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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00253 BTS
Lifetime fees paid81.6 BTS
Cashback/vesting0 BRIDGE.BCO


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00253
BRIDGE.BCO 0.001845
BRIDGE.BTC 0.000785
BRIDGE.COG 0.00287
BRIDGE.ETH 0.000019
1d10936c sent 0.00000007 BRIDGE.BTC to
67386b10 sent 0.00000002 BRIDGE.BTC to
87e9de01 sent 0.00000002 BRIDGE.BTC to
76eaca62 sent 0.00000014 BRIDGE.BTC to
584c4fc4 sent 0.00000019 BRIDGE.BTC to
477cf496 sent 0.00000028 BRIDGE.BTC to
241d2f24 sent 0.00000028 BRIDGE.BTC to
fc5e9475 sent 0.0001066 BRIDGE.BCO to
fc5e9475 sent 0.00000034 BRIDGE.BTC to
da995af6 sent 0.00000054 BRIDGE.BTC to
8e6a0983 paid 1.236 BRIDGE.MONA for 0.000414 BRIDGE.BTC
32540dff withdraw 48.5 BRIDGE.BCO from vesting
cd104c7a cancel order
38f8a535 wants 44.2 BRIDGE.SMART for 0.0002108 BRIDGE.BTC
f098a307 paid 0.00628 BRIDGE.BTC for 50.9 BRIDGE.BCO
579a5823 wants 50.9 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00628 BRIDGE.BTC
00b2bdbb cancel order
448bd10e wants 51.6 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00628 BRIDGE.BTC
f4b7859c paid 0.707 BRIDGE.CBS for 0.00000067 BRIDGE.BTC
6d6fc6aa wants 0.00000067 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.707 BRIDGE.CBS
9b8ec6a6 wants 0.000414 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.236 BRIDGE.MONA
1c262f91 cancel order
b67added wants 0.000383 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.236 BRIDGE.MONA
c60186ba wants 0.000285 BRIDGE.BTC for 185 BRIDGE.COG
virtual paid 185 BRIDGE.COG for 0.000285 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
0e611433 cancel order
ac6728b9 wants 0.0000671 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,237 BRIDGE.BSX
virtual paid 2,237 BRIDGE.BSX for 0.0000671 BRIDGE.BTC
68bd63db cancel orders (2)
d636786e wants 0.000576 BRIDGE.BTC for 185 BRIDGE.COG
0d91f42c cancel order
5d86dedd wants 0.001087 BRIDGE.BTC for 185 BRIDGE.COG
15151300 cancel order
dbc8966a paid 218.5 BRIDGE.COG for 0.00068 BRIDGE.BTC
4bd0059c wants 0.001255 BRIDGE.BTC for 404 BRIDGE.COG
f6a3d3a0 cancel order
cb3497eb wants 0.000136 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,237 BRIDGE.BSX
737356bf wants 0.0001 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.BSX
12d158e9 cancel order
0575424a cancel order
30f42a4b wants 0.00134 BRIDGE.BTC for 404 BRIDGE.COG
570b77cd cancel order
40fe1060 paid 1,000 BRIDGE.BSX for 0.00006 BRIDGE.BTC
799931ad wants 0.001473 BRIDGE.BTC for 404 BRIDGE.COG
0cece9d5 cancel order
5bf82929 wants 0.0052 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,352 BRIDGE.PRTX
virtual paid 2,352 BRIDGE.PRTX for 0.0052 BRIDGE.BTC
1540668d cancel order
ae9a0975 wants 0.000099 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,237 BRIDGE.BSX
a8155446 wants 0.00007 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.BSX
b32d81ba wants 0.00006 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.BSX
1770396c wants 0.000865 BRIDGE.BTC for 347 BRIDGE.PRTX
ac407ee8 cancel order
214f6583 wants 0.000914 BRIDGE.BTC for 347 BRIDGE.PRTX
b61e68d0 wants 0.001473 BRIDGE.BTC for 404 BRIDGE.COG
350cbcea cancel order
a3e8079f wants 0.002625 BRIDGE.BTC for 404 BRIDGE.COG