立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight1.845 BTS
Lifetime fees paid38.8 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 1.845
BADCOIN 10,000
b2700791 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
9dc8feca sent 126,291 BTS to
bc60cf81 paid 987 BLOCKPAY for 27,328 BTS
virtual paid 361 BLOCKPAY for 10,111 BTS
1559423f paid 12.53 BLOCKPAY for 347 BTS
a4da65b0 wants 27,674 BTS for 1,000 BLOCKPAY
c12ba43d paid 51.1 BLOCKPAY for 1,430 BTS
a9952dc7 paid 49.1 BLOCKPAY for 1,375 BTS
b1ca25e3 paid 87 BLOCKPAY for 2,434 BTS
bbde581b paid 179.3 BLOCKPAY for 5,019 BTS
10405005 paid 93 BLOCKPAY for 2,603 BTS
be2fd72f paid 179.6 BLOCKPAY for 5,028 BTS
db71775e paid 995 BLOCKPAY for 27,855 BTS
efcbe800 paid 1,529 BLOCKPAY for 42,764 BTS
c35cdbf2 cancel order
46d1e15d sent 41,151 BTS to
01a8a1f4 wants 42,764 BTS for 1,529 BLOCKPAY
9c7f83ca wants 12,782 BTS for 468 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 29.7 BLOCKPAY for 823 BTS
virtual paid 363 BLOCKPAY for 9,970 BTS
virtual paid 60.5 BLOCKPAY for 1,662 BTS
virtual paid 15.3 BLOCKPAY for 418 BTS
3f7cfbc3 paid 1.435 BLOCKPAY for 40.2 BTS
a034bb28 paid 4.38 BLOCKPAY for 122.7 BTS
f9f2698e wants 28,018 BTS for 1,001 BLOCKPAY
e659e13a wants 28,000 BTS for 1,000 BLOCKPAY
5c50373e paid 559 BLOCKPAY for 15,710 BTS
a50471b9 paid 441 BLOCKPAY for 12,405 BTS
c67f9ed3 sent 27,009 BTS to
193ec859 wants 28,116 BTS for 1,000 BLOCKPAY
cc4b820b paid 1,000 BLOCKPAY for 27,014 BTS
fcca4131 sent 760,025 BTS to
5cb9f2b9 cancel order
96ff7ca7 paid 1,160 BLOCKPAY for 31,088 BTS
17d741c1 wants 40,200 BTS for 1,500 BLOCKPAY
4493fbe8 wants 27,014 BTS for 1,000 BLOCKPAY
1fb389ee paid 1,197 BLOCKPAY for 31,722 BTS
965df21e paid 500 BLOCKPAY for 13,250 BTS
faa10356 paid 2,419 BLOCKPAY for 64,092 BTS
2dd02332 paid 420 BLOCKPAY for 11,123 BTS
632fa8ad paid 465 BLOCKPAY for 12,314 BTS
c14d7eba wants 132,500 BTS for 5,000 BLOCKPAY
6d0c8872 wants 0.14 OPEN.BTC for 1,000 BLOCKPAY
33d1f34d cancel order
5103ed4b wants 102,754 BTS for 5,110 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 42.1 BLOCKPAY for 853 BTS
virtual paid 29.1 BLOCKPAY for 588 BTS
virtual paid 55.6 BLOCKPAY for 1,121 BTS
virtual paid 4,983 BLOCKPAY for 100,202 BTS
e518d9ae cancel order
4d2e7a8e wants 102,842 BTS for 5,091 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 15.43 BLOCKPAY for 352 BTS
virtual paid 13.68 BLOCKPAY for 286 BTS
virtual paid 5,062 BLOCKPAY for 102,254 BTS
c225f175 wants 300,000 BTS for 15,000 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 10.45 BLOCKPAY for 251 BTS
virtual paid 0.5 BLOCKPAY for 12 BTS
virtual paid 100 BLOCKPAY for 2,286 BTS
virtual paid 100 BLOCKPAY for 2,285 BTS
virtual paid 21.74 BLOCKPAY for 496 BTS
virtual paid 16.34 BLOCKPAY for 373 BTS
virtual paid 146.3 BLOCKPAY for 3,204 BTS
virtual paid 3.77 BLOCKPAY for 82.7 BTS
virtual paid 900 BLOCKPAY for 18,990 BTS
virtual paid 12.06 BLOCKPAY for 254 BTS
virtual paid 500 BLOCKPAY for 10,500 BTS
virtual paid 1,550 BLOCKPAY for 31,315 BTS
virtual paid 1,730 BLOCKPAY for 34,949 BTS
virtual paid 9,909 BLOCKPAY for 200,158 BTS
104dabfc paid 74.8 BLOCKPAY for 1,870 BTS
9e0f4cc9 paid 9.36 BLOCKPAY for 234 BTS
aa3eccd5 paid 23.2 BLOCKPAY for 580 BTS
402c5487 paid 27.36 BLOCKPAY for 684 BTS
af322a84 paid 30.2 BLOCKPAY for 754 BTS
7b99c01a paid 30.2 BLOCKPAY for 754 BTS
b4c5116e paid 30.2 BLOCKPAY for 754 BTS
92f5e1db wants 250,000 BTS for 10,000 BLOCKPAY
98709120 paid 1,962 BLOCKPAY for 50,999 BTS
d985c3dd wants 2,851 BTS for 110.4 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 110.4 BLOCKPAY for 2,851 BTS
e5134c56 wants 2,851 BTS for 110.4 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 110.4 BLOCKPAY for 2,851 BTS
183665a4 wants 11,211 BTS for 434 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 434 BLOCKPAY for 11,211 BTS
2a2d3fcb wants 11,045 BTS for 428 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 428 BLOCKPAY for 11,045 BTS
adbddad9 wants 52,000 BTS for 2,000 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 31.1 BLOCKPAY for 847 BTS
virtual paid 7.4 BLOCKPAY for 193 BTS
893e7e87 wants 137,500 BTS for 5,000 BLOCKPAY
73ac6666 cancel order
77369042 wants 32,867 BTS for 1,000 BLOCKPAY
2b756049 sent 3,485,786 BTS to
2abdc9f3 sent 2,000,000 BTS to
b4493f2f sent 2,000,000 BTS to
2cb64217 sent 1,000,000 BTS to
0ef894fa paid 300 PEERPLAYS for 660,000 BTS
8a326402 wants 660,000 BTS for 300 PEERPLAYS
07c3174b cancel order
7c11cacb wants 690,000 BTS for 300 PEERPLAYS
8a0f4409 cancel order
1a4bc62a sent 500,000 BTS to
397ac261 paid 0.01804 PEERPLAYS for 39.7 BTS
4cbc02ec paid 100 PEERPLAYS for 220,000 BTS
9aa8d7db wants 220,040 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
114d0e2a paid 94.2 PEERPLAYS for 214,791 BTS
43a201e1 paid 5.79 PEERPLAYS for 13,209 BTS
33d28a71 sent 100,000 BTS to
cae93ac2 cancel order
d12bcced paid 330 PEERPLAYS for 692,790 BTS
eb30f6cc wants 692,790 BTS for 330 PEERPLAYS
33a395bd cancel order
e8f36898 cancel order
2a2a0618 paid 184.8 PEERPLAYS for 388,033 BTS
bd9f33d3 paid 71 PEERPLAYS for 149,049 BTS
75814726 wants 537,082 BTS for 256 PEERPLAYS
53fa3976 cancel order
f9bbd623 paid 100 PEERPLAYS for 210,000 BTS
0db7fc64 wants 210,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
ee74523e paid 100 PEERPLAYS for 210,000 BTS
5274569d wants 210,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
9fa8fc9d wants 220,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
c26f7baf paid 100 PEERPLAYS for 210,000 BTS
c4690321 wants 210,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
d7412b56 paid 200 PEERPLAYS for 420,000 BTS
e8649cc4 wants 420,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
5e1f0b7e paid 200 PEERPLAYS for 420,000 BTS
71ca15b2 wants 420,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
93ff098c paid 200 PEERPLAYS for 420,000 BTS
391df5a3 wants 420,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
b3b2a382 wants 228,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
195a5600 wants 228,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
58ade6ab paid 100 PEERPLAYS for 210,000 BTS
e0f2e2bb wants 300,000 BTS for 150 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 150 PEERPLAYS for 300,000 BTS
b19da4fb wants 210,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
7fb27223 paid 0.0004 PEERPLAYS for 0.939 BTS
169057a2 paid 0.0004 PEERPLAYS for 0.937 BTS
fa0c979b paid 0.0004 PEERPLAYS for 0.935 BTS
612f8e7f paid 0.0004 PEERPLAYS for 0.933 BTS
a8ef07c8 paid 0.0004 PEERPLAYS for 0.931 BTS
548da8f6 paid 0.0004 PEERPLAYS for 0.93 BTS
11dac5b1 paid 0.0004 PEERPLAYS for 0.928 BTS
8625ebbc paid 0.0004 PEERPLAYS for 0.926 BTS
d402e1ac paid 0.0004 PEERPLAYS for 0.924 BTS
b7fd6ec2 paid 0.0004 PEERPLAYS for 0.922 BTS
793d3aab paid 0.0391 PEERPLAYS for 89.9 BTS
a512bd0d paid 0.0389 PEERPLAYS for 89.5 BTS
d22d23fb wants 720,000 BTS for 300 PEERPLAYS
261c501e wants 529,000 BTS for 230 PEERPLAYS
ec173602 wants 459,310 BTS for 230 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 230 PEERPLAYS for 459,310 BTS
e6b5e3a7 paid 100 PEERPLAYS for 205,000 BTS
virtual paid 100 PEERPLAYS for 205,000 BTS
526aee39 wants 205,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
d7b5e282 cancel order
4b70a7cb paid 0.123 PEERPLAYS for 218.3 BTS
74f038b1 wants 218.3 BTS for 0.123 PEERPLAYS
4228a3c8 paid 3.93 PEERPLAYS for 7,474 BTS
8648a13e wants 262,650 BTS for 150 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 150 PEERPLAYS for 262,650 BTS
125695f6 cancel order
bc8b584e cancel order
a641779d paid 25.3 PEERPLAYS for 45,521 BTS
7fa4d4ba wants 131,150 BTS for 74.9 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 74.9 PEERPLAYS for 131,150 BTS
700c70e0 wants 180,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
920d30c7 paid 50 PEERPLAYS for 90,000 BTS
8251762b wants 180,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
4f0b2301 wants 580,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
392d0c7d wants 380,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
b2245656 wants 205,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
6e94e764 paid 50 PEERPLAYS for 92,500 BTS
virtual paid 100 PEERPLAYS for 190,000 BTS
162e68e0 cancel order
9021d2ce wants 350,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 200 PEERPLAYS for 350,000 BTS
b26fb105 wants 185,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
c8f6beba wants 92,500 BTS for 50 PEERPLAYS
9eb67df9 paid 250 PEERPLAYS for 450,000 BTS
308de394 wants 450,000 BTS for 250 PEERPLAYS
daa87b66 paid 200 PEERPLAYS for 360,000 BTS
d3862e3b wants 190,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
06e02a77 wants 360,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
fada618f paid 100 PEERPLAYS for 160,000 BTS
62d7364c wants 160,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
5946ce1f paid 200 PEERPLAYS for 330,000 BTS
b03c8319 paid 200 PEERPLAYS for 320,000 BTS
8ab83119 paid 200 PEERPLAYS for 260,000 BTS
7b9f47a0 wants 260,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
644226f8 paid 200 PEERPLAYS for 260,000 BTS
005068b8 cancel order
fc30d653 wants 260,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
3b2f356a wants 148,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
155047a7 cancel order
cee86543 wants 280,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
d44434d2 paid 100 PEERPLAYS for 130,000 BTS
cef50f33 wants 130,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
1b2f34d8 wants 320,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
c18352aa wants 330,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
8a6f6a4e paid 20 PEERPLAYS for 30,000 BTS