立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight16.7 BTS
Lifetime fees paid75.5 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 16.7
BRIDGE.BCH 0.00000009
BRIDGE.BWK 0.0000935
VISACOM 0.00001
BRIDGE.LPC 0.0000398
NOBLE 0.0002
BRIDGE.LGS 0.0000386
BRIDGE.BIR 0.000223
9ab53a9b sent 0.0000398 BRIDGE.LPC to
85352ef2 sent 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO to
be85dca9 sent 0.0000935 BRIDGE.BWK to
a49638f2 sent 0.000223 BRIDGE.BIR to
10c79d92 sent 0.0000386 BRIDGE.LGS to
448d6c4c sent 0.00000009 BRIDGE.BCH to
b10f30e0 sent 0.1 BRIDGE.CRCO to
a5729b13 sent 0.0397 BRIDGE.LGS to
acd719ff sent 0.551 BRIDGE.BTC to
bbb99b09 cancel order
e5cb9265 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000526 BRIDGE.BTC
7b7cc991 paid 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000486 BRIDGE.BTC
29f639ab wants 0.00000486 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
01b479bb wants 0.00000481 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
virtual paid 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000485 BRIDGE.BTC
4c413322 paid 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000481 BRIDGE.BTC
ed8253f6 wants 0.00000481 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
0c141f1c paid 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000481 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000482 BRIDGE.BTC
f72c45c5 wants 0.00000481 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
2dbb0d71 wants 0.00000482 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
4a36dfcd paid 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000481 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000482 BRIDGE.BTC
a78b0b1b wants 0.00000482 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
0d10efea wants 0.00000481 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
8ce4e82a cancel orders (2)
7810256c wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000526 BRIDGE.BTC
9d91c97d wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000527 BRIDGE.BTC
bc9f4ea4 paid 0.00000033 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.000626 BRIDGE.LGS
virtual paid 0.00000526 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
543f2071 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000526 BRIDGE.BTC
459ef069 paid 0.00000528 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
ce190c3d wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000528 BRIDGE.BTC
72d6dca6 paid 0.00000528 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
virtual paid 0.00000494 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.00937 BRIDGE.LGS
4b77ac54 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000527 BRIDGE.BTC
e8903343 paid 0.00000529 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
16fb506e wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000528 BRIDGE.BTC
8b84065c wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000529 BRIDGE.BTC
887fc3d9 cancel orders (2)
5d038dac wants 0.00000493 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
7cf5c597 wants 0.00000494 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
a3cd98a1 cancel order
b8234330 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000493 BRIDGE.BTC
87cde935 paid 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000493 BRIDGE.BTC
c82b09ee wants 0.00000493 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
9cbd6094 paid 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000492 BRIDGE.BTC
02c43539 wants 0.00000492 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
9bff75a5 paid 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000486 BRIDGE.BTC
a472f3db wants 0.00000486 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
59a968b9 cancel order
9d472e72 wants 0.0000482 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0898 BRIDGE.LGS
766500c5 paid 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000481 BRIDGE.BTC
88637894 wants 0.00000481 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
0d404637 wants 0.1 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.0000538 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000538 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1 BRIDGE.LGS
8f5113ba cancel order
47e75ccc wants 0.1 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.0000537 BRIDGE.BTC
95cb0e4b paid 0.374 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000201 BRIDGE.BTC
7ddc4137 wants 0.000201 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.374 BRIDGE.LGS
196b9b0a cancel orders (2)
2b1cd1ca wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000532 BRIDGE.BTC
c97614ee wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000509 BRIDGE.BTC
0e8b939c cancel order
c48a1c09 wants 0.00000472 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
001670f4 cancel order
db80efba wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000509 BRIDGE.BTC
2d22daaf paid 0.00000538 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
3598bdb9 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000538 BRIDGE.BTC
0c91f7a2 paid 0.00000529 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
6b60400b wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000529 BRIDGE.BTC
1d7662fc cancel order
26bc38d4 wants 1 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.0005 BRIDGE.BTC
2b50372e cancel order
0edeeca2 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000529 BRIDGE.BTC
3e72e116 cancel order
560609de wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000519 BRIDGE.BTC
f9860572 paid 0.00000529 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
88b83d5f wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000529 BRIDGE.BTC
f95b343e wants 0.345 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.0001777 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0001777 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.345 BRIDGE.LGS
af3f5aec cancel order
baa2f9c6 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000514 BRIDGE.BTC
2713c5b6 cancel order
7c393397 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000514 BRIDGE.BTC
9178e7ab sent 0.374 BRIDGE.LGS to
5d7a57da cancel order
5ee7a80f wants 0.00000508 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
a9e4b450 paid 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000528 BRIDGE.BTC
c595e64e paid 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000521 BRIDGE.BTC
8bdbe0ec wants 0.00000521 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
0ffc91dd wants 0.00000528 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
b588a4c7 cancel order
5eb0e38a wants 0.00000546 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
a240ce4f cancel order
4dacc91e wants 0.0002204 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.394 BRIDGE.LGS
d7b50e73 cancel order
58e0cc66 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000603 BRIDGE.BTC
8d541ddb cancel order
053a9191 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000603 BRIDGE.BTC
aec090f4 cancel order
c57a12f8 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000604 BRIDGE.BTC
d6ae63ef cancel order
76cc36b4 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000605 BRIDGE.BTC
e9cef881 wants 0.0199 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00001164 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00001164 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0199 BRIDGE.LGS
c02538c2 paid 0.00000588 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
5a92db82 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000588 BRIDGE.BTC
2de20fc4 paid 0.00000594 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
d36e6650 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000594 BRIDGE.BTC
4f0daebb paid 0.00000597 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
0f6d78ec wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000597 BRIDGE.BTC
aff89f8b cancel order
1ac62ce7 wants 0.00000556 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
798371f5 wants 0.000437 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.775 BRIDGE.LGS
virtual paid 0.775 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000437 BRIDGE.BTC
c93c862b cancel order
7655672f wants 0.00155 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.75 BRIDGE.LGS
virtual paid 1.083 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000621 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.891 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000503 BRIDGE.BTC
58ec4652 wants 3 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.001793 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001793 BRIDGE.BTC for 3 BRIDGE.LGS
3de91f40 cancel order
1a40c783 wants 0.00000574 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
a5b88f1a wants 0.1 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.0000598 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000598 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1 BRIDGE.LGS
d7a2d936 paid 0.01997 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000012 BRIDGE.BTC
af2f946e wants 0.000012 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01997 BRIDGE.LGS
bf5848fd cancel order
29ebd610 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000634 BRIDGE.BTC
d03cdf2d paid 0.00000635 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
16aa67ea wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000635 BRIDGE.BTC
74b7962c paid 0.00000635 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
14cc3245 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000635 BRIDGE.BTC
f2ab8669 wants 0.01682 BRIDGE.BTC for 27.57 BRIDGE.LGS
virtual paid 27.57 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.01682 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
83010f4e wants 0.01874 BRIDGE.BTC for 30.7 BRIDGE.LGS
virtual paid 30.7 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.01874 BRIDGE.BTC
43b5c314 cancel order
4637b29a wants 0.0229 BRIDGE.BTC for 37.6 BRIDGE.LGS
virtual paid 16.25 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00991 BRIDGE.BTC
01546423 cancel order
f711493d wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000635 BRIDGE.BTC
e533cee5 cancel order
26b90f69 wants 0.001192 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.954 BRIDGE.LGS
virtual paid 1.954 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.001192 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
e637b02c cancel order
e937cfe1 paid 0.00000635 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
429599ae wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000635 BRIDGE.BTC
f4a90f40 cancel order
1b85a1a2 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000635 BRIDGE.BTC
8825facd wants 0.001244 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.944 BRIDGE.LGS
3c4e87df wants 1.928 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.001224 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001224 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.928 BRIDGE.LGS
4d128e94 cancel order
ed7e37fe wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000635 BRIDGE.BTC
29a6ba37 paid 0.00000638 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
a5f09b22 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000638 BRIDGE.BTC
645d7c9a cancel order
f18f8f17 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000638 BRIDGE.BTC
e66dd55d paid 0.00000639 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS
3f0abdb7 paid 0.088 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.0000564 BRIDGE.BTC
423cce30 paid 0.0979 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.0000626 BRIDGE.BTC
31b80a3e paid 0.1087 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.0000696 BRIDGE.BTC
a40cc738 paid 0.1208 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.0000773 BRIDGE.BTC
815eaec5 paid 0.1343 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000086 BRIDGE.BTC
c3f339e3 paid 0.1492 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.0000955 BRIDGE.BTC
06f45cf7 paid 0.1657 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000106 BRIDGE.BTC
0eb3e3b3 paid 0.184 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.0001179 BRIDGE.BTC
0cbbae85 paid 0.2046 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000131 BRIDGE.BTC
09f5f4e1 paid 0.2273 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.0001455 BRIDGE.BTC
9b0dd4c6 paid 0.2526 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.0001617 BRIDGE.BTC
0e06d792 paid 0.2807 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.0001796 BRIDGE.BTC
f3468cf9 paid 0.312 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.0001996 BRIDGE.BTC
94617362 paid 0.347 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.0002218 BRIDGE.BTC
98438616 paid 0.385 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.0002464 BRIDGE.BTC
9cd21cfc paid 0.428 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000274 BRIDGE.BTC
1439b479 paid 0.475 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000304 BRIDGE.BTC
4f55beab paid 0.528 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000338 BRIDGE.BTC
3c8846e6 paid 0.587 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000376 BRIDGE.BTC
fb887050 paid 0.652 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000417 BRIDGE.BTC
1937dcbc paid 0.724 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000464 BRIDGE.BTC
e9092587 paid 0.805 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000515 BRIDGE.BTC
7da4432c paid 0.894 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000572 BRIDGE.BTC
c7686db5 paid 0.994 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000636 BRIDGE.BTC
3dd84271 paid 1.104 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000707 BRIDGE.BTC
bbb8fc58 paid 1.227 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000785 BRIDGE.BTC
fccb4311 paid 1.363 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000872 BRIDGE.BTC
e1e743c6 paid 1.515 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00097 BRIDGE.BTC
b4b52271 paid 0.635 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.000407 BRIDGE.BTC
ee4c3a87 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000639 BRIDGE.BTC
53221e78 cancel order
db107e37 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00000639 BRIDGE.BTC
d5c012f9 wants 0.0573 BRIDGE.BTC for 89.5 BRIDGE.LGS
afed628e cancel order
0292d49a wants 1 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00064 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0000158 BRIDGE.LGS
virtual paid 0.00064 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.LGS
virtual paid 1 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00064 BRIDGE.BTC
c05da854 paid 0.0001818 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.287 BRIDGE.LGS
virtual paid 0.00387 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.12 BRIDGE.LGS
virtual paid 0.000182 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.287 BRIDGE.LGS