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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight1.528 BTS
Lifetime fees paid26.8 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 1.528
BADCOIN 10,000
e6c224d7 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
255012e4 sent 10.53 MKR to
09a06997 sent 0.00432 OPEN.ETH to
326a4307 sent 19,770 BTS to
73930e00 cancel order
e2126d99 wants 42,133 BTS for 10.53 MKR
9b9d13c7 wants 15,659 BTS for 447 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 19.4 BLOCKPAY for 777 BTS
virtual paid 13.5 BLOCKPAY for 540 BTS
virtual paid 216.7 BLOCKPAY for 8,667 BTS
virtual paid 51.2 BLOCKPAY for 1,982 BTS
virtual paid 146.6 BLOCKPAY for 5,651 BTS
8263037a cancel order
41bb97ad wants 49,548 BTS for 11 MKR
a4079cec paid 0.1006 MKR for 453 BTS
c43d4b39 paid 0.0578 MKR for 260.3 BTS
e49e0962 paid 0.319 MKR for 1,436 BTS
ec0ab2e1 cancel order
89debb11 sent 6,650 BTS to
8d3f6c78 sent 31 BTS to
1d9e425c sent 31 BTS to
d5e81a50 wants 23,087 BTS for 550 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 16.22 BLOCKPAY for 681 BTS
virtual paid 144 BLOCKPAY for 6,050 BTS
c509ef96 paid 4,995 BTS for 135.8 BLOCKPAY
f4f3441d wants 135.8 BLOCKPAY for 4,995 BTS
3ea456d7 paid 2,360 BTS for 62.1 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 4,995 BTS for 138.7 BLOCKPAY
ae198c48 wants 138.7 BLOCKPAY for 4,995 BTS
fb66eefa wants 62.1 BLOCKPAY for 2,360 BTS
5e76339f sent 0.0878 OPEN.ETH to
511c2fdd sent 0.2516 OPEN.MKR to
70112813 cancel order
6e5f179c wants 3.25 MKR for 10.09 OPEN.ETH
1b7d1305 paid 12.63 OPEN.ETH for 3.89 MKR
55ce5059 paid 10.27 OPEN.ETH for 3.16 MKR
14bb57ae wants 7.05 MKR for 22.9 OPEN.ETH
89161673 wants 2.38 MKR for 8.09 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 8.09 OPEN.ETH for 2.38 MKR
4fd123bf cancel order
b640306b wants 10 MKR for 31 OPEN.ETH
a918e675 wants 0.565 MKR for 1.922 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 1.922 OPEN.ETH for 0.565 MKR
a6fd7285 cancel order
d1f5b6b1 wants 0.594 MKR for 1.99 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.067 OPEN.ETH for 0.02 MKR
cf8bf92e cancel order
e284b3dd paid 3 OPEN.ETH for 1 MKR
86fcfe47 wants 1.663 MKR for 4.99 OPEN.ETH