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BitShares Block Explorer



3 75%
BTS7EbKbaF6stFRnm47g9gVqDARoR8Fxet9y4MUtmZfei5K2UbjWV 1 25%
Threshold 3 75%
2 66.7%
BTS7Q81ADiy6sCoqCTiRi2UwyFpbs2agc6gdae3fcd4ut7HJCnA8q 1 33.3%
Threshold 2 66.7%
Votes asnobody
Voting weight1.237 BTS
Lifetime fees paid5.9 BTS
Blacklisting accounts


Asset Balance
BTS 1.237
EIGHT.UNI 0.000002
1d0652ac update account/votes
f9056d79 sent 2,366 BTS to
30a5ca65 sent 5 BTS to
a9e127d3 sent 7.54 OPEN.ETH to
94da9f3c sent 0.5 OPEN.ETH to
af36a47c paid 500 EIGHT.UNI for 5 OPEN.ETH
virtual cancel order
5c83141a paid 305 EIGHT.UNI for 3.05 OPEN.ETH
dd12738d paid 0.00052 OPEN.ETH for 2.444 BTS
d2cee2d6 paid 0.1435 OPEN.ETH for 674 BTS
b8aa5b1a paid 0.02555 OPEN.ETH for 120 BTS
e7c9ef6e wants 2,372 BTS for 0.505 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.15 OPEN.ETH for 705 BTS
virtual paid 0.0608 OPEN.ETH for 286 BTS
virtual paid 0.1232 OPEN.ETH for 579 BTS
virtual paid 0.001202 OPEN.ETH for 5.65 BTS
f6046f88 paid 50.5 EIGHT.UNI for 0.505 OPEN.ETH
b28a013a sent 6,908 BTS to
ae6bbd4b wants 8.56 OPEN.ETH for 856 EIGHT.UNI
5cf2e152 paid 0.052 OPEN.ETH for 232.5 BTS
79a098d8 paid 0.000001 OPEN.ETH for 0.00447 BTS
57e48c0c wants 6,835 BTS for 1.53 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.407 OPEN.ETH for 1,837 BTS
virtual paid 0.952 OPEN.ETH for 4,255 BTS
virtual paid 0.1185 OPEN.ETH for 530 BTS
52c5986c update proposal 1.10.36736
virtual update account/votes
1c57658e cancel order
8f9bcdbc wants 8.56 OPEN.ETH for 856 EIGHT.UNI
65663894 wants 0.796 OPEN.ETH for 256.7 EIGHT.UNI
virtual paid 256.7 EIGHT.UNI for 0.796 OPEN.ETH
b1da26e8 cancel order
8fc8ce89 wants 11.12 OPEN.ETH for 1,112 EIGHT.UNI
8274cffe update proposal 1.10.36282
virtual update account/votes
c227215d update proposal 1.10.36313
virtual update account/votes
abd921af wants 56.8 BTS for 0.596 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 0.596 OPEN.EOS for 56.8 BTS
f2132500 sent 13,978 BTS to
7dcdf521 cancel order
8688ae6c sent 394 OPEN.EOS to
85f478b9 sent 5.7 OPEN.EOS to
17c2a6a1 paid 150 BTS for 0.0313 OPEN.ETH
81245083 paid 417 BTS for 0.0869 OPEN.ETH
41ee3271 paid 408 BTS for 0.085 OPEN.ETH
dcd3568d paid 60.6 BTS for 0.01263 OPEN.ETH
745dd7f3 paid 560 BTS for 0.1168 OPEN.ETH
2897376c wants 3.65 OPEN.ETH for 17,499 BTS
virtual paid 1,135 BTS for 0.2366 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 792 BTS for 0.1652 OPEN.ETH
514090b1 cancel order
2a91e6ad wants 0.14 OPEN.BTC for 17,499 BTS
daa729e9 sent 17,451 BTS to
4a06535b sent 550 BTS to
b8081d6e paid 201.8 OPEN.EOS for 14,528 BTS
2491ce36 paid 15.4 OPEN.EOS for 1,110 BTS
59cee43e paid 16.8 OPEN.EOS for 1,210 BTS
b9286688 wants 18,001 BTS for 250 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 0.001312 OPEN.EOS for 0.0945 BTS
93da06bc paid 16 OPEN.EOS for 1,153 BTS
d8363528 sent 0.038 OPEN.BTC to
81ade5f6 wants 1.34 BTS for 0.00001595 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00001595 OPEN.BTC for 1.34 BTS
10701f3e paid 0.00169 BTS for 0.00000002 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
7692289c paid 110 BTS for 0.001308 OPEN.BTC
deaede26 paid 85 BTS for 0.00101 OPEN.BTC
6a08ab0c paid 48.3 BTS for 0.000574 OPEN.BTC
dde41765 paid 321 BTS for 0.00382 OPEN.BTC
90826a77 paid 36 BTS for 0.000428 OPEN.BTC
88318a46 paid 170 BTS for 0.00202 OPEN.BTC
7d4c53eb paid 60.1 BTS for 0.000714 OPEN.BTC
a21d5bc2 wants 0.0147 OPEN.BTC for 1,238 BTS
virtual paid 407 BTS for 0.00484 OPEN.BTC
9b24ac39 cancel order
878d3d70 paid 702 BTS for 0.00835 OPEN.BTC
254be90a wants 0.0381 OPEN.BTC for 3,206 BTS
virtual paid 354 BTS for 0.00421 OPEN.BTC
3cd515d7 paid 912 BTS for 0.01085 OPEN.BTC
566066c9 paid 40 OPEN.EOS for 3,206 BTS
80086cf6 wants 3,206 BTS for 40 OPEN.EOS