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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid26.3 BTS
b069e0bc sent 1,975 BTS to
f5fb382e paid 0.0001 CNY for 0.0002 BTS
84bc490f paid 174 CNY for 362 BTS
bccb198b wants 1,920 BTS for 923 CNY
b3453b2e paid 308 CNY for 640 BTS
0c00a2a9 paid 442 CNY for 918 BTS
72125b93 cancel order
96e338d0 wants 0.0001 CNY for 1.225 BTSUCN
990162a3 cancel order
369807d1 wants 0.0001 CNY for 1.225 BTSUCN
48033e40 wants 371 CNY for 5,617,582 BTSUCN
virtual paid 5,617,581 BTSUCN for 377 CNY
virtual cancel order
87d366cc cancel order
88bf663a wants 924 CNY for 13,777,915 BTSUCN
virtual paid 8,160,332 BTSUCN for 548 CNY
a7e077f8 wants 53 BTS for 29.3 CNY
virtual paid 29.3 CNY for 53 BTS
8d2ca402 wants 29.34 CNY for 390,413 BTSUCN
virtual paid 390,412 BTSUCN for 29.34 CNY
virtual cancel order
4fc30d0d sent 200 BTS to
09a90fda wants 205.7 BTS for 100.4 CNY
virtual paid 100.4 CNY for 205.7 BTS
3729a248 wants 100.4 CNY for 1,327,402 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,327,402 BTSUCN for 100.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
8b02872f cancel order
eed93f0b wants 111.7 CNY for 1,015,073 BTSUCN
ae97da67 sent 123 BTS to
cf0a1e8e wants 75.5 BTS for 22.87 CNY
virtual paid 22.87 CNY for 76.3 BTS
a378a033 wants 22.83 CNY for 312,330 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,425 BTSUCN for 2.013 CNY
virtual paid 284,903 BTSUCN for 20.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
9d97b48f wants 17.3 BTS for 5.75 CNY
virtual paid 0.0021 CNY for 0.00637 BTS
virtual paid 5.75 CNY for 17.37 BTS
c57a7c20 wants 5.74 CNY for 78,083 BTSUCN
virtual paid 78,083 BTSUCN for 5.75 CNY
virtual cancel order
ce5f97ca wants 33.4 BTS for 11.4 CNY
virtual paid 11.4 CNY for 33.4 BTS
672198ec wants 11.4 CNY for 156,164 BTSUCN
virtual paid 156,163 BTSUCN for 11.42 CNY
virtual cancel order
8b111012 sent 240 BTS to
5df15702 paid 69 CNY for 175 BTS
e4670a50 wants 175 BTS for 69 CNY
af3c0dfe wants 68.9 CNY for 936,988 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,950 BTSUCN for 0.2927 CNY
virtual paid 933,038 BTSUCN for 68.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
c6de6638 wants 67.2 BTS for 25.75 CNY
virtual paid 25.75 CNY for 67.2 BTS
34f04f4c paid 234,246 BTSUCN for 25.77 CNY
682f44d2 wants 25.77 CNY for 234,246 BTSUCN
647f7192 sent 2 BTS to
50afae66 sent 520 BTS to
6f812520 paid 148.7 CNY for 521 BTS
e533f0e3 wants 521 BTS for 148.7 CNY
648d0405 cancel order
7f54628b wants 521 BTS for 148.7 CNY
df0a1911 cancel order
d80ed607 wants 521 BTS for 148.7 CNY
affa38de wants 148.4 CNY for 2,108,214 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,108,214 BTSUCN for 148.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
8a8ac8b7 sent 840 BTS to
2f12585b wants 846 BTS for 155.6 CNY
virtual paid 155.6 CNY for 846 BTS
177204e0 wants 155.8 CNY for 1,639,722 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,639,722 BTSUCN for 155.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
6d9f3f39 cancel order
00c8fce5 wants 196.8 CNY for 1,639,722 BTSUCN
2e111517 sent 33,677 BTS to
d8c3e9e0 wants 884 BTS for 163 CNY
virtual paid 163 CNY for 886 BTS
377dc519 wants 137.4 CNY for 858,902 BTSUCN
virtual paid 858,902 BTSUCN for 163.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
7fedb7de paid 694 CNY for 4,924 BTS
d844a688 wants 5,526 BTS for 779 CNY
virtual paid 84.8 CNY for 601 BTS
22981679 cancel order
9e76ed5d wants 5,526 BTS for 779 CNY
68ddcba2 wants 755 CNY for 3,513,690 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,513,690 BTSUCN for 780 CNY
virtual cancel order
f9fd1632 cancel order
e6a0aa70 cancel order
84024c9e wants 200 CNY for 78,082 BTSUCN
0a1096b5 paid 391 CNY for 3,118 BTS
94a79fb9 wants 3,118 BTS for 391 CNY
e01d853e wants 233.5 CNY for 78,082 BTSUCN
34632d8d paid 77,396 BTSUCN for 195 CNY
virtual paid 78,082 BTSUCN for 196.8 CNY
cfb6bc37 wants 196.8 CNY for 78,082 BTSUCN
7279255c wants 2,918 BTS for 368 CNY
virtual paid 368 CNY for 2,926 BTS
f9a9c9c6 wants 368 CNY for 156,164 BTSUCN
virtual paid 156,164 BTSUCN for 368 CNY
virtual cancel order
8909e07d cancel order
2e54dda5 wants 4,353 BTS for 554 CNY
virtual paid 554 CNY for 4,411 BTS
62efc3e2 wants 555 CNY for 234,246 BTSUCN
virtual paid 234,246 BTSUCN for 555 CNY
virtual cancel order
219f127d cancel order
9e205657 wants 588 CNY for 234,246 BTSUCN
1e4334d7 cancel order
20f5052e cancel order
a078b772 wants 7,700 BTS for 980 CNY
virtual paid 980 CNY for 7,802 BTS
71ef7566 wants 394 CNY for 156,164 BTSUCN
70c09fad cancel order
9c24e108 paid 245 BTSUCN for 0.618 CNY
7a125a48 paid 440 BTSUCN for 1.11 CNY
1d465f34 wants 196.8 CNY for 78,082 BTSUCN
808d03d2 cancel order
8a24a19c paid 78,082 BTSUCN for 196 CNY
edf6c0d6 wants 196 CNY for 78,082 BTSUCN
e0a75933 paid 312,328 BTSUCN for 784 CNY
72fd7819 wants 784 CNY for 312,328 BTSUCN
0fa5d5af cancel order
741ac8e9 wants 232.7 CNY for 78,082 BTSUCN
40788204 wants 415 CNY for 156,164 BTSUCN
ce854f43 wants 467 CNY for 156,164 BTSUCN
cb22b1e5 wants 934 CNY for 312,328 BTSUCN
599b5777 cancel order
b9ec6e65 sent 2 BTS to
d9c65b99 wants 215.5 CNY for 78,082 BTSUCN
8a975db7 cancel order
13919ded wants 226.4 CNY for 78,082 BTSUCN
4e95838c wants 233.5 CNY for 78,082 BTSUCN
f35effa2 paid 702 CNY for 4,600 BTS
5e66b0fd wants 4,600 BTS for 702 CNY
3241c93b wants 465 CNY for 156,164 BTSUCN
virtual paid 156,164 BTSUCN for 465 CNY
virtual cancel order
acef5e0d cancel order
5b286140 cancel order
bb94ef92 wants 232.7 CNY for 78,082 BTSUCN
2cca82b8 wants 238 CNY for 78,082 BTSUCN
d2060181 paid 78,082 BTSUCN for 237.4 CNY
afb51a9d wants 237.4 CNY for 78,082 BTSUCN
813ff5fb cancel order
e0503428 wants 4,394 BTS for 671 CNY
virtual paid 671 CNY for 4,394 BTS
9815384c paid 78,082 BTSUCN for 236.6 CNY
d3996091 wants 236.6 CNY for 78,082 BTSUCN
ef2b3ef5 cancel order
d02c42e2 wants 237.4 CNY for 78,082 BTSUCN
e14583ca cancel order
eb0b3c3a wants 241.3 CNY for 78,082 BTSUCN
b041667f wants 242 CNY for 78,082 BTSUCN
26ef9cd2 paid 78,082 BTSUCN for 241.3 CNY
326481ee wants 241.3 CNY for 78,082 BTSUCN
091a49b8 cancel order
1857ea3c wants 242 CNY for 78,082 BTSUCN
70146896 wants 192.6 CNY for 63,977 BTSUCN
virtual paid 63,977 BTSUCN for 194 CNY
virtual cancel order
6757207e sent 9,800,000 BTSUCN to
0b5b3650 wants 741,577 BTSUCN for 2,298 CNY
virtual paid 2,298 CNY for 741,601 BTSUCN
b97054e3 cancel order
1f0f7633 wants 749,318 BTSUCN for 2,322 CNY
virtual paid 23.9 CNY for 7,808 BTSUCN
1c30a591 cancel order
6a7fdea5 paid 1,365 CNY for 445,800 BTSUCN
a0f3c6ca paid 221 CNY for 72,214 BTSUCN
e556ac52 paid 2,248 CNY for 733,761 BTSUCN
9509c0f9 paid 490 CNY for 160,068 BTSUCN
bc7a3384 paid 57.4 CNY for 18,738 BTSUCN
629cf0d9 wants 2,188,706 BTSUCN for 6,704 CNY
9913307f wants 2,134,921 BTSUCN for 6,725 CNY
virtual paid 6,721 CNY for 2,168,183 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3.63 CNY for 1,172 BTSUCN
84d92c82 wants 13,430 CNY for 88,970 BTS
virtual paid 22,465 BTS for 3,396 CNY
virtual paid 66,177 BTS for 10,000 CNY
virtual paid 328 BTS for 49.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
ef4dd227 cancel order
4f629538 wants 5,460,958 BTSUCN for 16,929 CNY
virtual paid 26.6 CNY for 8,683 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,057 CNY for 671,694 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,459 CNY for 476,330 BTSUCN
virtual paid 43.4 CNY for 14,055 BTSUCN
virtual paid 13,343 CNY for 4,304,309 BTSUCN
d2eb009f paid 8,069 BTS for 1,220 CNY
virtual paid 25,136 BTS for 3,801 CNY
virtual paid 59,807 BTS for 9,043 CNY
virtual paid 650 BTS for 98.4 CNY
virtual paid 13,000 BTS for 1,966 CNY
virtual paid 1,323 BTS for 200 CNY