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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid15.93 BTS
a97a313a sent 3,393 BTS to
c04c1aa9 paid 0.0001 CNY for 0.0002 BTS
7c9c9c3e wants 282.3 BTS for 137.3 CNY
e1c9b9ea paid 45.8 CNY for 94.1 BTS
e7ee992c paid 45.8 CNY for 94.1 BTS
adb6caa4 paid 45.8 CNY for 94.1 BTS
538ee682 cancel order
0a7b3072 wants 310.3 BTS for 137.3 CNY
d099a660 cancel order
e4e575f1 cancel order
c9ba9a2b wants 3,392 BTS for 1,636 CNY
b689cbf4 paid 1,499 CNY for 3,108 BTS
b41fde0d wants 0.0001 CNY for 1.107 BTSUCN
21158187 cancel order
b96b63e5 wants 0.0001 CNY for 1.107 BTSUCN
e6a8efc0 cancel order
81584e1b wants 0.0001 CNY for 1.107 BTSUCN
93628ca3 wants 1,155 CNY for 15,613,728 BTSUCN
virtual paid 15,613,727 BTSUCN for 1,157 CNY
virtual cancel order
98c2a9f0 wants 480 CNY for 6,431,043 BTSUCN
virtual paid 6,431,043 BTSUCN for 481 CNY
virtual cancel order
8d9637d8 sent 3,730 BTS to
56f327d5 wants 3,676 BTS for 722 CNY
virtual paid 722 CNY for 3,676 BTS
ffbf6d95 wants 621 CNY for 7,666,561 BTSUCN
virtual paid 7,666,560 BTSUCN for 629 CNY
virtual cancel order
c234cbf2 cancel order
e36d6e6c wants 784,298 BTSUCN for 94.1 CNY
4a8043a6 cancel order
7d4c9905 wants 941,157 BTSUCN for 94.1 CNY
63a36ba0 cancel order
c8870014 wants 784,298 BTSUCN for 94.1 CNY
8471f27e cancel order
61b98cbf wants 823 CNY for 5,484,245 BTSUCN
virtual paid 228,191 BTSUCN for 34.2 CNY
virtual paid 200,000 BTSUCN for 30 CNY
virtual paid 200,000 BTSUCN for 30 CNY
1b2df085 cancel order
de2414ce wants 1,606 CNY for 5,353,753 BTSUCN
33814dd7 cancel order
e6f34206 wants 944 CNY for 5,246,686 BTSUCN
05c24c4d sent 8,300 BTS to
d29a304a sent 3,000,000 BTSUCN to
8be46f0f cancel order
d4c76706 wants 4,612 BTS for 574 CNY
virtual paid 249 CNY for 2,000 BTS
virtual paid 325 CNY for 2,612 BTS
3742299d wants 6,632 CNY for 2,210,824 BTSUCN
bb97b3ff cancel order
3aa30a1a wants 5,859 CNY for 2,210,824 BTSUCN
8152ba05 cancel order
70ec38af wants 5,448 CNY for 1,816,034 BTSUCN
a7bc1970 cancel order
bb8e0f66 cancel order
07dcead7 wants 3,915 BTS for 574 CNY
8a80568e wants 4,651 CNY for 1,500,202 BTSUCN
f76c7232 paid 78,958 BTSUCN for 290 CNY
dbe9b3a3 wants 290 CNY for 78,958 BTSUCN
9dacb03b paid 78,958 BTSUCN for 285 CNY
60e4b356 wants 285 CNY for 78,958 BTSUCN
f79c2d7f paid 277.7 CNY for 1,244 BTS
17772757 wants 1,244 BTS for 277.7 CNY
c9433a03 paid 78,958 BTSUCN for 278 CNY
57283d67 wants 278 CNY for 78,958 BTSUCN
db4fc3d2 paid 323 CNY for 1,443 BTS
241c17f6 wants 2,442 BTS for 547 CNY
virtual paid 223.6 CNY for 999 BTS
1259ff30 cancel order
e92b3b4a wants 2,535 BTS for 547 CNY
9b22a5e7 paid 78,958 BTSUCN for 282.7 CNY
187b756e wants 282.7 CNY for 78,958 BTSUCN
579a3b44 wants 263.7 CNY for 78,958 BTSUCN
virtual paid 78,958 BTSUCN for 264.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
f0e23969 sent 10,700 BTS to
db35abea sent 200 BTS to
920ede45 wants 10,967 BTS for 2,476 CNY
virtual paid 2,476 CNY for 10,967 BTS
12be780f wants 995 CNY for 315,832 BTSUCN
virtual paid 315,832 BTSUCN for 1,014 CNY
virtual cancel order
fb2a6340 cancel order
564bc5fb wants 6,590 BTS for 1,464 CNY
169f9c49 wants 245 CNY for 78,958 BTSUCN
virtual paid 78,958 BTSUCN for 245 CNY
virtual cancel order
21149d51 wants 245 CNY for 78,958 BTSUCN
a5b3568e paid 78,958 BTSUCN for 245 CNY
0c674627 wants 245 CNY for 78,958 BTSUCN
virtual paid 78,958 BTSUCN for 245 CNY
1c82373b paid 78,958 BTSUCN for 243.6 CNY
18438512 wants 243.6 CNY for 78,958 BTSUCN
cc7a7065 wants 243.3 CNY for 78,958 BTSUCN
virtual paid 78,958 BTSUCN for 243.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
700099c6 cancel order
c17bf986 wants 243.6 CNY for 78,958 BTSUCN
ec88975e cancel order
d081b49f wants 243.6 CNY for 78,958 BTSUCN
d672ff54 cancel order
df10c699 wants 243.6 CNY for 78,958 BTSUCN
d547d51c cancel order
76d4c9a8 wants 243.6 CNY for 78,958 BTSUCN
3cb8a112 wants 243.6 CNY for 78,958 BTSUCN
virtual paid 78,958 BTSUCN for 243.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
76cb3a94 sent 2,130 BTS to
67c7146c wants 2,120 BTS for 734 CNY
virtual paid 734 CNY for 2,120 BTS
0e50a987 wants 730 CNY for 236,839 BTSUCN
virtual paid 236,839 BTSUCN for 734 CNY
virtual cancel order
2f6fbd3a cancel order
59cba0b4 paid 35.5 BTSUCN for 0.11 CNY
055199d8 wants 490 CNY for 157,916 BTSUCN
421e6cf8 sent 3,850 BTS to
1b3acdd8 wants 1,349 BTS for 488 CNY
virtual paid 488 CNY for 1,349 BTS
18d397e7 wants 244 CNY for 78,958 BTSUCN
virtual paid 78,958 BTSUCN for 245 CNY
virtual cancel order
819e10c5 cancel order
59290e6f wants 245 CNY for 78,958 BTSUCN
12e9a229 paid 78,958 BTSUCN for 244 CNY
a8f6cdd8 wants 244 CNY for 78,958 BTSUCN
866eae26 wants 2,482 BTS for 725 CNY
virtual paid 725 CNY for 2,482 BTS
67022994 wants 484 CNY for 157,916 BTSUCN
virtual paid 157,916 BTSUCN for 484 CNY
virtual cancel order
80abc138 wants 241.5 CNY for 78,958 BTSUCN
virtual paid 78,958 BTSUCN for 241.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
17b4b69f sent 22,100 BTS to
b5cb5a18 wants 656 BTS for 241 CNY
virtual paid 241 CNY for 656 BTS
f8df1192 wants 240 CNY for 78,958 BTSUCN
virtual paid 78,958 BTSUCN for 241 CNY
virtual cancel order
cf990017 paid 0.0001 CNY for 0.00038 BTS
526542d3 paid 402 CNY for 1,529 BTS
e74b7647 paid 543 CNY for 2,063 BTS
35bc34e2 wants 3,591 BTS for 945 CNY
cdf31687 cancel order
73995cfb wants 3,619 BTS for 945 CNY
5e1d69d2 cancel order
97ca8fe1 wants 3,630 BTS for 945 CNY
7c376e8c cancel order
0e8e7269 wants 3,675 BTS for 945 CNY
59087019 cancel order
1a73c4f3 wants 3,619 BTS for 945 CNY
bb09641a cancel order
9d752a48 wants 3,640 BTS for 963 CNY
virtual paid 17.86 CNY for 67.6 BTS
87f7cd33 cancel order
39b28406 wants 3,687 BTS for 963 CNY
4d16b991 cancel order
74f1c221 wants 3,686 BTS for 963 CNY
5c1da828 cancel order
37cd12de wants 3,687 BTS for 963 CNY
1a05035f cancel order
610f2721 wants 3,687 BTS for 963 CNY
4f3e33cb cancel order
15d0b394 wants 3,687 BTS for 963 CNY
406dfc87 cancel order
642ec18c wants 3,687 BTS for 963 CNY
a270cb13 cancel order
5fa632d6 wants 3,619 BTS for 963 CNY
4cd7a662 cancel order
a3ee727c wants 3,619 BTS for 963 CNY
bf4919d9 cancel order
db1d4fba wants 3,633 BTS for 963 CNY
74bc0fdf cancel order
519713f9 wants 3,813 BTS for 963 CNY
bac73bf1 cancel order
8307161d wants 3,849 BTS for 963 CNY
f33f763f cancel order
8aa7fa0e wants 3,866 BTS for 963 CNY
2ec3432d cancel order
c569b808 wants 3,866 BTS for 963 CNY
91f3bca9 cancel order
65589c5c wants 3,866 BTS for 963 CNY
1ffe78cb cancel order
d12b0234 wants 3,835 BTS for 963 CNY
1fe9ebb3 cancel order
24ee1d20 wants 3,836 BTS for 963 CNY
afcbc9fd cancel order
fb79c424 wants 3,837 BTS for 963 CNY
13a6ae56 cancel order
686fd464 wants 3,866 BTS for 963 CNY
a900c1be cancel order
b197e324 wants 3,878 BTS for 963 CNY
ba82063c cancel order
4bca6eba wants 3,878 BTS for 963 CNY
99edaea9 cancel order
e92d6949 wants 4,253 BTS for 963 CNY
5cfa82df cancel order