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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight49 BTS
Lifetime fees paid11.84 BTS


Asset Orders
777323ca sent 46.4 BTS to
2feb0ca4 sent 0.0002 NOBLE to
e921a7cc sent 734 BTCPLUS to
ed08f9fb cancel order
6bac7dd7 sent 70 BTS to
564e4d33 sent 200 BPSCX to
951ea7c6 cancel order
77070e12 paid 1 COMPUMATRIX for 87.3 BTS
e5e7f7ff wants 380 BTS for 200 BPSCX
055a7a37 cancel order
604c0551 wants 380 BTS for 200 BPSCX
ad932a0b wants 87.3 BTS for 1 COMPUMATRIX
205a2cc9 wants 15,416,125 USD for 734 BTCPLUS
733500af cancel order
cd8b3d54 sent 433 COMPUCEEDS to
b6be48c6 sent 1,123 BTCCORE to
0beb6a5f sent 70,000 EPESO to
dc4b6e75 cancel orders (2)
4dedff3c wants 692 BTS for 623 BTCCORE
fd403e45 cancel orders (2)
e5d67bea wants 558 BTS for 500 BTCCORE
20ed713e wants 444 BTS for 400 BTCCORE
cd669ac7 wants 55.5 BTS for 50 BTCCORE
db60aee3 sent 15 BTS to
7366b7c7 sent 0.0739 BPSCX to
e8ef61c5 sent 526 BTCCORE to
9fcfc262 wants 0.01 BTS for 0.00001 NIKKEIINDEX
virtual paid 0.00001 NIKKEIINDEX for 0.01 BTS
43ee8169 sent 3 BPSCX to
e1238e70 wants 3.077 BPSCX for 6 BTS
virtual paid 6 BTS for 3.077 BPSCX
a8313997 cancel orders (2)
5e8dd0ee cancel orders (3)
c029036a wants 40,000 BTS for 0.5 BTCCORE
274a6f27 cancel order
32a33e61 wants 68,000 BTS for 1 BTCCORE
db8c8d96 cancel orders (2)
33e153fa wants 2,620,000 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
940fca62 wants 25 OPEN.BTC for 25 BTCCORE
03b8fc2e wants 30 OPEN.BTC for 30 BTCCORE
ac41f839 wants 660,000 BTS for 10 BTCCORE
14b6c00e wants 30 OPEN.BTC for 30 BTCCORE
897f670d wants 10 OPEN.BTC for 10 BTCCORE
b432ef6c cancel orders (5)
352c42e4 wants 665,000 BTS for 10 BTCCORE
58172206 wants 655,500 BTS for 10 BTCCORE
dc1bcf54 wants 660,000 BTS for 10 BTCCORE
956e3f64 wants 650,000 BTS for 10 BTCCORE
e14d01d0 cancel orders (4)
0e287769 wants 62,500 BTS for 1 BTCCORE
9bdef70b wants 62,000 BTS for 1 BTCCORE
e1a6ed22 wants 61,500 BTS for 1 BTCCORE
dd9ec168 wants 61,000 BTS for 1 BTCCORE
564a253f wants 60,000 BTS for 1 BTCCORE
16ce8196 cancel orders (2)
abe87e6a wants 278,400 BTS for 4 BTCCORE
99746c25 wants 278,000 BTS for 4 BTCCORE
209ddbf3 cancel orders (3)
e0a31a5a wants 205,200 BTS for 3 BTCCORE
1a8c7d68 wants 204,750 BTS for 3 BTCCORE
3a381319 wants 204,000 BTS for 3 BTCCORE
b8a76c8f cancel orders (3)
43f4b645 wants 200,250 BTS for 3 BTCCORE
46d26bb0 cancel order
482a8ac4 cancel order
c1f2a770 wants 200,100 BTS for 3 BTCCORE
12a7bbe2 wants 199,800 BTS for 3 BTCCORE
5036b4aa cancel order
9f0a61ab cancel order
a2aa859e wants 330,000 BTS for 5 BTCCORE
7b18f956 wants 329,950 BTS for 5 BTCCORE
c1d82e8e cancel orders (2)
85a00960 cancel order
d9932786 cancel order
b18512ec cancel order
885d9900 cancel order
16bc74ca cancel orders (5)
4d7a6c3a wants 328,025 BTS for 5 BTCCORE
a207e819 wants 328,010 BTS for 5 BTCCORE
d59a342d wants 327,650 BTS for 5 BTCCORE
021ba88e wants 327,675 BTS for 5 BTCCORE
32589b4b wants 327,690 BTS for 5 BTCCORE
9ce70d30 wants 327,700 BTS for 5 BTCCORE
8395d2bb wants 327,750 BTS for 5 BTCCORE
68b5e78b wants 327,800 BTS for 5 BTCCORE
b0805071 wants 327,850 BTS for 5 BTCCORE
07d46829 wants 327,900 BTS for 5 BTCCORE
399794fb wants 327,975 BTS for 5 BTCCORE
b69b5b19 wants 328,000 BTS for 5 BTCCORE
b59a98c3 wants 328,050 BTS for 5 BTCCORE
fb942f1b cancel orders (5)
c9abc14c cancel orders (8)
e73f588c wants 1,176,800 BTS for 20 BTCCORE
eef977d9 cancel order
3a53ff16 wants 2,370,000 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
f836ccb6 wants 2,368,000 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
2705a1f2 wants 2,344,000 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
ee9c0ebc wants 2,346,000 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
3844a338 wants 2,348,000 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
64664430 wants 2,351,200 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
0ca0c478 wants 2,352,000 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
f734092d wants 2,354,000 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
e3bb6d92 wants 2,355,200 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
5e3b0383 wants 2,356,800 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
3720a810 wants 2,358,400 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
7182af1a wants 2,360,000 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
98c2337d cancel orders (6)
3b9b8e76 cancel orders (7)
fb2ba89c cancel order
45a3a27b wants 1,739,700 BTS for 30 BTCCORE
50c8755b wants 1,738,500 BTS for 30 BTCCORE
6d4de629 wants 1,737,900 BTS for 30 BTCCORE
c30aaaa8 wants 1,737,000 BTS for 30 BTCCORE
92d44b7c wants 1,736,700 BTS for 30 BTCCORE
b3d46207 wants 1,722,000 BTS for 30 BTCCORE
c47c9eb7 wants 1,723,500 BTS for 30 BTCCORE
4c4ad43e wants 1,725,000 BTS for 30 BTCCORE
492f2286 wants 2,302,000 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
922d5deb wants 2,304,000 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
18de69ef wants 2,312,000 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
83cb5853 wants 2,310,000 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
419f18b2 wants 2,306,000 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
1b056f30 wants 2,308,000 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
2400e46f cancel order
a7877a6b cancel orders (6)
3ce70191 cancel orders (6)
bffc9d09 wants 1,136,000 BTS for 20 BTCCORE
d6a2bcab wants 1,137,200 BTS for 20 BTCCORE
0c10d38c wants 1,139,400 BTS for 20 BTCCORE
30693f5e wants 1,713,000 BTS for 30 BTCCORE
61ea654e cancel orders (4)
b6cca41e cancel orders (7)