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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight1.25 BTS
Lifetime fees paid36.1 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.1923 0
DEEX 8.28 200,000
NOBLE 0.0002 0
FIRELOTTO 0.0001052 0
CBEXX 0.007 50,000
CRYPTOMAT 0.0008 0
MERCI 0.057 0
OPTIONS.19NO025C 0.01 0
749ca163 wants 0.817 DEEX for 995 MERCI
virtual paid 995 MERCI for 0.817 DEEX
virtual cancel order
d14478cd cancel order
37be7b5e sent 1,030 DEEX to
e8ae6ce6 wants 20 DEEX for 2 BTS
virtual paid 2 BTS for 20 DEEX
46e807e5 sent 1 DEEX to
cfbef219 sent 1 DEEX to
d5b6c858 sent 5 DEEX to
1e7fd52d sent 4,000 DEEX to
71343041 wants 69 DEEX for 1,000 MERCI
b4e3bc29 sent 1,000 DEEX to
08ddb21b wants 1,037 DEEX for 34,542 CRYPTOMAT
virtual paid 16,656 CRYPTOMAT for 500 DEEX
virtual paid 17,887 CRYPTOMAT for 537 DEEX
virtual cancel order
42fcfe9d sent 7 DEEX to
f863957a wants 107.3 DEEX for 38 BTS
virtual paid 38 BTS for 107.3 DEEX
virtual cancel order
98cf5c28 sent 495,778 DEEX to
73396996 cancel order
b4d7c698 cancel order
8e6fbbb4 sent 100,000 DEEX to
9183322f sent 100,000 DEEX to
35c964d7 wants 180 DEEX.ETH for 100,000 DEEX
bec7c4bc wants 1,056,723 BTS for 95,000 DEEX
b63fa976 paid 18,037 BTS for 13,875 DEEX
5570ec1c paid 25,951 BTS for 19,962 DEEX
f9f0091e wants 33,846 DEEX for 44,000 BTS
f4593af5 paid 11.65 BTS for 8.96 DEEX
c92cef6e cancel order
4469e0f8 cancel order
527e1f2a paid 3.78 BTS for 3 DEEX
d6c68a2e paid 16,380 BTS for 13,000 DEEX
a66c7c33 wants 39,683 DEEX for 50,000 BTS
409a6667 cancel order
2bb2a31f wants 39,841 DEEX for 50,000 BTS
f6844d81 cancel order
f9fbc364 cancel order
f69dd4f8 cancel order
87933a6b wants 7,994 DEEX for 10,000 BTS
13b5fe0d paid 17,000 BTS for 13,077 DEEX
6f30827b paid 52,000 BTS for 40,000 DEEX
8951c7eb wants 53,077 DEEX for 69,000 BTS
c42989ab cancel order
0dd471d0 wants 50,000 DEEX for 50,000 BTS
6c0c86cd wants 68,421 DEEX for 65,000 BTS
3633048a wants 56,170 USDTETHER for 50,000 DEEX
4cb5419a cancel order
19e0dbfc wants 56,170 USDTETHER for 1.123 DEEX
3040f6fb wants 672,500 BTS for 46,166 DEEX
42237bf8 cancel order
ef628b6a cancel order
89680469 cancel order
db1c8096 wants 4.94 DEEX.BTC for 50,000 DEEX
e7e15e1c wants 989,000 BTS for 100,000 DEEX
886bb4a3 cancel order
6624d48d wants 122.8 DEEX.ETH for 50,000 DEEX
b556ec67 cancel order
b290de20 wants 1,200,000 BTS for 100,000 DEEX
6275616e cancel order
618b785d wants 698,760 BTS for 100,000 DEEX
e148e865 cancel order
fbcdf8e8 wants 308 DEEX for 50,000 CBEXX
virtual paid 50,000 CBEXX for 308 DEEX
virtual cancel order
8cef1287 cancel order
ca455d95 wants 95,999 DEEX for 28,435 BTS
virtual paid 4,418 BTS for 15,000 DEEX
virtual paid 590 BTS for 2,000 DEEX
virtual paid 590 BTS for 2,000 DEEX
virtual paid 3,073 BTS for 10,381 DEEX
virtual paid 18,262 BTS for 61,655 DEEX
virtual paid 1,503 BTS for 5,074 DEEX
virtual cancel order
4f77fdc7 wants 2,850 DEEX for 50,000 CBEXX
62c03e33 cancel order
1fc45c91 wants 37.8 DEEX for 0.001928 DEEX.ETH
virtual paid 0.001928 DEEX.ETH for 37.8 DEEX
38ad5286 wants 95 DEEX.ETH for 100,000 DEEX
76e61b6f wants 499,740 BTS for 100,000 DEEX
f5be0438 cancel order
0b9c7da2 cancel order
d44de658 cancel order
6ce07ef3 wants 498,767 BTS for 100,000 DEEX
a95e7928 wants 12,283 DEEX for 50,000 CBEXX
c286209d wants 65.4 DEEX for 0.001928 DEEX.ETH
1d1dc4d1 wants 0.00193 DEEX.ETH for 52 DEEX
virtual paid 52 DEEX for 0.00193 DEEX.ETH
virtual cancel order
f35fc7cd wants 52.2 DEEX for 12 BTS
virtual paid 12 BTS for 52.2 DEEX
virtual cancel order
73a3c8ed wants 130 DEEX.ETH for 100,000 DEEX
c83b2cee cancel order
c3ebdff1 wants 10,230 CRYPTOMAT for 8,640 DEEX
virtual paid 8,640 DEEX for 10,230 CRYPTOMAT
be1f27f2 sent 100 DEEX to
439a3bad sent 100 DEEX to
eb264810 sent 100 DEEX to
715649a3 sent 100 DEEX to
7708a02d sent 100 DEEX to
4bc15b01 sent 100 DEEX to
9e30880e sent 100 DEEX to
96535aa6 sent 100 DEEX to
bff77de4 sent 100 DEEX to
2b0815f8 sent 100 DEEX to
92b85b11 sent 100 DEEX to
b1a1dccb sent 100 DEEX to
4063571c sent 100 DEEX to
49efaee8 sent 100 DEEX to
06250fc2 sent 100 DEEX to
008cef82 wants 145 DEEX.ETH for 50,000 DEEX
cfd4b423 cancel order
54b85995 cancel orders (2)
3a73ac6c cancel order
fe88b42f cancel order
442501d8 wants 1,176 DEEX for 0.0444 DEEX.ETH
virtual paid 0.0444 DEEX.ETH for 1,176 DEEX
47014b7e cancel order
9b137552 cancel order
0c6385c0 wants 44,910 USDTETHER for 9,000 DEEX
245fe825 wants 249,000 USDTETHER for 100,000 DEEX
761c27e3 wants 49,000 USDTETHER for 100,000 DEEX
812d3352 wants 199,000 USDTETHER for 100,000 DEEX
e610a3f0 wants 99,000 USDTETHER for 100,000 DEEX
196304c6 cancel order
12eb4bc4 wants 772 DEEX for 0.0224 DEEX.ETH
29bc7af9 wants 786 DEEX for 0.022 DEEX.ETH
f42b7af9 cancel order
2e88d607 wants 1,776 DEEX for 0.0444 DEEX.ETH
738fffc6 cancel order
5cf7f6ad wants 2,219 DEEX for 0.0444 DEEX.ETH
ee1f2996 wants 495,000 USDTETHER for 500,000 DEEX
a5dd3005 wants 1 DEEX for 0.35 BTS
virtual paid 0.35 BTS for 2.035 DEEX
777b32cb wants 1 DEEX for 0.172 BTS
virtual paid 0.172 BTS for 1 DEEX
0d059450 wants 1 DEEX for 0.172 BTS
virtual paid 0.172 BTS for 1 DEEX
a0fc4f44 sent 60 DEEX to
487fd681 sent 50 DEEX to
2b7bbb1c sent 50 DEEX to
93634971 sent 50 DEEX to
0628661b sent 50 DEEX to
dad07e22 sent 50 DEEX to
3cf95399 sent 50 DEEX to
9ca5b34a sent 50 DEEX to
14bcfc8b sent 50 DEEX to
52aee080 sent 50 DEEX to
d3dd6208 sent 50 DEEX to
f403a34f sent 50 DEEX to
d688dc39 sent 50 DEEX to
9b26d64e sent 50 DEEX to
0a4a999b sent 50 DEEX to
1b179bcf sent 50 DEEX to
c7514570 sent 50 DEEX to
9693743e sent 10 DEEX to
7d023917 sent 10 DEEX to
fe367f41 sent 10 DEEX to
da22ec5a sent 10 DEEX to
fbf7e034 sent 10 DEEX to
786c5df7 sent 10 DEEX to
3fba97f7 sent 10 DEEX to
808c4375 sent 10 DEEX to
23c62356 sent 3,983 DEEX to
01df0f9a paid 4,200 BTS for 31,818 DEEX
c57933b5 cancel order
c999aca3 wants 31,818 DEEX for 4,200 BTS
98f16e3b wants 52,413 DEEX for 7,359 BTS
virtual paid 37.9 BTS for 270 DEEX
virtual paid 1,708 BTS for 12,173 DEEX
virtual paid 2,373 BTS for 16,905 DEEX
virtual paid 1,384 BTS for 9,855 DEEX
virtual paid 1,856 BTS for 13,219 DEEX
a1d3e630 cancel order
124c288d wants 87,786 DEEX for 11,500 BTS
10d3a390 wants 28,498 USDTETHER for 29,998 DEEX
d492df7a sent 12,519 DEEX to
ae95e7bc cancel order
22e17654 paid 0.0025 CRYPTOMAT for 0.01 DEEX
753fc2b8 wants 7,093 DEEX for 1,773 CRYPTOMAT
c9c417d6 cancel order
76642657 cancel order
a5bb504e wants 2,530 DEEX for 440 BTS
virtual paid 17.37 BTS for 99.9 DEEX
virtual paid 423 BTS for 2,430 DEEX
79000bed wants 441 BTS for 0.1087 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.1087 OPEN.ETH for 441 BTS
323106a3 wants 0.82 BTS for 5 DEEX
virtual paid 5 DEEX for 0.82 BTS
27ecf872 sent 1,722 DEEX to
08000516 wants 5,000 USDQSTABLE for 10,000 DEEX
93bc8f70 wants 31,450 DEEX for 50,000 CBEXX
e5980a83 cancel order