS
6357d3c2 cancel order
fe4e1dcc wants 9.98 BTS for 2 CNY
6b6e228a cancel order
4d603e73 wants 9.98 BTS for 2 CNY
a72efe3d wants 2.003 CNY for 24,396 BTSUCN
virtual paid 24,396 BTSUCN for 2.003 CNY
virtual cancel order
da884a7c wants 30.7 BTS for 5.99 CNY
9e8d8a0f paid 5.99 CNY for 30.7 BTS
36cd41b6 wants 5.96 CNY for 73,185 BTSUCN
virtual paid 73,184 BTSUCN for 6 CNY
virtual cancel order
97eeb99a wants 10.35 BTS for 1.998 CNY
virtual paid 1.998 CNY for 10.35 BTS
ab88e45f wants 2 CNY for 24,395 BTSUCN
virtual paid 24,395 BTSUCN for 2 CNY
virtual cancel order
32776e35 sent 300 BTS to
98d9e1d6 wants 10.24 BTS for 1.974 CNY
virtual paid 1.974 CNY for 10.24 BTS
65ffef25 wants 1.95 CNY for 24,395 BTSUCN
virtual paid 24,395 BTSUCN for 1.976 CNY
virtual cancel order
b715406b wants 21.2 BTS for 3.95 CNY
67a0cc2d paid 3.95 CNY for 21.2 BTS
3892d98c wants 3.95 CNY for 48,790 BTSUCN
virtual paid 48,790 BTSUCN for 3.95 CNY
virtual cancel order
b2bb2919 cancel order