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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid24.87 BTS
f00d9c32 sent 1,853 BTS to
b6f10ab1 wants 1,850 BTS for 880 CNY
virtual paid 0.14 CNY for 0.2946 BTS
virtual paid 880 CNY for 1,850 BTS
1c4a4db5 cancel order
5efe0eda wants 1,860 BTS for 880 CNY
7d5691ae cancel order
307a949f wants 1,991 BTS for 880 CNY
38241a80 wants 880 CNY for 11,881,837 BTSUCN
virtual paid 11,881,836 BTSUCN for 880 CNY
virtual cancel order
98de7845 cancel order
72f76d2d wants 20.7 CNY for 229,847 BTSUCN
61c24a9a sent 485 BTS to
c800357c paid 187 CNY for 481 BTS
fbc3c783 wants 481 BTS for 187 CNY
de24880f cancel order
6e630390 wants 467 BTS for 187 CNY
96339fa0 cancel order
800f420b wants 482 BTS for 187 CNY
55038356 cancel order
d43a5977 wants 467 BTS for 187 CNY
f8e59017 wants 184.6 CNY for 2,528,301 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,528,300 BTSUCN for 187 CNY
virtual cancel order
1c9b1b3c cancel order
6001d268 wants 187 CNY for 2,528,301 BTSUCN
2a8f0fd7 cancel order
fdd148c1 wants 211.5 CNY for 1,762,146 BTSUCN
c76d7632 cancel order
b7e82631 wants 211.5 CNY for 1,762,146 BTSUCN
e599ed0a sent 830 BTS to
50562598 wants 825 BTS for 163 CNY
virtual paid 163 CNY for 825 BTS
f2f0b5eb wants 161.4 CNY for 1,991,991 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,991,990 BTSUCN for 163.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
ef8d9cee sent 12,800 BTS to
e267274f paid 2,113 CNY for 12,805 BTS
5cdc43ee wants 12,805 BTS for 2,113 CNY
bd9ecd7e cancel order
45636a66 wants 14,085 BTS for 2,113 CNY
1f051b31 paid 86,159 BTSUCN for 16.37 CNY
virtual cancel order
07a700f9 paid 526,316 BTSUCN for 100 CNY
c20da358 paid 526,316 BTSUCN for 100 CNY
f56b1a07 paid 526,316 BTSUCN for 100 CNY
f45c1654 paid 526,316 BTSUCN for 100 CNY
5ecdc4b3 paid 526,316 BTSUCN for 100 CNY
6da89cb5 paid 526,316 BTSUCN for 100 CNY
b46a106e paid 1,578,947 BTSUCN for 300 CNY
06de6938 wants 1,230 CNY for 6,474,440 BTSUCN
virtual paid 72,491 BTSUCN for 14.35 CNY
virtual paid 1,578,947 BTSUCN for 300 CNY
cf9ada81 cancel order
0c422c87 wants 12,301 CNY for 6,474,440 BTSUCN
b62dec18 cancel order
e4d12208 wants 1,595 CNY for 7,974,440 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,500,000 BTSUCN for 300 CNY
88a427c3 cancel order
c80e6a51 wants 583 BTS for 105.9 CNY
994b972b cancel order
cd3ecdc3 cancel order
abef93fa wants 1,116 CNY for 7,971,605 BTSUCN
e01a5d34 wants 0.397 CNY for 2,836 BTSUCN
8c3de5b7 cancel order
bcc0f5ef wants 1,662 CNY for 11,869,252 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,894,812 BTSUCN for 584 CNY
6e5ab4ca cancel order
29e55a4a wants 1,780 CNY for 11,869,252 BTSUCN
52f4d332 sent 240 BTS to
ac0b313b sent 16,000 BTS to
18ff290c sent 50 BTS to
c46cc935 sent 50 BTS to
77772a02 sent 50 BTS to
53ef1536 sent 50 BTS to
f000ea37 sent 50 BTS to
1c11d2e2 sent 50 BTS to
3489e8b5 sent 50 BTS to
15114cb5 sent 50 BTS to
d414f440 sent 50 BTS to
6245a16a wants 2,552,885 BTSUCN for 1,200 CNY
virtual paid 1,200 CNY for 3,155,854 BTSUCN
af7cde79 cancel order
259052d5 paid 103.2 CNY for 257,956 BTSUCN
df18176d paid 31.23 CNY for 78,082 BTSUCN
24dbcbde paid 141.2 CNY for 352,931 BTSUCN
be80bb30 paid 1.25 CNY for 3,123 BTSUCN
42753320 paid 42.8 CNY for 106,972 BTSUCN
f9176022 paid 0.224 CNY for 560 BTSUCN
da614808 paid 0.844 CNY for 2,110 BTSUCN
9911bd9e paid 292 CNY for 729,486 BTSUCN
b435add3 paid 23.74 CNY for 59,342 BTSUCN
b64ec74c paid 20.6 CNY for 51,532 BTSUCN
850ac4f9 paid 2.81 CNY for 7,027 BTSUCN
17aabd19 paid 132.5 CNY for 331,285 BTSUCN
f31e4dc9 paid 27 CNY for 67,488 BTSUCN
e2d03e2e wants 5,047,533 BTSUCN for 2,019 CNY
406e0526 paid 2,000 BTS for 256 CNY
0c7b5e42 paid 813 BTS for 104 CNY
virtual cancel order
d458c8d1 wants 2,021 CNY for 15,800 BTS
virtual paid 44.3 BTS for 5.67 CNY
virtual paid 2,000 BTS for 256 CNY
virtual paid 5,000 BTS for 640 CNY
virtual paid 5,042 BTS for 645 CNY
virtual paid 900 BTS for 115.1 CNY
7ba16f1e cancel order
c95356e0 wants 2,038 CNY for 15,800 BTS
866b81d4 cancel order
239cae91 wants 6,436 CNY for 2,145,220 BTSUCN
65261eaf cancel order
5d55ad18 wants 5,685 CNY for 2,145,220 BTSUCN
9feb206b cancel order
dba76d92 wants 5,286 CNY for 1,762,145 BTSUCN
6c371eca cancel order
9ccab01f paid 827 CNY for 5,574 BTS
e8ad5e01 wants 5,574 BTS for 827 CNY
2ac437f5 wants 4,513 CNY for 1,455,685 BTSUCN
05e8b762 cancel order
6afeeada wants 3,620 CNY for 1,149,225 BTSUCN
040f7422 cancel order
545a0522 wants 3,620 CNY for 1,149,225 BTSUCN
0e6a060d cancel order
268dd05a wants 3,620 CNY for 1,149,225 BTSUCN
f76c7232 paid 76,615 BTSUCN for 281 CNY
86aa746d wants 281 CNY for 76,615 BTSUCN
8d8f6404 wants 276.6 CNY for 76,615 BTSUCN
virtual paid 76,615 BTSUCN for 276.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
373cc078 cancel order
6bfcc999 wants 74,630 BTSUCN for 269.4 CNY
f0147814 cancel order
030b3c92 wants 1,209 BTS for 269.4 CNY
59febc0f wants 269.7 CNY for 76,615 BTSUCN
virtual paid 76,615 BTSUCN for 269.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
3895cc85 wants 10,957 BTS for 2,456 CNY
virtual paid 2,456 CNY for 10,957 BTS
d6ac86df cancel order
58b48071 wants 11,389 BTS for 2,456 CNY
9da7e3ef wants 275 CNY for 76,615 BTSUCN
virtual paid 76,615 BTSUCN for 275 CNY
virtual cancel order
c7ab3402 cancel order
f47a5c90 wants 6.31 CNY for 1,753 BTSUCN
6d042d05 paid 76,615 BTSUCN for 256.7 CNY
ad94e726 wants 256.7 CNY for 76,615 BTSUCN
d7581867 sent 3,000 BTS to
a6931a93 wants 978 CNY for 306,460 BTSUCN
virtual paid 306,460 BTSUCN for 978 CNY
virtual cancel order
c4bbf54f cancel order
1b44bf2b wants 4,396 BTS for 948 CNY
2c3bbfcd wants 237.6 CNY for 76,615 BTSUCN
virtual paid 76,615 BTSUCN for 237.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
a5b3568e paid 76,615 BTSUCN for 237.6 CNY
9f7a5979 wants 237.6 CNY for 76,615 BTSUCN
6a387aa4 wants 237.5 CNY for 76,615 BTSUCN
virtual paid 76,615 BTSUCN for 237.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
22f952a4 cancel order
ccbf7694 wants 996 BTS for 236 CNY
c1634cba cancel order
7cb95808 wants 1,022 BTS for 236 CNY
1ec95f5f wants 236.4 CNY for 76,615 BTSUCN
virtual paid 76,615 BTSUCN for 236.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
b71b4061 paid 816 CNY for 3,116 BTS
ea9fdf4e wants 3,116 BTS for 816 CNY
8820e98c wants 473 CNY for 153,230 BTSUCN
virtual paid 153,230 BTSUCN for 473 CNY
virtual cancel order
b2fc1663 cancel order
e18cfd7e wants 60 CNY for 19,465 BTSUCN
03e55292 cancel order
9b13fcbf wants 236.4 CNY for 76,615 BTSUCN
b58c8fb0 cancel order
461d01dd wants 241.3 CNY for 76,615 BTSUCN
2de05713 cancel order
b6104fb9 wants 236.4 CNY for 76,615 BTSUCN
a620927e cancel order
80f06727 wants 245 CNY for 76,615 BTSUCN
2193e2ad sent 375 BTS to
522ea35b cancel order
c56ffa52 wants 1,371 BTS for 474 CNY
virtual paid 129.5 CNY for 375 BTS
ccb44b14 wants 403 CNY for 130,891 BTSUCN
virtual paid 130,891 BTSUCN for 406 CNY
virtual cancel order
6f09f6fc cancel order
389795ae wants 168.3 CNY for 54,276 BTSUCN
709c63a6 wants 68.8 CNY for 22,339 BTSUCN
virtual paid 22,339 BTSUCN for 68.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
9f9eaa07 sent 1,990 BTS to
2a54993d paid 92.6 CNY for 257.4 BTS
virtual paid 347 CNY for 965 BTS
virtual paid 275 CNY for 764 BTS