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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.276 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.097 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.276
WWW.ETH 0.0004
31c73681 sent 0.0002 WWW.ETH to
39d2969f sent 0.0002 WWW.ETH to
41ceb98d sent 1,045 BTS to
76619096 wants 1,045 BTS for 4,503 CNY
virtual paid 4,503 CNY for 1,045 BTS
707eeb01 cancel order
3b5b157a wants 1,045 BTS for 4,503 CNY
3a26f7ba wants 4,502 CNY for 29,856 SEER
virtual paid 36.2 SEER for 5.5 CNY
virtual paid 88.8 SEER for 13.38 CNY
virtual paid 2,107 SEER for 318 CNY
virtual paid 1,500 SEER for 226 CNY
virtual paid 26,124 SEER for 3,939 CNY
1e9e46f1 cancel order
51cb08ef wants 4,538 CNY for 29,856 SEER
62428b54 paid 3,400 CNY for 14,931 SEER
25e0d1c6 wants 14,931 SEER for 3,400 CNY
0a066534 wants 3,401 CNY for 49.3 WWW.EOS
virtual paid 49.3 WWW.EOS for 3,401 CNY
b00ade8f paid 2,050 CNY for 8,897 SEER
9e2bdd88 wants 8,897 SEER for 2,050 CNY
52137202 cancel order
97a85f2f cancel order
45a35004 cancel order
8af6ff55 paid 1,400 CNY for 6,058 SEER
156d1aa7 wants 6,058 SEER for 1,400 CNY
ed83bccd wants 100 WWW.NULS for 2,010 CNY
af05818a wants 610 CNY for 8.25 WWW.EOS
3b2d79f5 wants 690 CNY for 9.2 WWW.EOS
802236d8 wants 1,380 CNY for 20 WWW.EOS
virtual paid 20 WWW.EOS for 1,380 CNY
2e9631fe cancel order
14f89875 wants 2,070 CNY for 30 WWW.EOS
virtual paid 30 WWW.EOS for 2,070 CNY
3aa61261 wants 3,500 CNY for 50 WWW.EOS