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BitShares Block Explorer



BTS6kGxzun9tz5Tc8FS8dpgeMe92SQdoPh88yWBCrtpP45WstEeEd 1 50%
BTS73QsdLzXvBpDtTNcqsRK1sWGd9AQyYWz4kC1Quxwxber1mjn8V 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Votes as
Voting weight297.5 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.37 BTS


Asset Balance
OPEN.GBG 1,942
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
CISCOCOM 0.00001
6af566f4 sent 296.6 BTS to
virtual cancel orders (2)
d2a39225 paid 0.1485 BTS for 0.957 OPEN.GBG
218bbc16 paid 0.386 BTS for 2.485 OPEN.GBG
42cc1591 paid 0.386 BTS for 2.485 OPEN.GBG
2c2ab019 paid 3.75 BTS for 24.17 OPEN.GBG
67f4474e sent 0.00001 AMAZONCOM to
28c7110e wants 489 OPEN.GBG for 75.9 BTS
28c7110e wants 390 BTS for 896 OPEN.GBG
96393ca3 cancel orders (2)
056df504 paid 192.4 BTS for 846 OPEN.GBG
4f688e26 cancel order
4f688e26 wants 956 OPEN.GBG for 217.5 BTS
7ea5e85b cancel order
7ea5e85b wants 1,137 OPEN.GBG for 217.5 BTS
af3c27b9 wants 1,402 OPEN.GBG for 217.5 BTS
af3c27b9 wants 130 BTS for 299 OPEN.GBG
803208d1 cancel orders (2)
af105cae cancel order
af105cae wants 1,189 OPEN.GBG for 224.5 BTS
ce408c75 paid 35 BTS for 225.6 OPEN.GBG
d8d6ab31 wants 1,672 OPEN.GBG for 259.5 BTS
d8d6ab31 wants 84.2 BTS for 193.8 OPEN.GBG
39db9ab9 cancel orders (2)
8659ab3b wants 1,672 OPEN.GBG for 259.5 BTS
8659ab3b wants 84.2 BTS for 193.8 OPEN.GBG
55adc7a9 cancel order
138309cf paid 571 OPEN.GBG for 205.8 BTS
e3756ab6 cancel order
e3756ab6 wants 489 OPEN.GBG for 95.5 BTS
1b31a5e2 cancel order
1b31a5e2 wants 205.8 BTS for 571 OPEN.GBG
029f598e cancel order
029f598e wants 221.7 BTS for 571 OPEN.GBG
c47898e5 paid 25.7 OPEN.GBG for 11.17 BTS
a5613b68 wants 615 OPEN.GBG for 95.5 BTS
a5613b68 wants 259.4 BTS for 597 OPEN.GBG
dd01052f cancel orders (2)
03d70616 paid 5.3 BTS for 34.1 OPEN.GBG
2cba948e paid 0.00015 BTS for 0.001 OPEN.GBG
18691bba wants 640 OPEN.GBG for 99.4 BTS
18691bba wants 249 BTS for 573 OPEN.GBG
648b1f9f cancel orders (2)
5e95b4cd paid 5.9 BTS for 21.35 OPEN.GBG
daedfba6 paid 33.2 BTS for 120.3 OPEN.GBG
b1e528ee paid 1.57 BTS for 5.69 OPEN.GBG
d99178fa paid 67.3 BTS for 244 OPEN.GBG
434b4ec6 cancel order
434b4ec6 wants 425 OPEN.GBG for 117.3 BTS
6f73f611 paid 7.65 BTS for 30.26 OPEN.GBG
aefe6328 paid 0.0475 BTS for 0.188 OPEN.GBG
daf6379b wants 494 OPEN.GBG for 125 BTS
daf6379b wants 101.1 BTS for 226 OPEN.GBG
c7cb4fa2 cancel order
1fca84a4 paid 0.0556 BTS for 0.22 OPEN.GBG
ecc04f6a cancel order
ecc04f6a wants 462 OPEN.GBG for 116.7 BTS
1c030575 paid 48 BTS for 190 OPEN.GBG
cda97dec cancel order
cda97dec wants 528 OPEN.GBG for 116.7 BTS
4a53bb07 cancel order
4a53bb07 wants 628 OPEN.GBG for 116.7 BTS
40a0ce2f paid 441 OPEN.GBG for 160.6 BTS
1ea5484c wants 801 OPEN.GBG for 116.7 BTS
1ea5484c wants 160.6 BTS for 441 OPEN.GBG
ca209b77 cancel orders (2)
74e7ae56 cancel order
74e7ae56 wants 157.8 BTS for 427 OPEN.GBG
261f6562 cancel order
261f6562 wants 811 OPEN.GBG for 120.3 BTS
486d727a wants 2,092 OPEN.GBG for 120.3 BTS
486d727a wants 179.8 BTS for 427 OPEN.GBG
50c77e3f cancel order
31a18b22 paid 23.9 BTS for 78 OPEN.GBG
e5f348f8 paid 30.7 BTS for 100 OPEN.GBG
ebf9a2ba wants 178 OPEN.GBG for 54.6 BTS
ebf9a2ba wants 48.3 BTS for 140.7 OPEN.GBG
aebc613b paid 157.6 OPEN.GBG for 54.1 BTS
f578accf cancel order
f578accf wants 54.1 BTS for 157.6 OPEN.GBG
a183e2e6 cancel order
a183e2e6 wants 55.5 BTS for 157.6 OPEN.GBG
6699099d cancel order
6699099d wants 58.3 BTS for 157.6 OPEN.GBG
b431f287 cancel order
b431f287 wants 60.5 BTS for 157.6 OPEN.GBG
ca40b66a paid 65.7 BTS for 209.2 OPEN.GBG
9e0e0097 wants 209.2 OPEN.GBG for 65.7 BTS
9e0e0097 wants 62.4 BTS for 157.6 OPEN.GBG
2f8e6890 paid 76.2 BTS for 242 OPEN.GBG
759601a7 paid 0.1307 OPEN.GBG for 0.0518 BTS
759601a7 paid 0.00003 OPEN.GBG for 0.00001 BTS
5da9ca79 paid 4.01 OPEN.GBG for 1.59 BTS
8991d8b6 paid 64.2 OPEN.GBG for 25.44 BTS
0972b440 paid 48.6 OPEN.GBG for 19.26 BTS
817fc64a paid 8.43 OPEN.GBG for 3.34 BTS
dc973dd7 wants 242 OPEN.GBG for 76.2 BTS
dc973dd7 wants 49.7 BTS for 125.4 OPEN.GBG
6ccde353 cancel orders (2)
94b75678 paid 167.7 OPEN.GBG for 66.9 BTS
f5c5bd3b paid 34 BTS for 104.3 OPEN.GBG
07589bf7 cancel order
07589bf7 wants 75.8 BTS for 190 OPEN.GBG
29172c47 cancel order
29172c47 wants 78.5 BTS for 190 OPEN.GBG
018a84da cancel order
018a84da wants 82.6 BTS for 190 OPEN.GBG
05bbe642 wants 232 OPEN.GBG for 75.5 BTS
05bbe642 wants 90.4 BTS for 190 OPEN.GBG
f450b69a cancel order
d1ea2118 paid 0.1505 OPEN.GBG for 0.0767 BTS
1b5b22bc cancel order
1b5b22bc wants 60.6 BTS for 119 OPEN.GBG
7a1157e2 cancel order
7a1157e2 wants 64 BTS for 119 OPEN.GBG
ed173b61 paid 72.3 BTS for 152 OPEN.GBG
855d3b46 wants 152 OPEN.GBG for 72.3 BTS
855d3b46 wants 68.3 BTS for 119 OPEN.GBG
0b4a4534 paid 81.5 OPEN.GBG for 46.3 BTS
1a7a4068 paid 56.2 BTS for 129.9 OPEN.GBG
f07104b5 paid 0.958 BTS for 2.215 OPEN.GBG
05cd34a1 paid 19.53 BTS for 45.2 OPEN.GBG
553311f8 paid 19.53 BTS for 45.2 OPEN.GBG
56c112b7 paid 5.43 BTS for 12.56 OPEN.GBG
4d70b370 paid 9.53 BTS for 22.05 OPEN.GBG
34099174 wants 257 OPEN.GBG for 111.1 BTS
34099174 wants 46.3 BTS for 81.5 OPEN.GBG
8877be70 paid 101.5 OPEN.GBG for 57.7 BTS
5d777a8e cancel order
5d777a8e wants 57.7 BTS for 101.5 OPEN.GBG
00d4ef90 cancel order
00d4ef90 wants 242.6 BTS for 101.5 OPEN.GBG
2f3f571e cancel order
2f3f571e wants 273 BTS for 101.5 OPEN.GBG
1673ec44 cancel order
1673ec44 wants 591 BTS for 101.5 OPEN.GBG
7a20c292 cancel order
7a20c292 wants 666 BTS for 101.5 OPEN.GBG
12cf26df cancel order
12cf26df wants 757 BTS for 101.5 OPEN.GBG
9292400f cancel order
9292400f wants 854 BTS for 101.5 OPEN.GBG
02e5ad43 wants 965 BTS for 101.5 OPEN.GBG
bd494534 cancel order
5371bf77 cancel order
5371bf77 wants 660 BTS for 61.4 OPEN.GBG
f7d426eb cancel order
f7d426eb wants 747 BTS for 61.4 OPEN.GBG
e34741fb wants 845 BTS for 61.4 OPEN.GBG
2baf953e cancel order
b85eb607 sent 0.009 CEMENT to
8a29a818 wants 708 BTS for 45.5 OPEN.GBG
85df6124 cancel order
cf5fe9e1 cancel order
cf5fe9e1 wants 275 BTS for 17.65 OPEN.GBG
0786893b cancel order
0786893b wants 311.6 BTS for 17.65 OPEN.GBG
31f99f5d cancel order
31f99f5d wants 453 BTS for 17.65 OPEN.GBG
b9eacf1c cancel order
b9eacf1c wants 514 BTS for 17.65 OPEN.GBG
virtual paid 0.00001 OPEN.GBG for 0.00032 BTS
d8e036f4 cancel order
d8e036f4 wants 588 BTS for 17.65 OPEN.GBG
virtual paid 0.00001 OPEN.GBG for 0.00036 BTS
a8691489 cancel order
a8691489 wants 669 BTS for 17.65 OPEN.GBG
virtual paid 0.00001 OPEN.GBG for 0.00042 BTS
6288173a wants 762 BTS for 17.65 OPEN.GBG
1bad1fdf paid 202 BTS for 399 OPEN.GBG
f223c59a paid 142.2 OPEN.GBG for 157.2 BTS
23853d35 wants 399 OPEN.GBG for 202 BTS
23853d35 wants 157.2 BTS for 142.2 OPEN.GBG
1c41e831 cancel order
8a2fdaee cancel order
8a2fdaee wants 714 BTS for 11.11 OPEN.GBG
64df6ff1 wants 811 BTS for 11.11 OPEN.GBG
8b700f57 cancel order
2002c51b paid 0.462 OPEN.GBG for 0.379 BTS
virtual cancel order
e9731278 paid 5.3 OPEN.GBG for 4.34 BTS
3a61e0e2 paid 2.493 OPEN.GBG for 2.04 BTS
6b3d10a1 paid 2.493 OPEN.GBG for 2.04 BTS
c910e6ea paid 2.39 OPEN.GBG for 1.957 BTS
363d9cc7 paid 5.3 OPEN.GBG for 4.34 BTS
b232eb23 paid 63.4 OPEN.GBG for 51.9 BTS
1d090939 paid 14.23 OPEN.GBG for 11.66 BTS
cb8b689e wants 120.6 OPEN.GBG for 75 BTS
cb8b689e wants 78.7 BTS for 96.1 OPEN.GBG
9b3f42f7 cancel orders (2)
7d3d7b12 cancel order
7d3d7b12 wants 217.3 OPEN.GBG for 133.7 BTS