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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.01304 BTS
Lifetime fees paid5.71 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.01304
IPFS 3.007
BZBJB 39,332
CEMENT 0.006
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
1783ce5d sent 0.001 SWIFTCOIN to
d90c1c9f sent 0.006 CEMENT to
f81546b7 wants 3.8 CNY for 2 OPENETC
06a25899 wants 1.86 CNY for 1 OPENETC
f8c84a2b wants 3.7 CNY for 2 OPENETC
c1d3c918 wants 20 CNY for 10 OPENETC
db173408 paid 0.1 CNY for 1,000 BZBJB
5d99033f wants 50 CNY for 5 OPENETC
fbcdef82 cancel order
679e6478 wants 1,000 BZBJB for 0.1 CNY
9b3b0b18 paid 2.26 CNY for 2,259 BZBJB
20246d4c wants 2,259 BZBJB for 2.26 CNY
19fe85c4 wants 6,525 CNY for 290 OPENETC
34b8dbf7 wants 34,211 BZBJB for 65 CNY
virtual paid 65 CNY for 36,111 BZBJB
763a8776 paid 0.49 IPFS for 66.6 CNY
3a7f0265 wants 66.6 CNY for 0.49 IPFS
315a3d2e wants 59.3 BZBJB for 0.0889 CNY
virtual paid 0.0889 CNY for 63.5 BZBJB
b1b42cbd cancel order
dbb2cbf1 wants 800 BZBJB for 0.88 CNY
0c403c4e sent 1,000 CNY to
03a8cdd7 cancel order
59696293 cancel order
af851317 cancel order
1efddfa0 wants 10 OPENETC for 1 CNY
80119e35 wants 107 OPEN.DOGE for 12 CNY
virtual paid 12 CNY for 107.1 OPEN.DOGE
769fcd02 cancel order
0f55a432 paid 0.2 CNY for 2 OPENETC
81f239ca cancel order
1945b37d wants 25,000 CNY for 500 OPENETC
249d64b2 paid 1.96 CNY for 0.6 TENEX
5715f91b paid 0.98 CNY for 0.3 TENEX
bc9cdcdf wants 1 TENEX for 3.27 CNY
virtual paid 0.327 CNY for 0.1 TENEX
dd1742c4 wants 2 CNY for 1 OPENETC
86f702ad wants 1 OPENETC for 2 CNY
virtual paid 2 CNY for 1 OPENETC
fc9f5560 wants 1 OPEN.DOGE for 1 CNY
virtual paid 1 CNY for 14.4 OPEN.DOGE
6ebab0a1 wants 4,180 OPEN.DOGE for 280 CNY
virtual paid 194 CNY for 2,939 OPEN.DOGE
virtual paid 86 CNY for 1,284 OPEN.DOGE
cbe1357b wants 14.7 CNY for 3 OPENETC
06fb6c1a cancel order
adc57097 cancel order
3f9df757 wants 2 OPENETC for 0.2 CNY
57146930 wants 355 OPEN.DOGE for 23.05 CNY
virtual paid 23.05 CNY for 361 OPEN.DOGE
272c5228 cancel order
68e4e1f9 wants 361 OPEN.DOGE for 23.05 CNY
97ce59b9 wants 3.5 IPFS for 474 CNY
virtual paid 474 CNY for 3.5 IPFS
a2cb19e1 cancel order
e96c609e wants 3.8 IPFS for 475 CNY
a5b9bb85 wants 12 OPENETC for 0.6 CNY
6c28e8df wants 500 CNY for 1 OPENETC
550209af sent 80 BTS to
6affacc7 sent 50 BTS to
a22545e6 wants 50 CNY for 1 OPENETC
4e537952 cancel order
77f8b8ee wants 490 CNY for 10 OPENETC
f48a215c sent 100 CNY to
10de64ba sent 191 BTS to
68e892cf wants 123.2 BTS for 430 CNY
virtual paid 430 CNY for 124.6 BTS
77b8e764 sent 1,000 CNY to
d32856e5 sent 100 BTS to
bd1af214 sent 100 BTS to
0800c47f wants 266.7 BTS for 1,000 CNY
virtual paid 1,000 CNY for 267.4 BTS
f8c5041c sent 100 BTS to
ad6f5033 sent 100 BTS to
d06dbac1 sent 100 BTS to
634d7d95 sent 100 BTS to
290b5ad3 sent 100 BTS to
4e9ca6c3 wants 500 BTS for 1,850 CNY
virtual paid 1,850 CNY for 500 BTS
1bec0972 sent 100 BTS to
dd1e7f44 sent 100 BTS to
765ff465 sent 100 BTS to
0bc889c8 sent 100 BTS to
e05b69ce wants 400 BTS for 1,478 CNY
virtual paid 117.4 CNY for 31.9 BTS
virtual paid 1,361 CNY for 370 BTS
cd6245ce sent 99 BTS to
7743b7d1 sent 100 BTS to
29aa1f53 wants 200 BTS for 745 CNY
virtual paid 745 CNY for 200.2 BTS
296ec936 cancel order
93bb7d42 wants 200 BTS for 740 CNY
52afc3e6 sent 100 BTS to
d60ecc13 sent 100 BTS to
1583490a paid 738 CNY for 200 BTS
cc0c2c34 wants 200 BTS for 738 CNY
1a51efce sent 19 BTS to
edab9437 wants 26.2 BTS for 97 CNY
virtual paid 97 CNY for 26.2 BTS