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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight3.23 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.534 BTS
Registrar49.4% -
Referrer30.6% -


Asset Balance
BTS 3.23
DEEX 0.1
BAIDUCOM 0.00001
APPLECOM 0.00001
6559359c sent 0.1 DEEX to
0d2cb392 cancel orders (2)
b5a682d0 wants 1.39 BTCCORE for 0.808 BTS
debbdf00 wants 2.42 BTS for 3.33 BTCCORE
313e0818 cancel orders (2)
401b3dc1 wants 27.1 BTCPLUS for 0.808 BTS
3fbdff91 wants 0.499 BTS for 13.93 BTCPLUS
e8840547 cancel order
a1208f21 paid 18.57 BTCPLUS for 0.632 BTS
49963e2c wants 23 BTCPLUS for 0.652 BTS
2338aa0d wants 0.632 BTS for 18.57 BTCPLUS
eb020dac cancel order
e2932cea paid 24.76 BTCPLUS for 0.822 BTS
0f48d91a wants 16.2 BTCPLUS for 0.448 BTS
d3bf0478 wants 0.822 BTS for 24.76 BTCPLUS
57e473aa cancel order
040e75b4 paid 0.599 BTS for 12.9 BTCPLUS
621ac74f wants 12.9 BTCPLUS for 0.599 BTS
90690099 wants 1.218 BTS for 21.85 BTCPLUS
20eb56f4 cancel order
619a5fe9 paid 0.801 BTS for 15.87 BTCPLUS
b19e6437 wants 15.87 BTCPLUS for 0.801 BTS
a314124a wants 1.107 BTS for 18.28 BTCPLUS
4d4f4ac9 cancel order
91d6633f paid 1.07 BTS for 20.67 BTCPLUS
0b68a0c8 wants 20.67 BTCPLUS for 1.07 BTS
1c70c3db wants 0.847 BTS for 13.63 BTCPLUS
49610837 cancel order
bb584a60 paid 1.43 BTS for 25.23 BTCPLUS
8556ec59 wants 25.23 BTCPLUS for 1.43 BTS
df8d2e38 wants 0.541 BTS for 7.95 BTCPLUS
2cb7341a cancel order
f3c128a4 paid 1.908 BTS for 29.8 BTCPLUS
8cab35ed wants 29.8 BTCPLUS for 1.908 BTS
9fc1c767 wants 0.096 BTS for 1.25 BTCPLUS
6b3dc7e4 cancel orders (3)
7edadee8 wants 10 BTCPLUS for 0.641 BTS
86e24c22 wants 0.096 BTS for 1.25 BTCPLUS
d43fe9e5 wants 29.8 BTCPLUS for 1.91 BTS
95fec2f5 cancel orders (2)
0ce2bfe7 wants 0.0954 BTS for 1.25 BTCPLUS
7d9e8096 wants 30 BTCPLUS for 1.91 BTS
8fda1842 cancel orders (2)
48f4f6c2 wants 2.49 BTCCORE for 1.91 BTS
c8780f74 wants 3.065 BTS for 3.33 BTCCORE
283f788f cancel order
7b3a0136 paid 4.44 BTCCORE for 3.41 BTS
27c60ec0 wants 1.657 BTCCORE for 1.059 BTS
a4869418 wants 3.41 BTS for 4.44 BTCCORE
3216baaf cancel order
705273c3 paid 1.414 BTS for 1.92 BTCCORE
bd332974 wants 1.92 BTCCORE for 1.414 BTS
b2009f43 wants 3.51 BTS for 3.96 BTCCORE
bb690547 cancel order
288fab4a paid 1.887 BTS for 2.107 BTCCORE
14de0077 wants 2.107 BTCCORE for 1.887 BTS
a3bc893c wants 3.69 BTS for 3.44 BTCCORE
c5725a63 cancel order
6ec018e7 paid 2.52 BTS for 2.5 BTCCORE
d5d32924 wants 2.5 BTCCORE for 2.52 BTS
acf0ae1e wants 3.4 BTS for 2.81 BTCCORE
17db2102 cancel order
592e1dbc paid 3.75 BTCCORE for 3.035 BTS
54b20291 wants 2.61 BTCCORE for 1.76 BTS
f50cd02c wants 3.035 BTS for 3.75 BTCCORE
fc72cbb7 cancel order
756b491e wants 2.736 BTCCORE for 2.35 BTS
virtual paid 1.603 BTS for 2.1 BTCCORE
virtual paid 0.747 BTS for 0.959 BTCCORE
09a18f77 wants 3.08 BTS for 2.985 BTCCORE
92f1c110 cancel order
8420a32d paid 3.136 BTS for 3.28 BTCCORE
6843fbf3 wants 3.28 BTCCORE for 3.136 BTS
155ce344 wants 2.484 BTS for 2.165 BTCCORE
c274f759 cancel order
70502127 paid 2.887 BTCCORE for 3.02 BTS
2c7e8136 wants 2.733 BTCCORE for 2.383 BTS
336492b5 wants 3.02 BTS for 2.887 BTCCORE
1b17a284 cancel order
dfba3806 paid 3.18 BTS for 3.17 BTCCORE
c80272fe wants 3.17 BTCCORE for 3.18 BTS
0a32f207 wants 2.52 BTS for 2.094 BTCCORE
bb1bf358 cancel order
51f6fbab paid 2.79 BTCCORE for 2.72 BTS
e9782aef wants 3.08 BTCCORE for 2.5 BTS
c4b56e6c wants 2.72 BTS for 2.79 BTCCORE
00165968 cancel order
46d294a8 paid 3.72 BTCCORE for 3.36 BTS
bd7667d0 wants 2.212 BTCCORE for 1.662 BTS
64de6bcc wants 3.36 BTS for 3.72 BTCCORE
4428072b cancel order
138904b9 paid 2.22 BTS for 2.59 BTCCORE
e3dd40cf wants 2.59 BTCCORE for 2.22 BTS
82b3972f wants 3.16 BTS for 3.075 BTCCORE
abffa024 cancel order
e07e34d7 paid 2.96 BTS for 3.16 BTCCORE
f26e7da7 wants 3.16 BTCCORE for 2.96 BTS
42ce858f wants 2.57 BTS for 2.285 BTCCORE
8f627228 cancel order
e490352a paid 3.05 BTCCORE for 3.23 BTS
068b6d51 wants 2.44 BTCCORE for 2.155 BTS
48ffde90 wants 3.23 BTS for 3.05 BTCCORE
91c3b7ef cancel order
623d1997 paid 2.875 BTS for 3.056 BTCCORE
0c0ace4f wants 3.056 BTCCORE for 2.875 BTS
d4a0b8d9 wants 2.577 BTS for 2.283 BTCCORE
7bcbfe97 cancel order
1c8191c4 paid 3.84 BTS for 3.9 BTCCORE
e0af4258 wants 3.9 BTCCORE for 3.84 BTS
1fb3429c wants 1.543 BTS for 1.308 BTCCORE
f69f53a1 cancel order
21e18c86 paid 1.743 BTCCORE for 1.817 BTS
24726710 wants 3.89 BTCCORE for 3.38 BTS
af5909ab wants 1.817 BTS for 1.743 BTCCORE
24452446 cancel order
ee3832d9 paid 2.325 BTCCORE for 2.21 BTS
7e327bec wants 3.58 BTCCORE for 2.83 BTS
d49c9fbf wants 2.21 BTS for 2.325 BTCCORE
5e842127 cancel order
967fe912 paid 3.1 BTCCORE for 2.65 BTS
bb92adec wants 3.05 BTCCORE for 2.17 BTS
81ddc267 wants 2.65 BTS for 3.1 BTCCORE
354e0d7b cancel order
8c8a99c7 paid 4.13 BTCCORE for 3.24 BTS
3b90e96b wants 2.08 BTCCORE for 1.362 BTS
0ae87ed4 wants 3.24 BTS for 4.13 BTCCORE
25f58d70 cancel order
d9e97d94 paid 1.818 BTS for 2.353 BTCCORE
a3449a0f wants 2.353 BTCCORE for 1.818 BTS
e9bf5afc wants 3.29 BTS for 3.54 BTCCORE
f86b5932 cancel order
c3878c3f paid 2.426 BTS for 2.81 BTCCORE
9ecec643 wants 2.81 BTCCORE for 2.426 BTS
05977803 wants 2.945 BTS for 2.84 BTCCORE
39d611cf cancel order
0d7ad0e5 paid 3.24 BTS for 3.39 BTCCORE
9ac81e87 wants 3.39 BTCCORE for 3.24 BTS
b66a5197 wants 2.29 BTS for 1.995 BTCCORE
40fd4c06 cancel order
118e0731 paid 2.66 BTCCORE for 2.576 BTS
87ceedfe wants 3.21 BTCCORE for 2.594 BTS
b08b70ba wants 2.576 BTS for 2.66 BTCCORE
2cf9bb6b cancel order
e690e7a7 paid 3.55 BTCCORE for 3.11 BTS
847297f8 wants 2.487 BTCCORE for 1.818 BTS
e9976445 wants 3.11 BTS for 3.55 BTCCORE
e1259756 cancel order
7cd246a6 paid 2.426 BTS for 3.02 BTCCORE
6f4d6434 wants 3.02 BTCCORE for 2.426 BTS
96d2b201 wants 2.69 BTS for 2.79 BTCCORE
ff2fa5ee cancel order
5e8def15 paid 3.72 BTCCORE for 3.35 BTS
d31772f7 wants 2.122 BTCCORE for 1.59 BTS
f298be86 wants 3.35 BTS for 3.72 BTCCORE
f0435d0a cancel order
27ed9068 paid 2.123 BTS for 2.61 BTCCORE
b67f6f60 wants 2.61 BTCCORE for 2.123 BTS
46334008 wants 3 BTS for 3.07 BTCCORE
98b19350 cancel order
1348c264 paid 2.833 BTS for 3.22 BTCCORE
8ce03277 wants 3.22 BTCCORE for 2.833 BTS
7260c3ee wants 2.394 BTS for 2.265 BTCCORE
e7225595 cancel order
98090ef6 paid 3.02 BTCCORE for 2.72 BTS
3c3e4ba4 wants 2.873 BTCCORE for 2.155 BTS
252aa0a4 wants 2.72 BTS for 3.02 BTCCORE
07a9b3ef cancel order
15f63588 paid 2.875 BTS for 3.29 BTCCORE
6e91a8ac wants 3.29 BTCCORE for 2.875 BTS
c5a5b0b5 wants 2.306 BTS for 2.2 BTCCORE
be761c52 cancel order
92b8739d paid 2.93 BTCCORE for 2.633 BTS
6e0c8781 wants 2.964 BTCCORE for 2.22 BTS
a691232e wants 2.633 BTS for 2.93 BTCCORE
490809ee cancel order
8f3b5f1b paid 2.96 BTS for 3.34 BTCCORE
b2303fc4 wants 3.34 BTCCORE for 2.96 BTS
1b023345 wants 2.23 BTS for 2.096 BTCCORE
be5e82d7 cancel order
c4212fdd paid 2.794 BTCCORE for 2.636 BTS
c6f93b74 wants 2.93 BTCCORE for 2.303 BTS
1122dcfc wants 2.636 BTS for 2.794 BTCCORE
f9d92292 cancel order
9ee1bfa0 paid 3.07 BTS for 3.68 BTCCORE
cc92f923 wants 3.68 BTCCORE for 3.07 BTS
c82cf4c3 wants 1.88 BTS for 1.875 BTCCORE
2e85ca06 cancel order
33ce0dea paid 2.5 BTCCORE for 2.05 BTS
74f24ff5 wants 3.75 BTCCORE for 2.56 BTS
127be898 wants 2.05 BTS for 2.5 BTCCORE
ab3a88dd sent 10 BTS to