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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight362 BTS
Lifetime fees paid45.5 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00753
STATER 22,907,776
BTSUCN 0.1534
73f7d5c2 sent 13,627 BTS to
af93cca4 wants 7,147 BTS for 2,430 CNY
virtual paid 679 CNY for 2,000 BTS
virtual paid 383 CNY for 1,126 BTS
virtual paid 1,369 CNY for 4,025 BTS
59a6ca2f cancel order
aa7c23a7 paid 26.34 CNY for 77.6 BTS
454dc8f3 paid 152 CNY for 448 BTS
ad22bc98 wants 13,636 BTS for 4,628 CNY
a08c5903 paid 810 CNY for 2,385 BTS
0bbdfa38 paid 103.1 CNY for 304 BTS
4293b1ef paid 184 CNY for 542 BTS
f5b57e65 paid 238.5 CNY for 703 BTS
359ec12b paid 16.85 CNY for 49.7 BTS
9a32f551 paid 285 CNY for 840 BTS
77e07c89 paid 184.5 CNY for 543 BTS
30c68d74 paid 46.1 CNY for 136 BTS
4bfec398 paid 152 CNY for 448 BTS
b12d4307 cancel order
8f323fcd wants 13,928 BTS for 4,628 CNY
7dc72f03 wants 349 CNY for 919,513 BTSUCN
virtual paid 919,512 BTSUCN for 349 CNY
virtual cancel order
0f3b9263 cancel order
f6fae2a1 wants 390 CNY for 1,000,000 BTSUCN
virtual paid 80,487 BTSUCN for 31.4 CNY
9aacf35f cancel order
946e6e85 paid 781,646 BTSUCN for 304 CNY
virtual cancel order
38990b6d paid 3,446,196 BTSUCN for 1,340 CNY
98fc6e5a paid 167,181 BTSUCN for 65 CNY
ecfb54b3 paid 2,496,369 BTSUCN for 970 CNY
f7775305 paid 3,676,471 BTSUCN for 1,429 CNY
3a9a2019 wants 4,251 CNY for 10,934,834 BTSUCN
virtual paid 366,971 BTSUCN for 142.7 CNY
fd6518d8 wants 19,580 CNYRMB for 1,000,000 BTSUCN
da0d8737 sent 33,683 BTS to
83e5e6bc paid 7,678 CNY for 21,083 BTS
f7509489 wants 33,681 BTS for 12,266 CNY
virtual paid 60.8 CNY for 167 BTS
84d90960 paid 1,314 CNY for 3,607 BTS
1c0146e4 paid 646 CNY for 1,773 BTS
611b13b6 paid 1,847 CNY for 5,072 BTS
51694617 paid 720 CNY for 1,978 BTS
4cc9abc0 cancel order
4e9ce767 sent 60,500 BTS to
1a1767ca paid 20,148 CNY for 60,503 BTS
6960f8c1 wants 97,337 BTS for 32,413 CNY
dbfb4266 cancel order
baed2f04 sent 1 STATER to
fe06e84e sent 1 STATER to
62e13c03 sent 2,120 BTS to
18753402 wants 102,106 BTS for 33,028 CNY
4f99aff1 paid 615 CNY for 1,901 BTS
88281a46 cancel order
89d57043 wants 110,094 BTS for 33,028 CNY
e6980332 sent 0.00001 BTS to
cee45039 cancel order
24ab870d wants 122,868 BTS for 33,028 CNY
1040e764 cancel order
f655905b wants 122,846 BTS for 33,028 CNY
d631a200 cancel order
ba5df383 wants 122,646 BTS for 33,028 CNY
99b16142 sent 1 BTSUCN to
4ff541f8 sent 1 BTSUCN to
943d196d sent 10 BTS to
6d495b1c sent 0.00001 BTS to
5283e54b sent 0.001 BTS to
dccd9d52 sent 0.01 BTS to
2427d7ab sent 0.0001 BTS to
f22fafe4 sent 0.1 BTS to
7dcc84a1 sent 0.1 BTS to
f62e4a52 sent 0.1 BTS to
a4d640bc sent 0.1 BTS to
8c21114a sent 0.1 BTS to
3c9e22e1 sent 0.1 BTS to
351beec7 sent 1 BTS to
70670278 sent 1 BTS to
d52d3ade sent 1 BTS to
050e583c sent 1 BTS to
92e7ca79 sent 1 BTS to
85fa63d7 sent 1 BTS to
a65f80ae sent 1 BTS to
918a1098 sent 1 BTS to
b0c61762 sent 100 BTS to
81c1b705 sent 100 BTS to
2ec9461b sent 100 BTS to
b97dff50 sent 10 BTS to
9a3bbc31 sent 1 BTS to
24fbbd8b sent 1 BTS to
111f971f sent 1 BTS to
f4db10e3 sent 1 BTS to
60da9451 sent 1 BTS to
01840651 sent 1 BTS to
2c024d93 sent 1 BTS to
4cf884fe sent 1 BTS to
b623eb98 sent 1 BTS to
ec70d441 sent 1 BTS to
145d1cdc sent 1 BTS to
a02b6c61 sent 1 BTS to
5d8a0cee sent 0.1 BTS to